Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

Durham University ,
Durham ,
United Kingdom
Post date: November 10, 2016
Lecturer in Philosophy
Deadline: November 20, 2016

The Department of Philosophy seeks to appoint two non-fixed-term full-time lecturers. Their principal research interests will be in ethics (including applied or professional ethics), political philosophy or philosophy of public policy, and they will be able to provide high quality research-led teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in one of these areas. The successful applicants will be expected to contribute to the vibrant research culture of the Department and will also take on administrative responsibilities.

Higher School of Economics, School of Philosophy,
Post date: November 9, 2016
Assistant professor in Philosophy
Deadline: December 2, 2016

The School of Philosophy at the Faculty of Humanitiesof the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia invites applications for full-time, tenure-track positions of Assistant Professor inPhilosophy of Science / Epistemology.Knowledge of Russian is not required as teaching and research are both conducted in English.

About HSE
The HSE is a young, dynamic, fast-growing Russian researchuniversity. Over the past twenty years, the HSE has become one of Russia's largest universities in the fields of economics, social sciences and humanities, and has earned the reputation of a national leader in higher education. One of its unique features has been its direct involvement in socioeconomic reforms in Russia, which has allowed HSE to develop as a “project and research university” where education, fundamental and applied research, and "think tank" activities are combined for the comprehensive development of society. Committed to high-quality research, HSE now has a considerable number of international research laboratories, led by eminent professors from all over the world; more such laboratories were opened in 2016.

Candidates must hold a recent Ph.D. in philosophy with AOS in Philosophy of Science / Epistemology or related fields, or to be in receipt of the PhD before the starting date of the contract. The successful candidate is expected to conduct high-quality research publishable in reputable peer-reviewed journals with research support provided by the University. The appointments will be made for three years in the first instance, starting in September 2017, with reviews of teaching and research during the third year.

The salary is competitive, indexed to inflation annually, and subject to a 13% flat income tax. The university offers health insurance (free of charge), language assistance, and other social benefits; travel support and other research assistance are generous. Since we have heavy emphasis placed on high quality research, the teaching load of newly hired faculty is relatively low and service is minimal.

Application and Interviews
Please provide a CV, a statement of research interest, a recent research paper and at least 2 letters of reference via online application form.

The deadline for accepting application materials is December 02, 2016.

More information about the university is available at the,

University of Bern, Institute of Philosophy,
Post date: October 5, 2016
Two Ph.D. positions
Deadline: October 31, 2016

Two Ph.D. positions in Philosophy (University of Bern)
“The conceptual space of the affective mind”

The Institute of Philosophy at the University of Bern invites applications for two PhD scholarships lasting for three years. These scholarships are linked to the project “The conceptual space of the affective mind”, led by Dr. Kevin Reuter and funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF). The aim of the project is to advance our understanding of affective states like pains and emotions.
Focus of the dissertations: Using an experimental-­philosophical approach, the project will (a) explore various theories of pain and theories of emotion, (b) study whether these theories are empirically adequate by devising vignettes to test people's intuitions about pains and emotions;(c) investigate people's use of pain and emotion language by analyzing linguistic corpora;(d) develop and test various hypotheses in regards to the influence of normative considerations on people's concepts of pain and emotion. Successful applicants will be expected to write their Ph.D. thesis either on the conception of pain or the conception of emotions and to fully participate in the project’s goals, including the experimental parts. Previous experience with experimental methods is, however, not required. More information:­mind-­project.html

We seek Ph.D. candidates with:
– an excellent Master’s degree in philosophy, psychology or other related field (completed by the date the position is taken up)
– strong promise of completing an outstanding Ph.D. dissertation in three years in the project area
– good knowledge of theories of emotions and/or theories of pain
– serious interest in carrying out experimental studies, e.g. surveys on online platforms and analysis of linguistic corpora
– willingness and ability to contribute to organizing conferences

We offer:
– opportunity to complete a Ph.D. in philosophy in an internationally oriented research context
– opportunity to gain a variety of research related skills and experiences in helping to organize conferences
– attractive working conditions in a highly collaborative research group
– possibility of shaping the agenda of one’s specialized research field by co-­organizing workshops

Starting date for employment: December 2016 (with some flexibility).

