Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

Universität Freiburg - Departement für Philosophie / Université de Fribourg - Département de Philosophie,
Freiburg - Fribourg,
Post date: June 29, 2018
ordentliche Professur für Philosophie der Kunst und Aesthetik - Professeur-e ordinaire en Philosophie de l'art et esthétique
Deadline: September 30, 2018

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Aristotle University,
Post date: June 1, 2018
Assistant Professor: Philosophy of Logic, Language and Science
Deadline: July 9, 2018

Αριθμ. Προκήρυξης: 5100/20-11-2017. «Η Λογική μελετά τη δομή της ορθής σκέψης και παρέχει τα εργαλεία ανάλυσης και κριτικής αποτίμησης των επιχειρημάτων μελετά ειδικότερα: α. τις σχέσεις μεταξύ προτάσεων υπό το πρίσμα της αλήθειας ή του ψεύδους τους (Προτασιακός Λογισμός)• β. τη σχέση Υποκειμένου - Κατηγορήματος εντός των προτάσεων (Κατηγορηματικός Λογισμός)• επιπλέον, γ. εκθέτει πρακτικές χρήσιμες για την ορθή διατύπωση των απόψεων όταν επιχειρηματολογούμε (Πρακτική Λογική). Η Φιλοσοφία της Γλώσσας μελετά τη φύση και λειτουργία της γλώσσας, σε αναφορά με τους όρους συγκρότησης της σημασίας και του νοήματος, καθώς και τον τρόπο με τον οποίο αυτά σχετίζονται με την αλήθεια. Η φιλοσοφία της Επιστήμης (Επιστημολογία) μελετά τον χαρακτήρα της μεθόδου των επιστημών και τους όρους συγκρότησης και εκπλήρωσης της αξίωσής τους να περιγράφουν τον κόσμο. - Για την πλήρωση της θέσης θα προτιμηθούν υποψήφιοι με ερευνητικό έργο σε τουλάχιστον δύο από τα τρία αυτά αντικείμενα.»

Humboldt University of Berlin,
Post date: April 27, 2018
Scientific Coordinator
Deadline: May 17, 2018

Beschäftigter (m/w/d) mit vorauss. Vollzeit - E 13 TV-L HU (Drittmittelfinanzierung befristet bis 31.07.2023)


Nichtwissenschaftliches Personal

Anzahl der Stellen

Philosophische Fakultät – Institut für Philosophie

Bewerbung bis

An der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin entsteht unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Rahel Jaeggi das Center for Humanities and Social Change. Das Center beschäftigt sich mit den Krisen von Demokratie und Kapitalismus in zeitdiagnostischer wie auch in philosophisch-grundlagentheoretischer Hinsicht. Sozialphilosophisch angeleitet und am Projekt einer kritischen Theorie der Gesellschaft orientiert, zielt das Center in seiner Arbeit auf eine systematische Untersuchung von sozialen Pathologien und aktuell virulenten Krisenerscheinungen und nimmt dabei das (Spannungs-)Verhältnis von Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik in den Blick.

Aufgabengebiet: Inhaltliche Koordination des Center for Humanities and Social Change (CHSC), insb. Konzipierung und Etablierung des Wissenschafts- und Ausbildungsprogramms des Centers; inhaltliche und organisatorische Durchführung von wissenschaftlichen und öffentlichen Veranstaltungen, Workshops, Konferenzen; Konzeption und Koordination des Graduierten- und Fellowprogramms sowie Betreuung der nationalen und internationalen Spitzenwissenschaftler/innen; Aufbau eines internationalen Forschungsnetzwerkes sowie Gestaltung und Koordination der Kooperation mit den anderen internationalen Centern; Kontaktpflege zu Pressevertretern sowie Betreuung und Weiterentwicklung des Webauftritts; Einrichtung und Führung der Geschäftsstelle einschl. Unterstützung der Leitung des CHSC in allen verwaltungstechnischen und finanziellen Angelegenheiten

Anforderungen: Abgeschlossenes wiss. Hochschulstudium vorzugsweise in Philosophie, Politischer Theorie, Sozialwissenschaften bzw. einem verwandten Fach, Promotion erwünscht; Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen im Wissenschafts- und Hochschulmanagement, einschl. Management für wiss. Veranstaltungen sowie in der Koordinierung von Forschungsprojekten/-zentren; Kenntnisse von Universitätsstrukturen und -abläufen sowie der nationalen wie internationalen Forschungslandschaft; Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen in Qualitätssicherung und Controlling; Erfahrung bei der fachlichen Betreuung nationaler und internationaler Gastwissenschaftler/innen; Versiertheit in der Steuerung von Geschäftsprozessen/Leitungsaufgaben; Kenntnisse im Haushaltsrecht, insb. im Bereich Drittmittelverwaltung; Erfahrungen in Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, im Veranstaltungsmanagement und im Verfassen und in der Redaktion wiss. Texte; Beherrschung der gängigen Office-Software (Word, Excel und Powerpoint); sichere Beherrschung der deutschen Sprache; sehr gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift (konferenz- und verhandlungssicher); Kommunikations- und Organisationsfähigkeit, hohe soziale Kompetenz, auch im Umgang mit hochrangigen Vertretern/-innen der Wissenschaft, Belastbarkeit

