Jobs in Philosophy in Americas

Bioethics Department, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland,
Post date: August 13, 2015
Bioethics Fellowship at the NIH
Deadline: December 31, 2015

Our interdisciplinary department strives to create an academic environment where our fellows have the freedom and support to develop and implement their own independent scholarship agenda, with guidance from faculty mentors. Post baccalaureate and post doctoral fellows participate in the activities and the intellectual life of the department and study ethical issues related to conduct of research, clinical practice, genetics and health policy. Fellows will conduct mentored theoretical and empirical research on a range of bioethical fields of interest. For a typical fellow, this research yields multiple first-authored publications in premier academic journals. In addition to research and writing, fellows participate in weekly bioethics seminars, case conferences, ethics consultations, and IRB deliberations, and have access to multiple educational opportunities at NIH. No prior bioethics experience is required or expected. Two-year positions begin in September 2016. Students planning to pursue MD, JD, PhD or other graduate degrees, or those who have achieved these degrees, are encouraged to apply. Salary is commensurate with Federal guidelines. Non US citizens are welcome to apply but MUST have a doctoral degree or currently be enrolled in graduate school.

Applications consist of: resume/CV, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, one or more writing sample(s) that demonstrate analytical or critical thinking ability (not to exceed 30 pages double-spaced collectively), three letters of recommendation (preferably from individuals familiar with your academic work), and a statement of interest (up to 1000 words) which may include discussion of how the fellowship fits into your career goals and potential topics you would like to investigate at the department. You may also choose to discuss how you can lend a unique perspective to the department or contribute to the department’s diversity. The NIH is dedicated to building a diverse community in its training and employment programs.

Apply on-line at All attachments should be pdf format.

For further information see or contact bioethics-inquiries [__at__] mail [dot] nih [dot] gov, or call 301/496-2429.

Employer Name: Clinical Center Department of Bioethics

Position Location:
Department of Bioethics
National Institutes of Health
10 Center Drive, Room 1C118
Bethesda, MD 20892-1156

Application Deadline Date:
Postdoc Application Deadline: Midnight December 31, 2015.
Predoc Application Deadline: Midnight January 15, 2016.

Princeton University,
Princeton, New Jersey,
Post date: August 10, 2015
Associate Professor or Professor - Moral, Political or Legal Philosophy/Political theory
Deadline: September 15, 2015

The University Center for Human Values at Princeton University invites applications from accomplished scholars in political theory and moral, political, social and legal philosophy, or closely related areas for appointment as (tenured) associate or full professor. We are especially eager to identify individuals whose interests would complement (rather than replicate) those of the Center’s existing faculty. The appointment will be joint with an appropriate department, most likely Philosophy or Politics.

We ask applicants to provide a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and the names of three referees. Applications should be submitted online at We cannot guarantee full consideration for applications received after September 15, 2015. We aim for an appointment effective September 2016.

Women and members of underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

This position is subject to the University's background check policy.

Princeton University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Princeton University,
Princeton, New Jersey,
Post date: August 10, 2015
Postdoctoral Positions in Values and Public Policy
Deadline: November 16, 2015

The University Center for Human Values and the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs invite applications for postdoctoral positions in Values and Public Policy. We aim to support highly promising scholars trained in moral and political philosophy, political theory, normative economics and related areas to develop a research agenda in the ethical dimensions of public policy.

Candidates selected will undertake a research project exploring a normative problem arising in an area of public policy in which the Woodrow Wilson School conducts research. They will be affiliated with a unit of the School that can inform and support their work. They will also be invited to participate in programs of the University Center for Human Values. Candidates will be expected to contribute one course each year to the School’s undergraduate or graduate program on a topic related to ethical issues in public policy, subject to sufficient enrollment and approval by the Dean of the Faculty.

Applicants must have completed the requirements for the Ph.D. by September 1, 2016 and must not have held the degree for more than three years by that date. They may not be employed by another institution during the term of their Princeton appointment.

Applicants’ dissertation research need not be specifically in values and public policy, but they will be expected to demonstrate a commitment to working on a research project in this area during their time at Princeton. Projects must be related to an area in which the School has a Center or Program (such as science and environmental policy, health and well-being, democratic institutions and processes, information technology policy or globalization and governance). For more information about these areas, please consult

Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the applicant’s previous accomplishments, the promise of the proposed research project in values and public policy, and the likelihood that the project will be enhanced by being carried out at the Woodrow Wilson School. The capacity to contribute to the University’s teaching program will also be taken into account.