To apply for one of the positions, please send the following documents to Dr. Kevin Reuter, kevin [dot] reuter [__at__] philo [dot] unibe [dot] ch.
– a letter of motivation
– your curriculum vitae
– certificates (copies)
– a writing sample (15 – 25 pages, e.g. chapter from the master’s thesis)
– one or two letters of recommendation (which can be sent to us directly by the referees)

Deadline: October 31, 2016.

If you have further questions, please contact Kevin Reuter.

Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences,
Czech Republic
Post date: September 23, 2016
3 positions for postdoctoral or early career researchers in philosophy
Deadline: October 31, 2016

The Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague is seeking to appoint

3 positions for postdoctoral or early career researchers in philosophy

The positions will be associated with Professor Ladislav Kvasz's research project "Formal epistemology – the next synthesis" (see the attached project bellow) funded by the Czech Academy of Sciences. The project is scheduled for 6 years, which is also the maximum duration of the appointments. The positions are differentiated according to three subject areas:

1) The first position will be devoted to the historical and philosophical study of the formalization of logic, focusing on the contribution of Gottlob Frege. Formal logic was one of the most successful examples of formalization of a (formerly) philosophical discipline. We want to understand more deeply what made this formalization possible, how it unfolded, and whether the pattern of this formalization can also be applied in epistemology.

2) The second position will be reserved for the study of the contemporary attempts at developing a formal epistemology. At present there are several groups working in this area. One of the aims of the grant team will be to establish cooperation and exchange of ideas with these groups, to map the current research in formal epistemology and to find ways of integrating the project into that research.

3) The third position will be devoted to the study of the epistemology actually employed in physical research, focusing on crucial historical episodes that are well understood from the historical point of view, preferably on Newton's or Maxwell's work, rather than on contemporary physics. The crucial question is how the actual practice of gaining new scientific knowledge in physics relates to the epistemological debates in philosophy (of a prior, contemporary or later period).

We are looking for candidates who hold a PhD degree in logic, epistemology, philosophy of science or related disciplines (obtained after January 1, 2011) with a relevant research background, strong motivation for research, and competence to carry out both independent and collaborative research. The starting date for the appointments is January 1, 2017. The positions are offered for two years, with a possible extension of up to six years on the basis of research performance and with respect to the priorities of the project. The salaries will be 42 000 CZK gross/month.

For questions and further information please contact Prof. Ladislav Kvasz, the principal investigator of the research project, by e-mail at kvasz [__at__] flu [dot] cas [dot] cz but do not submit applications via this address.

Please submit your application by e-mail by October 15, 2016 to the address fep [__at__] flu [dot] cas [dot] cz. Your application should include: CV with a list of publications and specification of language skills; a short summary of your past research (up to 400 words); and a motivational letter, including description of research plans in one of the three subject areas mentioned above (up to 400 words).

Two confidential letters of reference should be sent directly by their authors to the e-mail address fep [__at__] flu [dot] cas [dot] cz by October 31, 2016.

The Institute of Philosophy is an equal opportunity employer.

Princeton University - University Center for Human Values,
Post date: September 7, 2016
Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Fellow
Deadline: October 31, 2016

