Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

3TU Ethics and Technology Centre,
Delft, Eindhoven, Enschede,
Post date: April 30, 2014
Three PhD Positions in Ethics of Technology
Deadline: June 10, 2014

The 3TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology in the Netherlands offers, as part of its PhD programme in Ethics and Technology:

3 PhD four-year Positions in Ethics of Technology

Application Deadline: June 10th, 2014

We are looking for three talented PhD students for projects in the areas of:

Technology & Ethics (various areas) (Delft University of Technology)

Ethics of Technology (various areas) (Eindhoven University of Technology)

Ethics of Emerging Medical Technologies (University of Twente)

Please refer to the full vacancy text here:

University of Geneva, Department of Philosophy,
Post date: April 28, 2014
Postdoc, 50% (three positions, three years each)
Deadline: May 15, 2014

3 post-doc positions in Geneva (3 years, 50%)
Deadline for applications: May 15th 2014

For the 3-years FNS research project “Meaning and intentionality in Anton Marty. At the crossroads of the philosophy of language and mind”, starting on August 1st 2014, the Department of philosophy of the University of Geneva invites applications for three post-doc positions A, B, C (each for 3 years, at 50%).

Position A : philosophy of language in the Austro-German tradition.

Position B : philosophy of mind in the Austro-German tradition.

Position C : philosophy of language and mind in the Austro-German tradition and in contemporary philosophy.

Additional, common requirements for A, B, C :
• Excellent German and French.
• Experience in the field of text editions and translations (German into French).
• Experience in teamwork and organizational matters.

Applications (letter of motivation, CV, publication-record) must be sent by email (only) to Kevin [dot] Mulligan [__at__] unige [dot] ch no later than May 15th 2014. Please specify the position you are applying for (A, B, C).

Department of Philosophy, University of Geneva,
Post date: April 28, 2014
Chargé/e de cours (40%)
Deadline: May 14, 2014

met au concours un poste à charge partielle (40 %) de
Chargé-e de cours en philosophie médiévale arabe et hébraïque
Titre exigé et expérience professionnelle: - Doctorat ès lettres, ou titre jugé équivalent - Solide expérience de l’enseignement et de la recherche universitaire - Publications en philosophie médiévale arabe et hébraïque Cahier des charges: - 4 heures d’enseignement en philosophie médiévale arabe et hébraïque autant dans le séminaire de BA que de MA selon les besoins du département.
Entrée en fonction: 1er septembre 2014 ou date à convenir
Durée du mandat:
Art. 141 du règlement du personnel de l'Université de Genève : "Le chargé de cours est nommé pour une première période de 3 ans au maximum; la nomination est renouvelable pour des périodes successives de 3 ans au maximum". Le renouvellement du poste dépendra des priorités de la Faculté et de la situation budgétaire.
Classe 23/00 à 23/22 (CHF 48'357.- à CHF 65'380.- par an à 40 %).
Prévoyance sociale:
Les enseignant(e)s de l'Université de Genève sont obligatoirement affilié(e)s à la Caisse de prévoyance de l'Etat de Genève.
Documents et délai requis pour le dépôt des candidatures:
Les dossiers de candidature comprenant:
- lettre de candidature
- copie des diplômes universitaires
- curriculum vitae et liste des publications
- les trois publications jugées les plus significatives
- copie certifiée du diplôme le plus élevé ou une attestation de l’institution qui l’a délivré
sont à envoyer avant le 14 mai 2014 à :
Kevin [dot] Mulligan [__at__] unige [dot] ch
Dans une perspective de parité, l’Université encourage les candidatures du sexe sous-représenté.

Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg,
Post date: April 11, 2014
3 fully funded PhD-position in Theoretical Philosophy, Logic, and Theory of Science
Deadline: May 12, 2014

The Department of Philosophy, Lingustics and Theory of Science announces three fully funded PhD-positions, one in each of the subjects Theoretical Philosophy, Logic, and Theory of Science. The positions are proper employments, subject to the favourable conditions of standard Swedish social benefits, such as paid parental leave.

For the announcement, go here:
For eligibility requirements, go here:

The successful applicant will be expected to work on a research-subject for which we can provide highly skilled supervision. We therefore recommend that you visit the research webpages of the relevant subjects to find out more about the research conducted there:

For theoretical philosophy, please visit:
For logic, visit:
And for theory of science (website in Swedish):

The successful candidate is expected to be proficient in English.

Universität Paderborn, Fach Philosophie,
Post date: March 27, 2014
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, 50%
Deadline: April 14, 2014

Universität Paderborn
In der Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften, Fach Philosophie ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt, spätestens aber zum 1.8.2014 die Stelle einer/eines
wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin/wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters
(Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L)
zu besetzen. Es handelt sich um eine zunächst auf 3 Jahre befristete Tätigkeit im Umfang von 50% der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit. Eine wissenschaftliche Weiterqualifikation / Promotion wird erwartet.

