Jobs in Philosophy in Americas

Faculté de philosophie - Université Laval,
Post date: March 1, 2019
Professeur(e) en philosophie moderne
Deadline: April 8, 2019

Appel de candidatures :
Professeur ou professeure en philosophie moderne

La Faculté de philosophie de l’Université Laval souhaite combler un poste de professeur(e) régulier au rang d’adjoint en philosophie moderne. Les auteurs visés par ce concours sont, notamment : Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz et Locke, avec une compétence complémentaire éventuelle dans l’un des courants suivants : les penseurs des Lumières, de l’Aufklärung et de l’Enlightenment, et l’empirisme anglais.

Description du poste

Le ou la titulaire de ce poste à temps plein assumera des enseignements réguliers aux trois cycles de la formation universitaire à la Faculté de philosophie dans les champs décrits. Il ou elle devra contribuer par ses publications à la recherche en philosophie moderne et devra superviser des travaux de maîtrise et de doctorat des étudiants et étudiantes de philosophie dans ce domaine. Il ou elle devra de plus participer aux activités universitaires et administratives de l’unité de rattachement.

Qualifications requises

Doctorat en philosophie ou l’équivalent au moment de l’embauche. Solides connaissances de l’ensemble de la philosophie européenne du XVIIe siècle et de ses représentants majeurs. Compétences complémentaires en études dix-huitiémistes. Capacité d’entreprendre des recherches autonomes et originales dans le domaine, avec des perspectives de diffusion internationale. Expérience d’enseignement. Publications scientifiques pertinentes.

Calendrier de recrutement

Date de clôture du concours : 8 avril 2019

Date prévue de l’entrée en fonction : le 1er septembre 2019

Faire parvenir par courriel un curriculum vitae, accompagné des relevés de notes, d’une publication et de trois lettres de recommandation à l’attention de monsieur Luc Langlois, Doyen, à decanat [__at__] fp [dot] ulaval [dot] ca

Valorisant la diversité, l'Université Laval invite toutes les personnes qualifiées à présenter leur candidature, en particulier les femmes, les membres de minorités visibles et ethniques, les autochtones et les personnes handicapées. La priorité sera toutefois accordée aux personnes ayant le statut de citoyen canadien ou de résident permanent.

University of Toronto,
Post date: January 22, 2019
Professor - South Asian Philosophy
Deadline: February 26, 2019

The Department of Philosophy in the Faculty of Arts and Science at the University of Toronto invites applications for a full-time tenure-stream appointment in South Asian Philosophy. The appointment will be at the rank of Professor and will commence on July 1, 2019, or shortly thereafter.

Candidates must hold a PhD in Philosophy or a closely related field, and have a demonstrated exceptional record of excellence in research and teaching. We seek candidates whose research and teaching interests complement and strengthen our existing departmental strengths:

The successful candidate will have an established international reputation and will be expected to sustain and lead innovative, independent, and competitive research at the highest international level in the area of South Asian Philosophy, especially Philosophy of Mind, and have a broad background in Analytical Philosophy.

Candidates must provide evidence of excellence in research as demonstrated by sustained high-impact contributions and publications in top-ranked and field-relevant venues, the submitted research statement, presentations at significant conferences, distinguished awards and accolades for innovative work, and other noteworthy activities that contribute to the visibility and prominence of the discipline, as well as strong endorsements by referees of high international standing.

The successful candidate will teach courses in the Department of Philosophy from the introductory to advanced levels, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Evidence of excellence in teaching will be demonstrated through teaching accomplishments, the teaching dossier, a strong statement of teaching philosophy, sample course materials, and teaching evaluations submitted as part of the application, as well as strong letters of reference.

Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Toronto is widely recognized as Canada’s best and most comprehensive philosophy department and as an international leader in the field. The tri-campus graduate department consists of all philosophy faculty appointed to the St. George, Mississauga (UTM), and Scarborough (UTSC) campuses. Graduate teaching and supervision typically take place on the St. George campus.