The University Center for Human Values invites applications for Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Faculty Fellowships for the academic year 2017-18. Fellows devote an academic year in residence at Princeton to research and writing about topics involving human values in public and private life. The program is open to scholars in all disciplines provided their research plans qualify. In recent years fellows have been drawn from fields including philosophy, political theory, literature, history, classics, economics and law, but this list is not meant to be exhaustive.
Fellows are expected to reside in or around Princeton and to be active contributors to the intellectual life of the Center. This includes participating in a weekly seminar attended by fellows and Center faculty to discuss work in progress and in various other seminars, colloquia and lectures sponsored by the Center. Fellows enjoy access to Firestone Library and to a wide range of activities throughout the University.
Candidates should have a doctorate or equivalent professional degree and a strong record of research publications appropriate to their career stage. Typically Fellows hold faculty positions at other universities or colleges; in exceptional cases we consider applications from independent scholars when there is a high level of scholarly achievement. This is not a post-doctoral fellowship program and we do not generally consider candidates who will have held the Ph.D. for less than two years at the time of appointment.
The fellowship period extends from September 1 to July 1. Fellows normally receive stipends of up to one-half their academic-year salaries (subject to a minimum and maximum set each fall). Ordinarily their home institutions provide a portion of their salaries in addition to all benefits, although this is not a requirement for appointment. Stipends for independent scholars will not exceed the maximum for fellows holding appointments elsewhere.
The main considerations in the evaluation of applications are the following:
• The significance of the proposed research and its relevance to the purposes of the University Center for Human Values (see for more information);
• The quality of a candidate’s previous research and the contribution the candidate is likely to make in the future through teaching and writing;
• The likelihood that the research would benefit from being conducted in the University Center environment.

Candidates should submit an online application at Search for requisition number #1600504. The following materials will be required:
1. A curriculum vitae;
2. A scholarly paper (of no more than about 12,000 words) written in the past three years;
3. A statement (of no more than 1,500 words) describing the proposed research project and including a brief working title for the project; and
4. Contact information for three referees, including at least one who was not a graduate advisor. Referees will be contacted directly with instructions for uploading letters of reference.
These materials should be submitted online by Monday, October 31, 2016. We do not accept application materials by any other method. Letters of reference are to be submitted by November 3. The selection committee begins reviewing applications immediately and incomplete applications may be at a disadvantage. Decisions are expected to be announced by March 1, 2017.
Princeton University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

International Academy of Philosophy (IAP),
Post date: August 26, 2016
Three Doctoral Fellowships
Deadline: September 30, 2016

Die Internationale Akademie für Philosophie im Fürstentum Liechtenstein ( schreibt aus: ​

​Drei Promotionsstipendien (Doktoratsstipendien) im Projekt "Die Offenheit des Universums für Willensfreiheit und göttliche Eingriffe" für Promotionsvorhaben im Bereich Religionsphilosophie oder Metaphysik.

​Laufzeit: 2017–2019.

​Dotierung: 2.250 SFr monatlich plus Studiengebühr.

​Bewerbungsfrist: 30.9.2016.

​Informationen unter

University of Copenhagen,
Post date: July 12, 2016
PhD fellowship
Deadline: September 15, 2015

PhD scholarship in Philosophy of Action/Intentions, Memory and Agency, University of Copenhagen

Read more:

The Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, invites applications for a 3-year fully funded PhD scholarship in philosophy of action. The successful candidate will be a member of the research project Intentions, Selection, and Agency, funded by the Danish Research Council with Associate Professor of Philosophy Thor Grünbaum as principal investigator. Applicants are expected to have a strong profile in analytical philosophy of mind/action/psychology. The successful applicant will be part of the platform for analytical philosophy in Copenhagen and the research group in theoretical philosophy at the Section of Philosophy. The candidate will be expected to begin on February 1, 2017.

University of Roma Tre,
Post date: July 8, 2016
Postdoctoral Fellow
Deadline: September 5, 2016


Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts, University of Roma Tre. The fellowship is part of a grant to Dr. Erica Cosentino and Prof. Francesco Ferretti for the project “The cornerstone of self-control. A philosophical investigation into the role of mental time travel in overcoming temporal discounting”, funded by the Templeton Foundation through Florida State University's project “The Philosophy and Science of Self-Control”. The fellow will work on joint projects with Dr. Cosentino and Prof. Ferretti that are broadly related to this topic.

Applicants must hold a PhD degree in Philosophy or other fields relevant to the topic of the project. A strong interest in interdisciplinary work and competencies in at least one of the following areas are required: Philosophy of Language and Cognition, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Psychology and Cognitive Science.


The fellowship will be awarded for 9 months and will start on November 1, 2016. The amount of the fellowship will be about 1.600 EUR/month tax-free.

