Jobs in Philosophy in Americas

Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, UNAM,
Mexico City,
Post date: March 4, 2010
Investigador en Historia de la Filosofía
Deadline: April 15, 2010

El Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) está interesado en contratar a una investigadora o investigador y docente en el área de historia de la filosofía. El candidato ideal deberá tener el grado de Doctor, además de ser capaz de generar publicaciones de alto nivel en su área de especialización y mostrar capacidad para dar diferentes cursos sobre temas clásicos y de discusión contemporánea en historia de la filosofía (en licenciatura y posgrado). De preferencia se busca a una investigadora o investigador y docente cuya área de especialización sea la historia de la filosofía antigua y/o moderna y con una subespecialidad en alguna de las siguientes áreas: metafísica, estética, filosofía de la mente o filosofía de la ciencia.
Las obligaciones del puesto incluyen la investigación, la enseñanza de uno o dos cursos por semestre a nivel licenciatura y/o posgrado, asesoría de estudiantes en ambos niveles, participar en comités académicos y en la vida académica del Instituto en general. El salario sería de alrededor de 25,000 pesos mexicanos (US $ 1,900) anuales netos. El candidato, una vez contratado, podrá solicitar su ingreso al Programa de Primas al Desempeño del Personal Académico de Tiempo Completo de la U.N.A.M.
Los interesados deben mandar una carta con su solicitud (dirigida al director del Instituto, Dr. Guillermo Hurtado), una copia de su currículum, dos cartas de recomendación, un proyecto de investigación y un ensayo que ejemplifique su trabajo, a la Dirección del Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Circuito Mario de la Cueva s/n, Ciudad de la Investigación en Humanidades, Zona Cultural, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510, Coyoacán, México, D.F. Para cualquier pregunta, pueden escribir a la dirección del mismo Instituto con la Sra. Martha Díaz a la siguiente dirección electrónica: combushf [__at__] filosoficas [dot] unam [dot] mx
De haber interés en el Instituto por el candidato, éste deberá estar en disposición de ser entrevistado por un comité y de dictar una ponencia en el Instituto sobre alguno de sus temas de especialización en historia de la filosofía en una fecha que se le anunciará con oportunidad. (La entrevista y la conferencia deberán ser presenciales.)
El proceso de selección tendrá lugar a lo largo de los meses de marzo a mayo de 2010. La entrevista y la charla se llevarán a cabo en el mes de junio de 2010. Se espera que la relación laboral empiece entre el segundo semestre de 2010 y el primero de 2011.
Fecha límite para mandar solicitudes: 15 de abril de 2010.

College of Mount St. Joseph,
Cincinnati, OH,
Post date: February 24, 2010
Philisophy Faculty

The College of Mount St. Joseph, a Catholic college that provides more than 2,200 students with a liberal arts and professional education that emphasizes values, integrity, and social responsibility, located in Cincinnati, Ohio, is accepting applications for a full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor of Philosophy in the Department of General Studies and Philosophy beginning in the fall of 2010. Minimum requirements: Ph.D. by August 2010, commitment to teaching excellence, interest in interdisciplinary teaching, and evidence of research activity. Teaching responsibilities include general introductory courses, courses in ethics, and courses in applied ethics.

To apply, please send letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching philosophy, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and three letters of recommendation to: Michael Sontag, Department of General Studies and Philosophy, College of Mount St. Joseph, 5701 Delhi Road, Cincinnati, OH 45233-1670, or by email to Michael_Sontag [__at__] mail [dot] msj [dot] edu. A review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. EOE

For general information about the college, please visit
Please refer to for the college’s non-discrimination policy.

Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, UNAM,
Mexico City,
Post date: February 22, 2010
Investigador y Docente en Filosofía de la Ciencia
Deadline: August 6, 2010

El Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) está interesado en contratar a un investigador y docente en el área de filosofía de la ciencia. El candidato ideal deberá ser capaz de generar publicaciones de alto nivel en su área de especialización y mostrar capacidad para dar diferentes cursos en temas clásicos y sobre temas de discusión contemporánea en filosofía de la ciencia (en licenciatura y posgrado). El Instituto está particularmente interesado en contratar a una persona que combine una preparación científica con una sólida preparación en filosofía. De preferencia se busca a un investigador y docente cuya área de especialización sea algún tema en filosofía de la física, de las matemáticas, de la lógica o de la biología.

Las obligaciones del puesto incluyen la investigación, la enseñanza de uno o dos cursos por semestre a nivel licenciatura y/o posgrado, asesoría de estudiantes en ambos niveles, participar en comités académicos y en la vida académica del Instituto en general. El salario sería de alrededor de 25,000 pesos mexicanos (alrededor de US $1,900) mensuales netos.

Los candidatos potenciales deben mandar una carta con su solicitud (dirigida al director del Instituto, Dr. Guillermo Hurtado), una copia de su currículum, cartas de recomendación y un ensayo que ejemplifique su trabajo, a la Secretaría Académica, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Circuito Mario de la Cueva s/n, ciudad de la Investigación en Humanidades, Zona Cultural, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510, Coyoacán, México, D.F. Para cualquier pregunta, pueden escribir a esta dirección electrónica: s [dot] acad [__at__] unam [dot] mx.