Term of Appointment
The term of appointment is one year, normally beginning September 1, 2016, with the expectation of renewal for one further year assuming good performance. Applicants are expected to be in residence for the duration of the appointment. Princeton offers competitive salary and employee benefits.

How to Apply
You may submit an online application at Search for requisition number # 1500459. The online system includes instructions on how to apply. A complete application will include the following materials:

1. A current curriculum vitae;
2. A research proposal (not to exceed 1,500 words), conforming to the expectations stated above. Please identify the Woodrow Wilson School center or program with which you wish to be associated and briefly describe what you hope to gain from carrying out the project there. Also please supply an indicative title for the project at the beginning of the proposal;
3. A scholarly paper or dissertation chapter (not to exceed 12,000 words) representing your scholarly achievement or potential;
4. Contact information for two referees, who will be asked to comment specifically on your qualifications for the proposed research project. Referees will be contacted directly by email with instructions for uploading letters of reference.

These materials should be submitted online by Monday, November 16, 2015. We cannot accept application materials by any other method. Letters of reference are to be submitted by end of business day on Thursday, November 19, 2015. The selection committee will begin reviewing applications immediately and applications lacking any of the elements listed above may be at a disadvantage. Decisions will be announced by Friday, March 4, 2016.

This position is subject to the University’s background check policy.

Princeton University is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Princeton University,
Princeton, New Jersey,
Post date: August 10, 2015
Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Faculty Fellowships
Deadline: November 2, 2015

The University Center for Human Values invites applications for Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Faculty Fellowships for the academic year 2016-17. Fellows devote an academic year in residence at Princeton to research and writing about topics involving human values in public and private life. The program is open to scholars in all disciplines provided their research plans qualify. In recent years fellows have been drawn from fields including philosophy, political theory, literature, history, classics, economics and law, but this list is not meant to be exhaustive.

Fellows are expected to reside in or around Princeton and to be active contributors to the intellectual life of the Center. This includes participating in a weekly seminar attended by fellows and Center faculty to discuss work in progress and in various other seminars, colloquia and lectures sponsored by the Center. Fellows enjoy access to Firestone Library and to a wide range of activities throughout the University.

Candidates should have a doctorate or equivalent professional degree and a strong record of research publications appropriate to their career stage. Typically Fellows hold faculty positions at other universities or colleges; in exceptional cases we consider applications from independent scholars when there is a high level of scholarly achievement. This is not a post-doctoral fellowship program and we do not generally consider candidates who will have held the Ph.D. for less than two years at the time of appointment.

The fellowship period extends from September 1 to July 1. Fellows normally receive stipends of up to one-half their academic-year salaries (subject to a minimum and maximum set each fall). Ordinarily their home institutions provide a portion of their salaries in addition to all benefits, although this is not a requirement for appointment. Stipends for independent scholars will not exceed the maximum for fellows holding appointments elsewhere.

The main considerations in the evaluation of applications are the following:

 The significance of the proposed research and its relevance to the purposes of the University Center for Human Values (see for more information);

 The quality of a candidate’s previous research and the contribution the candidate is likely to make in the future through teaching and writing;

 The likelihood that the research would benefit from being conducted in the University Center environment.


Candidates should submit an online application at Search for requisition number #1500457. The following materials will be required:

1. A curriculum vitae;
2. A scholarly paper (of no more than about 12,000 words) written in the past three years;
3. A statement (of no more than 1,500 words) describing the proposed research project and including a brief working title for the project; and
4. Contact information for three referees, including at least one who was not a graduate advisor. Referees will be contacted directly with instructions for uploading letters of reference.

These materials should be submitted online by Monday, November 2, 2015. We do not accept application materials by any other method. Letters of reference are to be submitted by November 5. The selection committee begins reviewing applications immediately and incomplete applications may be at a disadvantage. Decisions are expected to be announced by March 1, 2016.

Princeton University is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Bioethics Department, National Institutes of Health,
Post date: August 6, 2015
Post-bacc and Post-doc Bioethics Fellowships
Deadline: January 31, 2015

Our interdisciplinary department strives to create an academic environment where our fellows have the freedom and support to develop and implement their own independent scholarship agenda, with guidance from faculty mentors. Post baccalaureate and post doctoral fellows participate in the activities and the intellectual life of the department and study ethical issues related to conduct of research, clinical practice, genetics and health policy. Fellows will conduct mentored theoretical and empirical research on a range of bioethical fields of interest. For a typical fellow, this research yields multiple first-authored publications in premier academic journals. In addition to research and writing, fellows participate in weekly bioethics seminars, case conferences, ethics consultations, and IRB deliberations, and have access to multiple educational opportunities at NIH. No prior bioethics experience is required or expected. Two-year positions begin in September 2016. Students planning to pursue MD, JD, PhD or other graduate degrees, or those who have achieved these degrees, are encouraged to apply. Salary is commensurate with Federal guidelines. Non US citizens are welcome to apply but MUST have a doctoral degree or currently be enrolled in graduate school.