Bewerbung an
Bewerbungen (einschl. ausgewählte Einblicke in Ihre bisherige wissenschaftliche Arbeit) sind unter Angabe der Kennziffer an die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philosophische Fakultät, Institut für Philosophie, Frau A. Mayer, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin oder bevorzugt per E-Mail in einer PDF-Datei an anja [dot] mayer [__at__] hu-berlin [dot] de zu richten.

University of Vienna,
Post date: March 13, 2018
10 Open PhD Positions in Philosophy, University of Vienna, 4yrs, Fully Funded
Deadline: May 15, 2018

10 Open PhD Positions in Philosophy, University of Vienna, 4yrs, Fully Funded

Within the FWF DocFunds Project Forms of Normativity: Transitions and Intersections

The University of Vienna invites applications for ten fully funded four-year PhD positions as part of the doctoral research project Forms of Normativity: Transitions and Intersections (FoNTI). Applicants will pursue their specialized research on normativity within a structured research and teaching program. Relevant subfields include – but are not limited to – epistemology, (applied and meta) ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of gender, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, philosophy of biology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of mathematics, logic, and social ontology. Research proposals from the entire field are invited; projects preferably cover some intersections between different established fields of normativity research, such as normativity of life, mind, action, logic, science, mathematics, and the social world. Applicants are encouraged to submit their own innovative proposals at the frontiers of normativity research, but for a general idea of possible topics, see:

FoNTI offers an exceptionally qualified interdisciplinary supervisory team consisting of nine professors. FoNTI works closely together with national and international collaborators and partner programs. Doctoral researchers are placed in an innovative collaborative network that fosters knowledge transfer and cross-fertilization between different subfields of normativity research. FoNTI brings its doctoral researchers in contact with internal and external experts in their field of specialization. FoNTI graduates are well prepared for a further academic career as they can combine research excellence in their area of specialization with strong competences in the wider field.

For more information about the FoNTI project see:

The FoNTI project is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the doctoral candidates will be employed by the University of Vienna according to FWF standards. The duration of employment is 4 years, the extent of employment is 30 hours per week. For more information regarding the salary see:

Applicants are invited to send their application to fonti [dot] philosophy [__at__] univie [dot] ac [dot] at. The application deadline is May 15, 2018. The FoNTI starting date is October 1, 2018. The applicant must select two potential supervisors. A list of the FoNTI faculty can be found at:

The University of Vienna strives to promote equality in academics. In light of recent findings on implicit bias, we kindly ask applicants to submit their application in an anonymized form. Your application should include:
- Cover letter (anonymized)
- CV (anonymized)
- Research proposal (2000 words max; anonymized)
- Writing sample (5000 words; anonymized)
- A separate document with the applicant’s general information (incl. potential supervisors)
- Relevant undergraduate and graduate transcripts and diplomas
- Two letters of recommendation, to be sent by the referees directly to fonti [dot] philosophy [__at__] univie [dot] ac [dot] at

Leibniz Universität Hannover/Bielefeld University,
Post date: February 28, 2018
3 PhD positions in ethics of science/philosophy of science
Deadline: May 20, 2018

Leibniz Universität Hannover and Bielefeld University jointly seek to fill

3 Doctoral Candidate Positions (65% TV-L 13)
in Ethics of Science and/or Philosophy of Science

starting October 1, 2018, within the Graduiertenkolleg (research training group) GRK 2073 "Integrating Ethics and Epistemology of Scientific Research".

Initial appointment will be for 1.5 years. Given the successful extension of the GRK’s funding period, the position is renewable for another 1.5 years. The positions will be filled as 65% Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter positions on salary scale TV-L 13. (This amounts to a monthly net salary roughly between 1500 and 1600 €, plus benefits such as health insurance.) Two of the positions are expected to be located at Leibniz Universität Hannover and the other one at Bielefeld University.