The University of Toronto offers the opportunity to teach, conduct research and live in one of the most diverse and cosmopolitan areas in the world.

For more information about the Department of Philosophy, please visit

All qualified candidates are invited to apply online by clicking on the following link:

The following elements of the application should be submitted online (in pdf format only) by February 26, 2019:

• (1) a cover letter and a current curriculum vitae, combined in a file labelled “YourLastName-SSAP cover letter and CV.pdf”;

• (2) a research dossier containing a statement outlining current and future research interests and a sample of academic writing (about 25 pages), combined in a file labelled “YourLastName-SSAP research.pdf”;

• (3) a teaching dossier (including a statement of teaching philosophy, sample course materials, and teaching evaluations) in a file labelled “YourLastName- SSAP teaching.pdf”.

Applicants should also ask at least three but no more than four referees to send letters that are signed and on letterhead directly to search [dot] philosophy [__at__] utoronto [dot] ca by the closing date.

General submission guidelines can be found at:

If you have questions about this position, please contact search [dot] philosophy [__at__] utoronto [dot] ca.

The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons / persons of colour, women, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

As part of your application, you will be asked to complete a brief Diversity Survey. This survey is voluntary. Any information directly related to you is confidential and cannot be accessed by search committees or human resources staff. Results will be aggregated for institutional planning purposes. For more information, please see

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Elgin Community College,
Elgin, IL,
Post date: December 11, 2018
Adjunct Faculty - Philosophy

Elgin Community College
Elgin, IL
Adjunct Faculty - Philosophy

Elgin Community College (ECC) is a comprehensive, fully accredited community college located in Elgin, Illinois, one of its most rapidly growing cities. Our district encompasses 360 square miles, serving 400,000 people, 11,000 businesses with four public school districts and 15 high schools. ECC was selected as one of five Illinois community colleges to participate in the national Achieving the Dream (AtD) initiative. is a long-term national initiative that collaborates with community colleges to help more students earn degrees, complete certificates, or transfer to four-year institutions to continue their studies. The park-like setting of our 145 acre Main Campus offers instruction spanning nine major buildings with beautiful views. ECC also offers classes throughout the northwest suburbs of Chicago with more than 100 off-campus locations.


To teach these general educational courses (e.g. ethics, philosophy, logic, critical reasoning, religion, etc.)

Adjunct teaching faculty provide instruction aligned with the college's strategic goals and evaluate students' progress to facilitate achievement of their educational goals.

Essential Responsibilities:
Deliver Instruction
1. Conduct assigned classes and/or labs
2. Prepare lessons
3. Provide course syllabus (which shall include grading standards, attendance policies, classroom behavioral expectations, course outline and contact information)
4. Verify student enrollment and submit grade sheets

If a lab is involved:
5. Prepare labs
6. Enforce lab safety procedures

Evaluate Student Progress
1. Keep accurate record of student performance
2. Provide students with timely feedback

Provide Student Assistance
1. Maintain office hours and voice-mail/e-mail communication
2. Refer students to student support services
3. Accommodate special needs students

A master's degree in the discipline philosophy or in a related discipline with at least 15 graduate hours in the discipline.

For a detailed job posting and to apply, please visit our web site at:

Elgin Community College is an Equal Employment, Equal Access Employer committed to increasing the diversity of our workforce.

University of Oklahoma,
Post date: November 13, 2018
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Deadline: January 15, 2019

Two nine-month, non-renewable Postdoctoral Fellowships are available. These positions are associated with the Self, Virtue and Public Life initiative (, a three-year project funded by a generous grant from the Templeton Religion Trust Foundation, based at the University of Oklahoma. Significant research focus must be on issues related to the self, civic virtue and public life broadly construed. The postdoctoral fellowships are research positions with no teaching responsibilities, intended for early-career researchers interested in advancing their scholarship. Candidates must have a Ph.D. conferred by the start date. The fellowships will begin on August 16, 2019 and end on May 15, 2020. Those already in temporary or tenure-track positions are welcome to apply to spend a year at the University of Oklahoma. Candidates should send a short cover letter, the names of three references, CV, a writing sample, and a two-page description of the research they will pursue during the fellowship period by email attachment to flourish [__at__] ou [dot] edu, or if that is not possible, to the Self, Virtue, and Public Life, 620 Parrington Oval, #208, Norman, OK 73019. Applicants must ALSO submit an online application through the University of Oklahoma's Human Resources website at: The deadline for receipt of applications is January 15, 2019. The University of Oklahoma is an equal employment opportunity employer. Protected veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