To apply please send:
cover letter;
curriculum vitae;
outline of a project proposal (max 2 pages);
sample of scholarly work (max 20 pages, e.g., article, conference paper, or dissertation chapter);
names and e-mail addresses of two university faculty members who can serve as referees (no letters of recommendation required);
copies of certificates (e.g., MA and PhD certificates).

The application must be submitted by e-mail to:
filosofiacomunicazione [__at__] ateneo [dot] uniroma3 [dot] it (Cc: erica [dot] cosentino [__at__] rub [dot] de).

Dr. Erica Cosentino
E-mail: erica [dot] cosentino [__at__] rub [dot] de. Websites:,
Prof. Francesco Ferretti
E-mail: francesco [dot] ferretti [__at__] uniroma3 [dot] it. Website:

Post date: May 30, 2016
3 University Assistants without doctorate
Deadline: June 15, 2016

collaborating in the team of Univ.-Prof. Dr. iur. Matthias Klatt
 participating in national and international research projects
 own research (with opportunity to take the PhD)
 teaching (in the 2nd and 3rd year of employment, 2 hrs per wk in term)
We offer you a position enriched with responsibility and variety in an innovative and high-performing team. You can expect an enjoyable work climate, flexible work hours and numerous possibilities for further education and personal development, in particular the opportunity to develop your own research profile. Employment conditions according to the Universitäten-KV (Universities Collective Agreement): 20 hrs/wk; two positions may be given to the same person in individual cases; fixed-term employment for the period of 3 years; begin to be settled by agreement; salary scheme: B1. The minimum salary as stated in the collective agreement and according to the classification scheme is EUR 1331.50 gross/month

Reference number: MB/12-1/99 ex 2015/16

Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici ,
Post date: May 27, 2016
Borsa di studio/Scholarship
Deadline: July 29, 2016

L’Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici bandisce il concorso a borse di studio annuali per giovani laureati e dottori di ricerca, italiani e stranieri, in discipline storiche, filosofiche e letterarie:

a) quattordici borse dell’importo di € 12.000,00 ciascuna (per i residenti nella Regione Campania l’importo è di € 9.700,00);
b) una borsa intitolata a «Federico II», offerta dall’Università di Napoli per laureati nelle università italiane con una tesi di argomento medievistico, dell’importo di € 10.300,00.

1. Requisiti per l’ammissione al concorso.
Possono concorrere al presente bando coloro che siano in possesso dei seguenti requisiti:
- età inferiore ai 32 anni alla data di scadenza del 29 luglio 2016;
- laureati e dottori di ricerca che entro la data di scadenza abbiano discusso la tesi di laurea magistrale o di dottorato in discipline storiche, filosofiche e letterarie.
Sono esclusi dal godimento della borsa i candidati che hanno già usufruito di borse di studio presso l’Istituto o che per il periodo a decorrere dal 1° novembre 2016 siano nelle seguenti condizioni:
- titolari di borse di studio o assegni di ricerca;
- dottorandi di ricerca con assegno di finanziamento;
- coloro che svolgono altre attività retribuite incompatibili con gli obblighi previsti dal presente bando (cf. § 4).
2. Modalità di presentazione delle domande di partecipazione e relativa documentazione.
Le domande di partecipazione (da scaricare dal sito debitamente compilate e sottoscritte dovranno pervenire all’Istituto italiano per gli studi storici, Via Benedetto Croce, 12 – 80134 Napoli, entro e non oltre il 29 luglio 2016 (non farà fede la data del timbro postale) con la seguente documentazione:
1) Copia del documento di identità.
2) Curriculum studiorum del candidato, con l’indicazione delle lingue che egli conosce.
3) Certificato di laurea quadriennale o specialistica, con i voti riportati nei singoli esami, e/o di dottorato. Per gli stranieri certificato di un titolo di studio equipollente.
4) Copia cartacea e su supporto informatico della tesi di laurea o di dottorato e di altri eventuali lavori a stampa o in bozza.
5) Programma di ricerca da cui risultino le finalità, i tempi per portarlo a compimento, i materiali da utilizzare, i luoghi nei quali la ricerca dovrebbe svolgersi.
6) Lettere e attestati di almeno due studiosi sotto la cui guida il candidato lavora o ha lavorato.
Le domande che non soddisfino integralmente le condizioni di cui sopra non verranno prese in considerazione.
3. Commissione giudicatrice.
I concorrenti ritenuti idonei in base ai titoli presentati, che dovranno essere posseduti alla data di scadenza del bando, potranno essere invitati a un colloquio con la Commissione giudicatrice. Le borse verranno assegnate dalla Commissione giudicatrice, a suo inappellabile giudizio, in base ai titoli e all’eventuale colloquio.
4. Conferimento e svolgimento della borsa di studio.
L’importo della borsa di studio verrà erogato ai vincitori in più rate, per la durata di dodici mesi a partire da novembre 2016. I borsisti saranno tenuti a:
a) risiedere a Napoli per svolgere il programma di ricerca presentato e frequentare con regolarità i corsi e i seminari nella sede dell’Istituto da dicembre a maggio; durante il restante periodo della borsa potranno condurre le loro ricerche presso altre sedi in Italia e all’estero;
b) trasmettere una relazione sulle attività di ricerca e di formazione, entro il 31 luglio 2017, e una relazione finale entro il 31 ottobre 2017;
c) preparare un lavoro scientifico, del cui svolgimento e progresso dovranno altresì discutere con i docenti dell’Istituto.