GRK 2073 "Integrating Ethics and Epistemology of Scientific Research" is a research training group that is established as a joint project by Leibniz Universität Hannover and Bielefeld University. It is funded by the German national funding agency (DFG). Its research program aims at bridging the gap between practice and theory in the philosophical investigation of scientific research in two ways: firstly, it examines new connections between practical philosophy of science (ethics of science, political philosophy of science) and theoretical philosophy of science (epistemology, metaphysics); secondly, it analyzes relevant links between the material culture of the sciences (objects, equipment, experiments, practices) and the cognitive dimension of the sciences (theories, hypotheses, discourses, models). The working language of GRK 2073 is English.

Applicants should be fluent in English and able to demonstrate an interest in at least one of the two areas: practical philosophy of science (i.e., ethics and/or political philosophy of science) or theoretical philosophy of science (epistemology and/or metaphysics of science). They must hold a pertinent university degree (typically an MA degree in Philosophy or HPS) and must be eligible to enroll as doctoral students in Philosophy at Leibniz Universität Hannover or Bielefeld University. They need to specify a dissertation project that fits the aims of the research program of GRK 2073 as described above.

The obligations of each holder of one of the advertised positions will be to conduct research on a dissertation project that contributes to the research program of GRK 2073 and to participate in the training activities that are specified by the qualification program. Holders of the positions must enroll as doctoral students in philosophy at Leibniz Universität Hannover or Bielefeld University. It is expected that they take residence in the region of their respective campus.

Applications should be sent by e-mail to admissions [__at__] philos [dot] uni-hannover [dot] de and must be received by May 20, 2018. Please consult by all means our application guide for further information on how to apply (as well as on the research training group and the positions offered):

For informal enquiries please contact Rafael Ugarte Chacón (rafael [dot] ugarte [dot] chacon [__at__] philos [dot] uni-hannover [dot] de).

Leibniz Universität Hannover and Bielefeld University both aim to promote women within the scope of the statutory provisions and, hence, emphatically invite qualified women to apply for these positions. Severely disabled applicants will be given preferential consideration in the event of equal qualification.

University of Greifswald,
Post date: February 1, 2018
Lecturer of Didactics of Philosophy (part-time 50%)
Deadline: February 18, 2018

The Institute of Philosophy at the University of Greifswald is looking for a Lecturer of Didactics of Philosophy (part-time). For full details on the opening (in German), please follow the URL below.

IDEA Centre, University of Leeds,
United Kingdom
Post date: January 29, 2018
PhD Studentships in Applied Ethics
Deadline: March 9, 2018

The Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre offers a Studentship in Applied Ethics, broadly construed, to a high quality candidate for its full-time or part-time PhD programme. The studentship is tenable for 3yr (f-t) or 5yr (p-t) from September/October 2018 and has both tuition and maintenance components: academic fees will be will be covered at the UK/EU rate and the maintenance provided at the standard Research Councils UK stipend rate [currently £14,553 for 2017/18, tax free]. The award will be made conditionally on successful application for admission to study for PhD in the Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre. This application is made through the School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science (see admission procedure below). Renewal of the studentship each year is subject to satisfactory progress towards PhD completion.

This award is conditional on successful application for admission to study for a PhD in the Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre. Applications must be received by 9th March 2018 to be guaranteed consideration. After that time we will continue to accept applications until the places are filled or until 23rd April 2018 (whichever is sooner). Interviews are likely to be held in the week beginning 9th April 2018 for applications received by 9th March 2018. Interviews for later applications will be arranged as necessary.

We welcome applications from all areas of applied ethics and political philosophy whether interdisciplinary or not. Research undertaken by our current and recently graduated PhD students includes projects on climate change ethics and sustainability, post conflict justice, the problem of dirty hands, the ethics of international trade, engineering ethics, virtue ethics and military conduct, the ethics of healthcare resource allocation, the role of empathy in a virtuous life, the ethics of surveillance, assisted suicide, and moral responsibility.

For more information on the Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre see

Candidates for PhD in the Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre are able to take advantage of a professional training and development scheme for postgraduates which is provided through the Faculty of Arts “LEAP” Training Hub.

As part of their professional development, the Centre will require the successful applicant to undertake teaching for the Centre, after having undertaken any necessary training, which is paid at an hourly rate in addition to the studentship stipend. The normal expectation will be in the region of 40 hours teaching a year, but up to 80 hours a year may be available. The studentship holder will be also be expected to take a full role in the life of the Centre from the Research Activities through to the Professional Ethics Network.

The Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre also offers its PhD students financial support for conference attendance.

It is desirable that applicants have a Master’s level qualification in philosophy, but those who have a very good first degree in philosophy, or a master’s level or very good first degree in a discipline relevant to the Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre, and clear aptitude for the study of applied ethics, will also be considered.