University of Toronto,
Post date: October 29, 2018
Assistant Professor - Grafstein Chair in Jewish Philosophy
Deadline: November 28, 2018

The Department of Philosophy and the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies in the Faculty of Arts and Science of the University of Toronto invite applications for a full-time tenure-stream appointment in Jewish Philosophy. The appointment will be at the rank of Assistant Professor and will commence July 1, 2019. The successful candidate will also be eligible to be named the Senator Jerahmiel S. and Carole S. Grafstein Chair in Jewish Philosophy, which is an endowed Chair position. Appointment to the Senator Jerahmiel S. and Carole S. Grafstein Chair in Jewish Philosophy will be for a four-year term with the possibility of renewal following a favourable review. The successful candidate will be appointed both to the Department of Philosophy (51%) and to the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies (49%).

Candidates must hold a PhD in Philosophy or a closely related field at the time of appointment or shortly thereafter, and have a demonstrated record of excellence in research and teaching. We seek candidates whose research and teaching interests complement and strengthen our existing departmental strengths: and Candidates must provide evidence of excellence in research as demonstrated by publications in top-ranked and field-relevant venues or a research pipeline that is at high international levels, the submitted research statement, presentations at significant conferences, awards and accolades for innovative work, and strong endorsements by referees of high international standing. The successful candidate will be expected to pursue innovative, independent, and competitive research at the highest international level in the area of Jewish Philosophy and be familiar with the Jewish textual canon, and will be expected to establish an outstanding externally funded research program.

The successful candidate will teach courses in the Department of Philosophy from the introductory to advanced levels, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and will contribute to the integration of Jewish philosophy into the undergraduate and graduate programs in Jewish Studies. The successful candidate must provide evidence of excellence in teaching as demonstrated through teaching accomplishments, the teaching dossier, a statement of teaching philosophy, sample course materials, and teaching evaluations submitted as part of the application, as well as strong letters of reference.

Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Toronto is widely recognized as Canada’s best and most comprehensive philosophy department and as an international leader in the field. The tri-campus graduate department consists of all philosophy faculty appointed to the St. George, Mississauga (UTM), and Scarborough (UTSC) campuses. Graduate teaching and supervision typically take place on the St. George campus.

The Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies, within the Faculty of Arts and Science on the St. George campus, has one of the best and most comprehensive Jewish Studies programs in North America and offers courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels in numerous disciplines.

The University of Toronto offers the opportunity to teach, conduct research and live in one of the most diverse and cosmopolitan areas in the world.

For more information about the Department of Philosophy, please visit; for more information about the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies, please visit

All qualified candidates are invited to apply by clicking on the link at

The following elements of the application should be submitted online (in pdf format only) by November 28, 2018:

• (1) a cover letter and a current curriculum vitae, combined in a file labelled “YourLastName-G-Asst cover letter and CV.pdf”;

• (2) a research dossier containing a statement outlining current and future research interests and a sample of academic writing (about 25 pages), combined in a file labelled “YourLastName-G-Asst research.pdf”;

• (3) a teaching dossier (including a statement of teaching philosophy, sample course materials, and teaching evaluations) in a file labelled “YourLastName-G-Asst teaching.pdf”.

Applicants should also ask at least three but no more than four referees to send letters that are signed and on letterhead directly to search [dot] philosophy [__at__] utoronto [dot] ca by November 28, 2018.
(If you use Interfolio, please have them send the letters directly to search [dot] philosophy [__at__] utoronto [dot] ca.)