De haber interés en el Instituto por el candidato, éste deberá estar en disposición de ser entrevistado por un comité, de ofrecer una charla sobre alguno de sus temas de especialización en filosofía de la ciencia, y de impartir una clase sobre algún tema clásico de filosofía de la ciencia que se le anunciará con oportunidad. (La entrevista, la charla y la clase podrán ser presenciales o virtuales.)

El proceso de selección tendrá lugar a lo largo del segundo semestre de 2010. Se espera que la relación laboral empiece en 2011.

Fecha límite para mandar solicitudes: 6 de agosto de 2010. Por favor téngase en cuenta que en la UNAM hay vacaciones administrativas del 5 al 23 de julio.

Monmouth University,
West Long Branch, New Jersey,
Post date: February 15, 2010
Department Chair/McMurray Bennett Chair in Social Ethics
Deadline: March 5, 2010

JOB POSITION TITLE: Department Chair/McMurray Bennett Chair in Social Ethics

DEPARTMENT: Philosophy, Religion And Interdisciplinary Studies

Full Time

JOB DUTIES: Teaching load is 6 to 9 credits per year. Serve on committees.
Advise students. Maintain disciplinary currency. Lead the department through an innovative vision of the curriculum that provides a common foundation for philosophy and religious studies. Perform budget oversight.
Schedule courses. Hire, mentor and supervise faculty and staff.
Publish at a level expected of an endowed chair. Conduct research.

REQUIREMENTS: An earned doctorate degree in Philosophy, Religious Studies, Comparative Religion or related field. Five years of experience in university teaching. Substantial administrative experience in higher educational institution. A significant record of peer-reviewed publications beyond the level expected for tenure. Excellent interpersonal, organizational and communication skills.


SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS: This is an endowed professorship in social ethics to be hired at Professor or Associate Professor Rank, with a competitive salary commensurate with experience. Appointment with tenure is possible for candidates with appropriate experience and credentials.

Transcripts and letters of recommendation should be sent to: Chair Search Committee, Department of Philosophy, Religion, and Interdisciplinary Studies, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, New Jersey 07764.

For additional information about the department, please see:

Cover Letter

Kansas City University of Medicine & Biosciences,
Kansas City, MO,
Post date: January 15, 2010
Assistant Professor of Bioethics

Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences (KCUMB) seeks applicants for Assistant Professor of Bioethics. The University offers a Masters of Arts in Bioethics in three degree tracts: a DO/MA dual degree earned over four years, a one-year Masters program, and a career enhancement tract where practicing professionals earn their degree on a part-time basis. In a rich and varied curriculum, the Department of Bioethics approaches the study of bioethics broadly by drawing on the perspectives of philosophy, the medical humanities, humanism, and the “softer” side of the social sciences. The department has close affiliation with area hospitals and the Center for Practical Bioethics.

The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in ethics or a field related to bioethics-broadly defined. An advanced clinician’s degree (in medicine, nursing, etc.) and experience teaching bioethics will also make applicants eligible for consideration. Responsibilities include teaching in the Masters program and in the College of Osteopathic Medicine, carrying on an active program of research, assisting with the continued growth and development of the department, and contributing to the overall advancement of the university. For additional information contact: David Wendell Moller, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of Bioethics, dmoller [__at__] kcumb [dot] edu or 818-283-2219.

KCUMB is a fully accredited, private university, with an emerging emphasis on research. Founded in 1916, its College of Osteopathic Medicine is the oldest medical school in Kansas City, Mo., and the largest in the state. The College of Biosciences is home to expanding graduate programs, which include biomedical sciences and bioethics. Located in the Northeast historic district of Kansas City, Mo., near downtown and collaborating institutions, KCUMB is a key stakeholder institution in the Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute.

To apply, submit a cover letter for job #09-27 include salary range requirements, curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching philosophy, research interests, and strengths for the position to: Dawn Rohrs, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, 1750 Independence Ave., Kansas City, MO 64106-1453, 1-800-234-4847, ext. 2371 or 816-283-2371; or e-mail: employment [__at__] kcumb [dot] edu. Pre-employment drug screen and background check required. EOE. Tobacco-free environment.

Human Resources
Administration Bldg, Rm 101
1750 Independence Ave.
Kansas City, MO 64106
816-283-2285 (Fax)

Rhode Island College,
Providence, RI,
Post date: December 16, 2009
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, tenure track

Rhode Island College, Providence, RI. Assistant Professor of Philosophy, tenure track, beginning Fall 2010. Pending Budgetary approval. 4-3 course load, semester system. Requirements include: Ph.D. in Philosophy, AOC ethics, AOC social/political philosophy, and successful undergraduate teaching. Teaching assignments may include undergraduate introductory and advanced undergraduate philosophy courses, general education courses and contribution to the ethics component of professional programs, as well as the development of the Department's internship program. IMPORTANT: For full job description, which includes additional Responsibilities and Requirements for the position and application procedures, see our web site Candidates must apply on-line, using Rhode Island College's PeopleAdmin Applicant Tracking system.