Applications are welcome in all areas of applied ethics. The Centre has research interests and supervisory expertise in a wide range of areas, and particular strengths in:

• Moral psychology (especially desire, emotion, and rationality) and virtue theory;
• Ancient ethics (especially Plato and Aristotle);
• Contemporary moral theory;
• The demandingness of ethics (and gradability in moral theories);
• Political philosophy (especially political obligation);
• Emotions and ethics - the role of emotions in correct responses to ethical considerations;
• Moral development;
• Practical wisdom, practical judgment and moral expertise;
• Ethical issues in leadership and influence;
• The ethics of persuasion, including (but not limited to) rhetoric, advocacy, advertising, the public interest.
• The ethical significance of pleasure and pain (e.g. in public policy, in ethical goal-setting);
• Moral luck and punishment;
• Exploitation;
• Biomedical & Health Care Ethics;
• Psychiatric ethics (including vice and mental illness);
• Informed consent;
• Business ethics and the purpose of business;
• Professional ethics (and engineering ethics in particular);
• Integrity (in individuals and in organisations);
• Climate change and responsibility;
• Privacy and surveillance issues, including the ethics of big data;
• Artificial intelligence and robotics;
• Media ethics

Background of the Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre

Our vision is to be a world-class centre for excellence in teaching and research in professional and applied ethics. Founded in 2005 with an initial injection of nearly £3million from HEFCE, it is now self-sustaining, employs 12 full-time academics, working in partnership with host disciplines across the University to develop UG and PG teaching in applied ethics. It also has a role in supporting such developments nationally. Since its inception it has developed significant Research andProfessional Ethics Consultancy activity and has a lively programme of research seminars, research workshops and conferences to which its PGR students are expected to contribute. It has attracted charitable, professional body and learned society support for these events.

The Centre currently teaches in the following areas: Medical Ethics, Engineering Ethics, Business Ethics, Ethics and Nanotechnology, Media Ethics, Environmental Ethics, Computing Ethics, Ethics in Dentistry, Professional Ethics and Research Ethics. It would be an advantage for the successful candidate’s research to contribute to our expertise in at least one of these areas.


Lund University,
Post date: January 18, 2018
Senior Researcher
Deadline: February 15, 2018

The Lund Gothenburg Responsibility Project (LGRP) at the University of Lund is interested in hiring a full-time senior researcher for at least six years starting in September 2018. For more information and a link to electronic application see here:

University of Aberdeen,
United Kingdom
Post date: January 10, 2018
PhD Scholarships
Deadline: March 31, 2018

Dear all,

five Elphinstone PhD Scholarships are available at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Aberdeen. If successful, the applicants will have their tuition fees waived for each year of their PhD, whether British, EU or Overseas. Selections will be made on the basis of academic merit. The Scholarships are reserved to full-time, resident students.

*** THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION is the 31st of March 2018***

The Elphinstone Scholarships are related to the following specific projects:

Gender Equality and Sports – Investigating whether gender-based restrictions in sports are morally justified
(Supervisors: Dr F. Luzzi & Dr B. Lord)

Intuitive Understanding and the Life Sciences
(Supervisors: Dr U. Stegmann & Dr B. Lord)

Liberalism and Conservatism in Epistemology
(Supervisors: Dr L. Moretti & Dr F. Luzzi)

Investigating the precise roles of pictorial representations, their unique qualities and limitations
(Supervisors: Dr U. Stegmann and Dr L. Moretti)

Investigating the correct theory of the content of first-person (or de se) thought
(Supervisor: Dr S. Torre)

More information about the projects can be found via the following webpage:

Please use the search mask at the bottom of the page selecting the name of the relevant supervisor (or one of them if more supervisors are indicated).

If you are interested in any project, please email the first supervisor.

Personal profiles and contact details are here:

All the Best,
Luca Moretti

Institute for Logic, Language and Computation,
Post date: January 4, 2018
MacGillavry Fellowship, Tenure Track position for women in Logic and Computation
Deadline: March 19, 2018

MacGillavry Fellowship, Tenure Track position for women in Logic and Computation - University of Amsterdam

Deadline: Monday 19 March 2018

The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) participates in the recruitment programme at the Faculty of Science for top level female talent. This programme is named after the ground breaking crystallographer Carolina MacGillavry, an alumna of the University of Amsterdam. The MacGillavry Fellowships at the Faculty of Science are offered to women who excel in their discipline, who possess leadership potential and aspire to a career as a professor at the University of Amsterdam. For more information, see or contact Prof. Sonja Smets at S.J.L.Smets at .