General submission guidelines can be found at:

If you have questions about this position, please contact search [dot] philosophy [__at__] utoronto [dot] ca.

The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons / persons of colour, women, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

As part of your application, you will be asked to complete a brief Diversity Survey. This survey is voluntary. Any information directly related to you is confidential and cannot be accessed by search committees or human resources staff. Results will be aggregated for institutional planning purposes. For more information, please see

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

University of Toronto,
Post date: October 29, 2018
Associate / Full Professor - Grafstein Chair in Jewish Philosophy
Deadline: November 28, 2018

The Department of Philosophy and the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies in the Faculty of Arts and Science of the University of Toronto invite applications for a full-time tenure-stream appointment in Jewish Philosophy. The appointment will be at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor and will commence July 1, 2019. The successful candidate will also be eligible to be named the Senator Jerahmiel S. and Carole S. Grafstein Chair in Jewish Philosophy, which is an endowed Chair position. Appointment to the Senator Jerahmiel S. and Carole S. Grafstein Chair in Jewish Philosophy will be for a five-year term and is renewable following a favourable review. The successful candidate will be appointed both to the Department of Philosophy (51%) and to the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies (49%).

Candidates must hold a PhD in Philosophy or a closely related field and have a demonstrated exceptional record of excellence in research and teaching. We seek candidates whose research and teaching interests complement and strengthen our existing departmental strengths: and

The successful candidate will have an established international reputation and will be expected to sustain and lead innovative, independent, and competitive research at the highest international level in the area of Jewish Philosophy and will be expected to maintain an outstanding and externally funded research program. They must also be familiar with the Jewish textual canon.

Candidates must provide evidence of excellence in research as demonstrated by sustained high-impact contributions and publications in top-ranked and field-relevant venues, the submitted research statement, presentations at significant conferences, distinguished awards and accolades for innovative work, and other noteworthy activities that contribute to the visibility and prominnence of the discipline, as well as strong endorsements by referees of high international standing.

The successful candidate will teach courses in the Department of Philosophy from the introductory to advanced levels, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and will contribute to the integration of Jewish philosophy into the undergraduate and graduate programs in Jewish Studies. Evidence of excellence in teaching will be demonstrated through teaching accomplishments, the teaching dossier, a strong statement of teaching philosophy, sample course materials, and teaching evaluations submitted as part of the application, as well as strong letters of reference.

Salary and rank will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Toronto is widely recognized as Canada’s best and most comprehensive philosophy department and as an international leader in the field. The tri-campus graduate department consists of all philosophy faculty appointed to the St. George, Mississauga (UTM), and Scarborough (UTSC) campuses. Graduate teaching and supervision typically take place on the St. George campus.

The Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies, within the Faculty of Arts and Science on the St. George campus, has one of the best and most comprehensive Jewish Studies programs in North America and offers courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels in numerous disciplines.

The University of Toronto offers the opportunity to teach, conduct research and live in one of the most diverse and cosmopolitan areas in the world.

For more information about the Department of Philosophy, please visit; for more information about the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies, please visit

All qualified candidates are invited to apply by clicking on the link at

The following elements of the application should be submitted online (in pdf format only) by November 28, 2018:

• (1) a cover letter and a current curriculum vitae, combined in a file labelled “YourLastName-G cover letter and CV.pdf”;

• (2) a research dossier containing a statement outlining current and future research interests and a sample of academic writing (about 25 pages), combined in a file labelled “YourLastName-G research.pdf”;

• (3) a teaching dossier (including a statement of teaching philosophy, sample course materials, and teaching evaluations) in a file labelled “YourLastName-G teaching.pdf”.

Applicants should also ask at least three but no more than four referees to send letters that are signed and on letterhead directly to search [dot] philosophy [__at__] utoronto [dot] ca by November 28, 2018.

General submission guidelines can be found at:

If you have questions about this position, please contact search [dot] philosophy [__at__] utoronto [dot] ca.