Applications consist of: resume/CV, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, one or more writing sample(s) that demonstrate analytical or critical thinking ability (not to exceed 30 pages double-spaced collectively), three letters of recommendation (preferably from individuals familiar with your academic work), and a statement of interest (up to 1000 words) which may include discussion of how the fellowship fits into your career goals and potential topics you would like to investigate at the department. You may also choose to discuss how you can lend a unique perspective to the department or contribute to the department’s diversity. The NIH is dedicated to building a diverse community in its training and employment programs.

University of California, Irvine,
Post date: July 30, 2015
Assistant, Associate and / or Full Professor
Deadline: November 1, 2015

University of California, Irvine: The Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science at UC Irvine anticipates making a number of appointments over the next several years of tenure-track or tenured faculty at the rank of Assistant, Associate, and/or Full Professor. AOS/AOC: open, but with a preference for areas that enhance or naturally complement the department’s existing Research Groups (discussed in further detail on the research page of our departmental website at

All applicants are asked to provide a cover letter and a full curriculum vita. In addition, junior applicants are strongly encouraged to include a writing sample and at least 3 letters of recommendation (senior applicants may simply provide a list of potential references). The application process may be initiated by clicking the following link:

Candidates wishing to be guaranteed consideration for the current recruitment cycle should apply no later than November 1, 2015. LPS will continue to accept applications until the position available for the current recruitment cycle is filled. The University of California, Irvine is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer advancing inclusive excellence. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, or other protected categories covered by the UC nondiscrimination policy. A recipient of an NSF ADVANCE award for gender equity, UCI is responsive to the needs of dual-career couples, supports work-life balance through an array of family-friendly policies, and is dedicated to broadening participation in higher education.

Université de Montréal,
Post date: July 6, 2015
Postdoctorat en histoire de la philosophie du 18e siècle
Deadline: September 1, 2015


Un contrat postdoctoral d’une année en histoire de la philosophie du 18e siècle est ouvert au département de philosophie de l’Université de Montréal à partir du 1er janvier 2016. La candidate ou le candidat choisi(e) devra consacrer une partie de son stage à un travail d’édition des mémoires philosophiques de l’Académie de Berlin (1744-1769) sous la direction de François Duchesneau et Christian Leduc. Les détails seront fournis lors de l’embauche. Il ou elle devra aussi soumettre une courte description d’un projet de recherche individuel sur la philosophie du 18e siècle.


- Doctorat dans le domaine de la philosophie du 18e siècle
- Très bonne maitrise du français
- Maitrise souhaitée en allemand et en latin

Pièces à joindre au dossier

- Un CV
- 2 extraits de contributions à la recherche (articles, chapitre de thèse, etc.)
- Une courte présentation du projet individuel de recherche (1 page)
- Deux lettres de recommandation

Montant : 30 000$ sur 1 an

Date de remise : 1er septembre 2015

Les dossiers doivent être envoyés par voie électronique à l’adresse suivante : christian [dot] leduc [dot] 1 [__at__] umontreal [dot] ca

Dalhousie University,
Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Post date: May 29, 2015
10 month Limited Term Appointment - Assistant Professor/Lecturer
Deadline: June 19, 2015


The Department of Philosophy at Dalhousie University invites applications for a 10 month 100% full time limited term position at the Lecturer/Assistant Professor level, effective August 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016. This position is subject to budgetary approval.
Areas of specialization: Feminism and Social and Political Philosophy. Area of competence: Environmental Ethics. Expertise in some aspect of the History of Philosophy is an asset.

The successful applicant will teach courses at introductory, intermediate and advanced undergraduate/graduate levels, with some limited graduate student supervision and committee work. Excellence in teaching and research is required. Applicants must hold (or be about to receive) a Ph.D. in Philosophy. Salary will depend upon qualifications and experience. Course load is expected to be the equivalent of 3 and 3. The successful candidate will be expected to teach the following half-year courses: 2nd-year intro to feminism, 3rd-year feminist theories survey class, 2nd-year class, “Justice in Global Perspective”, 2nd-year class in environmental ethics; and another class, topic to be negotiated.