Il Consiglio Direttivo si riserva la facoltà di sospendere l’erogazione dell’assegno di studio e di non rilasciare l’attestato finale della borsa nel caso di gravi inadempienze da parte del borsista.
La borsa potrà essere rinnovata agli allievi più meritevoli.
La documentazione presentata verrà restituita soltanto su richiesta dell’interessato e a sue spese entro il 31 gennaio 2017.

Call for applications academic year 2016-2017

deadline: 29 July 2016

The Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici is offering annual scholarships for young graduates and
doctors, both Italian and non, in the disciplines of history, philosophy and literature:
a) 14 scholarships of € 12.000,00 each (if the candidate is resident in the Campania region the
amount of the scholarship is € 9.700,00).
b) 1 “Federico II” scholarship of € 10.300,00 offered by the Università degli studi di Napoli for
graduates from Italian universities whose final thesis is in medieval studies.
1.Requirements for admission.
- Candidates must be less than 32 years of age by the date of 29 July 2016
- Graduates and doctors must have discussed their final university dissertation before the final
application date
Applications will not be accepted from candidates who already received a scholarship from the Istituto,
or from candidates who, starting from 1 November 2016, will receive payment from another type of
activity or will be carrying out a research doctorate or another scholarship (with financing).
2. How to submit applications and documentation.
Applications (the form is on the web site must be received completed and signed no later
than 29 July 2016 (postal dates will not be accepted) together with the following documents:
1. Copy of identity document.
2. Curriculum of studies, including languages spoken.
3. Degree certificate showing marks for individual exams or doctor’s degree. For non-Italians an
equivalent degree certificate is required.
4. Copy of graduation or doctor’s dissertation and of publications, even if still in draft, both in hard
copy and digital file.
5. Research project that the student intends to carry out at the Institute, including aims and
objectives, timing, materials to be used and the research location.
6. Academic letters of reference.
Applications which do not completely satisfy the above conditions will not be considered.
3. Board of examiners.
Candidates who are shortlisted on the basis of their curriculum may be called for an interview by a
Board of examiners. Scholarships will be assigned by the Commission on evaluation of curriculum and
interview results.
4. Carrying out of the scholarship
The scholarship will be paid to the successful candidates in twelve monthly instalments starting from
November 2016.
From December to May candidates must reside in Naples in order to carry out their research project and
attend courses and seminars organised by the Institute; in the five months that follow, they can carry out
their research at another institution, either in Italy or abroad.
Candidates must submit a first report about their research activities by 15 July and a final one by 31
Candidates are expected to prepare a scientific work and to discuss it with the teachers of the Institute.
The Institute reserves the right to withdraw funding should fellows prove themselves to be seriously
inadequate. The scholarship can be renewed to particularly worthy students.
Documentation will be returned only on request by 31 January 2017 and at the expense of the applicant.