The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons / persons of colour, women, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

As part of your application, you will be asked to complete a brief Diversity Survey. This survey is voluntary. Any information directly related to you is confidential and cannot be accessed by search committees or human resources staff. Results will be aggregated for institutional planning purposes. For more information, please see

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ,
Post date: October 12, 2018
The Harold T. Shapiro Postdoctoral Fellowship in Bioethics
Deadline: December 6, 2018

The Princeton University Center for Human Values invites applications for the Harold T. Shapiro Postdoctoral Fellowship in Bioethics for a possible opening in September 2019. The Shapiro Fellowship supports outstanding scholars studying ethical issues arising from developments in medicine, the biological sciences, or population health. We particularly encourage proposals focusing on problems of practical importance that have broader theoretical interest.

The Shapiro Fellow will spend from one to three years at Princeton conducting research and teaching the equivalent of one course each year (subject to sufficient enrollments and approval by the Dean of the Faculty). He or she will participate in the Ira W. DeCamp Seminar in Bioethics and will be invited to participate in other activities of the University Center for Human Values including a year-long research seminar for visiting fellows and Center faculty.


Applicants must have completed all the requirements for the Ph.D., M.D., or other equivalent doctoral degree by September 1, 2019, and should not have held the degree for more than three years by that date. An applicant may have a background in any area of ethical studies, not necessarily in bioethics. However, the proposed research plan should be related to the field of bioethics.

Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the applicant’s previous accomplishments and the promise of the proposed research project in bioethics. The capacity to contribute to the University’s teaching program will also be taken into account.

Term of Appointment

The term of the fellowship is one year, beginning September 1, 2019, with the possibility of renewal for up to two additional years pending satisfactory performance. Appointment will be made to the rank of Postdoctoral Research Associate; the Shapiro Fellow will also carry the title of Lecturer when teaching. Princeton University offers competitive salary and employee benefits.

How to Apply

Candidates must submit an online application at

A complete application will include the following supporting materials:

1. A curriculum vitae;
2. A research proposal (not to exceed 1,500 words). Please provide an indicative title in the heading;
3. A scholarly paper (not to exceed 50 pages) representing the applicant’s scholarly achievement or potential;
4. Contact information for two referees, who should be prepared to comment specifically about the applicant’s qualifications for the proposed research project. Referees will be contacted directly with instructions for uploading letters of reference.

These materials must be submitted online by the application deadline of Thursday, December 6, 2018, 11:59 p.m. EST. We do not accept application materials by any other method. Letters of reference are to be submitted by December 10. If a vacancy for this position is confirmed, the selection committee may begin reviewing applications immediately and incomplete applications may be at a disadvantage. We hope to announce our decision in April 2019.

This position is subject to the University’s background check policy.

Princeton University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Purdue University,
West Lafayette, IN,
Post date: October 12, 2018
Assistant Professor, Philosophy of Science/History and Philosophy of Science (broadly construed)
Deadline: November 1, 2018

AOS: Philosophy of Science/History and Philosophy of Science (broadly construed)
AOC: Open

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. Assistant Professor, tenure track, beginning Fall 2019. 4 courses/year, graduate and undergraduate, plus the usual service in a PhD-granting department. The successful candidate is expected to teach courses within the Philosophy Department as well as courses that are part of the College of Liberal Arts’ Cornerstone Integrated Liberal Arts first-year curriculum. This curriculum is highly flexible but emphasizes student engagement with primary texts in philosophy, literature, and history.

The successful candidate will lead the department’s participation in the campus-wide Integrative Data Science Initiative. The precise nature of the department’s contribution to that initiative is in part to be determined by the person occupying this position and could be oriented by competence in fields such as science and values, philosophy of science in practice, data science, professional or applied ethics, philosophy of information, artificial intelligence and public policy, philosophy of machine learning, philosophy of statistics, or philosophy of climate change and modelling.