Applications should include: a complete curriculum vitae, transcripts (undergraduate and graduate), writing sample, teaching dossier (including evidence of teaching effectiveness), a statement of research and teaching interests and philosophies, and three confidential letters of recommendation (in hard copy, forwarded separately by the referees). A record of publication will be an asset.

Applications should be sent to Duncan MacIntosh, Chair, Department of Philosophy, Dalhousie University, 6135 University Avenue, PO Box 15000, Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 4R2. (Please use dalphil [__at__] dal [dot] ca for correspondence). The closing date for applications is June 19, 2015.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Dalhousie University is an Employment Equity/Affirmative Action employer. The University encourages applications from qualified Aboriginal people, persons with a disability, racially visible persons and women.

Princeton University ,
Princeton, New Jersey,
Post date: May 5, 2015
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Values and Public Life
Deadline: May 29, 2015

The University Center for Human Values invites applications for a postdoctoral position in Values and Public Life. We aim to appoint a highly promising scholar trained in contemporary political theory to provide support for programs in the University Center for Human Values and to carry on a research agenda in his or her area of specialization.
The successful candidate will undertake a research project exploring a contemporary normative problem arising in domestic or global public life. The candidate will be expected to teach one course in the Center’s undergraduate Values and Public Life (VPL) certificate program, subject to sufficient enrollment and approval by the Dean of the Faculty. When s/he is teaching, the candidate will hold the additional title of Lecturer. In addition, the postdoc will conduct two sections of a non-credit senior thesis workshop under the supervision of the VPL faculty director. He/she will also provide some support for and participate in the Center’s Democracy Project.
Applicants must have completed the requirements for the Ph.D. by August 1, 2015 and must not have held the degree for more than three years by that date. They may not be employed by another institution during the term of their Princeton appointment.
Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the applicant’s previous accomplishments, experience relevant to the undergraduate certificate program, and the promise of the proposed research project. Their capacity to contribute to the Center’s teaching program will also be taken into account.
Term of Appointment
The term of appointment is one year, preferably beginning August 1, 2015. Applicants are expected to be in residence for the duration of the appointment. Princeton offers competitive salary and employee benefits.
How to Apply
You may submit an online application at Search for requisition number #1500297. The online system includes instructions on how to apply.
A complete application will include the following materials:
1. A current curriculum vitae;
2. A research proposal (not to exceed 1,500 words), conforming to the expectations stated above. Also please supply an indicative title for the project at the beginning of the proposal.
3. A scholarly paper or dissertation chapter (not to exceed 12,000 words) representing your scholarly achievement or potential;
4. Contact information for two referees, who will be asked to comment specifically on your qualifications for the proposed research project. Referees will be contacted directly by email with instructions for uploading letters of reference.
These materials should be submitted online by Friday May 29, 2015. We cannot accept application materials by any other method. Letters of reference are to be submitted by end of business day on Friday June 5, 2015. The selection committee will begin reviewing applications immediately and applications lacking any of the elements listed above may be at a disadvantage. Decisions will be announced by Friday, June 19, 2015.
This position is subject to the University’s background check policy.
Princeton University is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

University of New Hampshire,
Durham, NH,
Post date: April 16, 2015
Postdoctoral Postion
Deadline: May 4, 2015

Post-doctoral position, 2015-2016 academic year. PhD in Philosophy (must be completed at time of application) with a background in ethics. A strong interest in business ethics is preferred. Duties include 1) in the fall semester, working with other faculty to develop and deliver curricula for applied ethics courses, including some directed to business students, and, in the spring semester, offering two courses as sole instructor; 2) organizational and committee work related to launching and developing our department’s servicing of a business ethics requirement (e.g. lining up guest speakers); 3) continuation of the candidate's own research program in ethics, with opportunity for consultation with philosophy faculty. Must show evidence of excellence in teaching, and must have strong interest and capabilities in bringing the teaching of ethics to public venues. This position is funded by the Responsible Governance and Sustainable Citizenship Project at the University of New Hampshire. The successful candidate will be affiliated with the Department of Philosophy. Applications and at least two letters of recommendation must be submitted by May 4, 2015. Application should include CV, 500-word description of current research project, and evidence of teaching effectiveness. UNH is an AA/EEO Employer. UNH is committed to excellence through the diversity of its faculty and staff and encourages women and minorities to apply.

Applicants should be prepared to upload to the following required documents by May 4th: Online-application: CV, 500-word research statement describing current research, and teaching materials showing evidence of teaching effectiveness. In addition to the online application, at least two confidential letters of reference should be emailed by the referees to: Marybeth [dot] Myers [__at__] unh [dot] edu. Refer to Job order #0902865 when applying online.