Mercer University,
Post date: December 10, 2009
Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Deadline: December 20, 2009

Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Mercer University

The department of Philosophy at Mercer University invites applications for an Assistant Professor in Philosophy. Responsibilities will include teaching seven undergraduate courses per academic year in introductory Philosophy and/or Ethics, upper division courses in the History of Philosophy and on topical Philosophical themes, and extra-departmental general education courses (e.g. First Year Seminar, Scientific Inquiry, Great Books, or Senior Capstone). AOS: History of Philosophy. AOC: Open. The Philosophy Department is particularly interested in candidates qualified to teach and design courses that explore the intersections of philosophy with other subjects in Mercer University’s diverse range of academic and professional programs (e.g., Medicine, Law, Engineering, Public Heath, etc.).

Earned doctorate in Philosophy with broad knowledge of the history of the Western Philosophical Tradition is required. (ABD candidates will be considered for this position at the rank of Instructor.) Promise of excellence in teaching and scholarly activity in the context of a liberal arts college is essential. Departmental representatives will be conducting interviews at the 2009 Eastern APA meeting.

Candidates should access to complete a brief online application and attach a letter of interest, current curriculum vita, writing sample, statements of teaching philosophy and professional interests. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM),
Post date: December 8, 2009
Asst. Professor, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Biology and Environmental Sciences
Deadline: January 4, 2010

Asst. Prof., tenure-track, beginning June 2010. Normal teaching load : 4 courses/year (undergraduate/graduate). Some thesis supervision. Usual non-teaching duties. AOS : Philosophy of sciences : Philosophy of biology and environmental sciences AOC : Open. Ph.D. prior to appointment. Salary competitive. EO/AAE. All qualified candidates encouraged to apply; however Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. Fluency in french expected. Send complete dossier (including a c.v. in french, a sample of written research and 3 letters of recommendation) to Professor Dominique Leydet, Chair, Dépt. de philosophie Université du Québec à Montréal, C.P. 8888, Succursale Centre-Ville, Montréal, Qc, Canada, H3C 3P8, (1- 514) 987-3000, ext. 8951. Deadline for application: January 5, 2010.

IPFW (Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne),
Fort Wayne, IN,
Post date: December 8, 2009
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, tenure-track

Indiana University–Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW), Fort Wayne, IN. Rank: Assistant Professor, tenure-track, beginning fall semester 2010. Candidates will have the PhD prior to application. AOS: Applied Ethics (either Medical or Business Ethics). AOC: At least one of the following: Political and Social Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Environmental Ethics, Feminist Ethics, Human Rights, Business Ethics, or Medical Ethics. The teaching is mostly undergraduate. The successful candidate will also help in the creation and offering of new programs in Medical and Business Ethics. Collaboration in the IPFW Human Rights Institute is desirable. Research is supported by a one quarter reduction of teaching responsibility. Usual service duties also expected. Send letter of application, CV, and names and contact information of three (3) references to: Dr. C. Butler, Chair, Applied Ethics Search Committee, Department of Philosophy, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne IN 46805. Applications will be reviewed beginning December 1, and will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. An opportunity for candidates to interview at the Eastern APA Meeting in December will be provided. IPFW is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Employer fully committed to achieving a diverse workforce. Employment is contingent on a satisfactory background records check.

U Wisconsin Madison,
Post date: November 24, 2009
Assistant Professor
Deadline: November 27, 2009

Degree and area of specialization:

Ph.D. in Philosophy.
AREAS OF SPECLIZATIONS: Metaphysics and Epistemology

Minimum number of years and type of relevant work experience:

Assistant professor candidates must show evidence of outstanding teaching and research potential and must be willing to teach upper and lower-level courses on a regular basis.

Principal duties:

Teach four classes per academic year at the undergraduate and/or graduate level; hold office hours; grade exams; conduct scholarly research; perform university and professional service, as appropriate.
A criminal background check will be conducted prior to hiring.

Appointment type: Faculty
Department(s): L&S/PHILOSOPHY
Full time salary rate: Minimum $52,000 ACADEMIC (9 months)
Depending on Qualifications
Appointment percent: 100%
Anticipated begin date: AUGUST 23, 2010
Number of positions: 1


Application must be received by: NOVEMBER 27, 2009


Unless another application procedure has been specified above, please send resume and cover letter referring to Position Vacancy Listing #62847 toLawrence Shapiro Phone: 608-263-3700
600 N Park St Fax: 608-265-3701
5185 White Hall H C
Madison, WI 53706-1474

For TTY access, use WTRS 7-1-1 (if calling from within Wisconsin), or dial 1-800-947-3529, then enter the Contact's phone number above. (See for further information. )

NOTE: Unless confidentiality is requested in writing, information regarding the names of applicants must be released upon request. Finalists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality.

UW-Madison is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. We promote excellence through diversity and encourage all qualified individuals to apply.