Purdue University’s Department of Philosophy is committed to advancing diversity in all areas of faculty effort, including scholarship, instruction, and engagement. Candidates should address at least one of these areas in their letter of interest, indicating their past experiences, current interests or activities, and/or future goals to promote a climate that values diversity and inclusion.

To apply: All materials will be submitted electronically through Academic Jobs Online: letter of application; curriculum vitae; graduate transcripts; at least three confidential letters of reference; evidence of teaching effectiveness; and a writing sample. Review of applications begins November 1, 2018 and will continue until the position is filled. Please address questions to search committee chair Dr. Christopher Yeomans (cyeomans [__at__] purdue [dot] edu). Incomplete applications will not be considered, and a background check will be required for employment in this position.

Purdue University is an EEO/AA employer. All individuals, including minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply.

University of North Carolina at Greensboro,
Post date: October 10, 2018
Assistant Professor, Philosophy of Medicine

Assistant Professor, Philosophy of Medicine

Assistant Professor, tenure-track. Start Fall 2019. 6 UG courses/year (3/semester). Usual non-teaching duties. AOS: Philosophy of Medicine with Science or Ethics Component. Ability to teach courses on scientific and/or ethical topics in philosophy of medicine required. Ability to teach courses on a broad range of topics in these areas preferred.

The successful candidate will teach and develop campus and online courses such as Medical Ethics, Philosophy of Science, Ethics & Genetics and classes on special topics in these areas.

We are particularly interested in candidates with an interest in research collaboration with other departments.

Candidates must hold or anticipate a Ph.D. in Philosophy or related field by August 1, 2019. Experience preferred, including online teaching. Salary competitive.

UNCG is a minority-serving institution with an undergraduate population of 44% ethnic minority students. UNCG and the Philosophy Department foster an environment of collaboration across departments and schools and support community-engaged research. UNCG is proud of the diversity of its student body and we seek to attract an equally diverse applicant pool for this position. UNCG is located in a metropolitan area of more than 1.6 million in the Piedmont region of North Carolina, between the Atlantic Ocean and Appalachian Mountains. UNCG is an EOE/Affirmative Action/M/F/D/V employer and strongly committed to increasing faculty diversity.

To learn more about this position or to apply, please visit our UNCG Jobsearch website at and view position #998710. Applications may be submitted at this time via UNCG Jobsearch. The Search Committee will schedule interviews for selected candidates in mid-December or early January via Skype. All applications received before November 19th will be read although the search will remain open until the position is filled.

University of North Carolina at Greensboro,
Post date: October 10, 2018
Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Logic & Epistemology

Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Logic & Epistemology

Assistant Professor, tenure-track. Start Fall 2019. 6 UG courses/year (3/semester). Usual non-teaching duties. AOS: Logic or Epistemology. Ability to teach logic and epistemology required. Ability to teach courses on a broad range of topics in these areas preferred.

The successful candidate will teach both campus and online courses such as Critical Thinking, Formal Logic, Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy of Science and classes on special topics in these areas. An interest in developing online courses is especially desirable.

Candidates must hold or anticipate a Ph.D. in Philosophy by August 1, 2019. Experience preferred, including online teaching. Salary competitive.

UNCG is a minority-serving institution with an undergraduate population of 44% ethnic minority students. UNCG and the Philosophy Department foster an environment of collaboration across departments and schools and support community-engaged research. UNCG is proud of the diversity of its student body and we seek to attract an equally diverse applicant pool for this position. UNCG is located in a metropolitan area of more than 1.6 million in the Piedmont region of North Carolina, between the Atlantic Ocean and Appalachian Mountains. UNCG is an EOE/Affirmative Action/M/F/D/V employer and strongly committed to increasing faculty diversity.

To learn more about this position or to apply, please visit our UNCG Jobsearch website at and view position #002286. Applications may be submitted at this time via UNCG Jobsearch. The Search Committee will schedule interviews for selected candidates in mid-December or early January via Skype. All applications received before November 19th will be read although the search will remain open until the position is filled.