- Mitwirkung bei der Durchführung und Betreuung des Praxissemesters im Lehramtsstudium Philosophie/Praktische Philosophie
- Lehre in der Fachdidaktik Philosophie für das Lehramt Praktische Philosophie an Haupt-, Real- und Gesamtschulen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Inklusion (im Umfang von 2 SWS)
- Forschung in der Philosophiedidaktik

- Hochschulabschluss im Fach Philosophie; i.d.R. Erstes Staatsexamen

Erwünscht sind:
- Gute fachdidaktische und fachwissenschaftliche Kenntnisse im Bereich der Praktischen Philosophie
- Schulpraktische Erfahrungen
- Kenntnisse im Bereich des Themengebiets Heterogenität

Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen werden unter Kennziffer 1868 per Post bis zum 14.04.2014 erbeten an:
Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber
Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften
Universität Paderborn
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

KU Leuven,
Post date: March 17, 2014
PhD Fellowship in Philosophy
Deadline: May 30, 2014


The Centre for Logic and Analytic Philosophy at KU Leuven invites applications for a full-time position as a PhD fellow as part of a research project on


which is funded by a KU Leuven OT and an FWO grant (PI: Christoph Kelp) and will run until 2017/18.

DURATION: 3 years
STARTING DATE: October 1, 2014.
SALARY: approx. EUR 1800/month (after tax).

The candidate will be part of Christoph Kelp’s research group and will prepare a thesis on a topic related to the project under the supervision of Christoph Kelp. (For further information about the project please visit the project website at

At present, there are two doctoral students working in the research group. Additional hires on postdoctoral level are expected.

The members of the research group will work closely together and are expected to actively contribute to the project and to activities at the Centre for Logic and Analytic Philosophy.



* MA (or equivalent) in philosophy



Candidates are requested to submit the following application materials to christoph [dot] kelp [__at__] hiw [dot] kuleuven [dot] be
* a cover letter
* a CV
* a research proposal on a topic related to the project (max. 1000 words)
* a writing sample
* two names and email addresses of referees who have agreed to write a letter of recommendation

The deadline for applications is May 30, 2014. Only electronic applications will be considered.



The Centre for Logic and Analytic Philosophy is a growing research unit at KU Leuven. At present it counts 5 senior members of staff, 4 postdocs and 7 PhD students among its members. In 2014/2015, 2 additional seniors members will join the Centre. The Centre hosts a bi-weekly research seminar and various workshops and conferences.

KU Leuven,
Post date: March 17, 2014
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Epistemology
Deadline: May 30, 2014


The Centre for Logic and Analytic Philosophy at KU Leuven invites applications for a full-time position as a postdoctoral research fellow as part of a research project on


which is funded by a KU Leuven OT and an FWO grant (PI: Christoph Kelp) and will run until 2017/18.

DURATION: 2 years
STARTING DATE: October 1, 2014.
SALARY: A competitive salary is offered commensurate with the candidate’s experience.
TEACHING: The candidate may be asked to teach up to a total three courses over the course of the 2 years (i.e., on average, less than one course per semester).

The candidate will be part of Christoph Kelp’s research group and will work on topics related to the project. (For further information about the project please visit the project website at

At present, there are two doctoral students working in the research group. Additional hires on doctoral and postdoctoral level are expected.

The members of the research group will work closely together and are expected to actively contribute to the project and to activities at the Centre for Logic and Analytic Philosophy.



* A PhD in philosophy
* Area of Specialisation: Epistemology (preferably: virtue epistemology and/or knowledge first epistemology)



Candidates are requested to submit the following application materials to christoph [dot] kelp [__at__] hiw [dot] kuleuven [dot] be
* a cover letter
* a CV
* a research proposal on a topic related to the project (max. 1000 words)
* a writing sample
* two names and email addresses of referees who have agreed to write a letter of recommendation

The deadline for applications is May 30, 2014. Only electronic applications will be considered.



The Centre for Logic and Analytic Philosophy is a growing research unit at KU Leuven. At present it counts 5 senior members of staff, 4 postdocs and 7 PhD students among its members. In 2014/2015, 2 additional seniors members will join the Centre. The Centre hosts a bi-weekly research seminar and various workshops and conferences.

Utrecht University,
Post date: March 13, 2014
PhD scholarship on the Meta-ethical implications of Evolutionary Explanations of Morality
Deadline: April 15, 2014

Full time PhD scholarship (4-year duration) on the Meta-ethical implications of Evolutionary Explanations of Morality, from May 1st, 2014, at Utrecht University, The Netherlands

The Netherlands Foundation for Scientific Research (NWO) finances the research project “Evolutionary Ethics? The (Meta)-Ethical Implications of Evolutionary Explanations of Morality” from February 1st, 2014, onwards. The programme is supervised by Prof. dr. Herman Philipse (Philosophy, main supervisor) and Prof. dr. Johan J. Bolhuis (Cognitive Neurobiology, co-supervisor). There still is one vacancy for a doctorate student (see sub-project 3 of the research project).

Job category: 1 PhD position
Duration: Maximally 4 years (PhD)
Workload: Full time
Disciplines: (Meta-)Ethics; Philosophy of Biology.

PhD position:
We offer one full-time PhD position (1.0 fte), consisting of an initial period of 18 months which, after a satisfactory first year, will be extended by another 30 months (4 years in total), with a gross monthly salary starting at € 2,083,- in the first year, ending at € 2,664,- in the fourth year (1,0 fte). Utrecht University offers a pension scheme, a holiday allowance of 8% per year, an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% and flexible employment conditions. Conditions are based on the Collective Employment Agreement of the Dutch Universities. More information:

Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
Deadline for receipt of applications: 15 April 2014
Further Inquiries: Professor Herman Philipse: Herman [dot] Philipse [__at__] phil [dot] uu [dot] nl

Job Description:
Planned Deliverables: the PhD project will result in a dissertation and 2 research articles based on the dissertation.

Eligibility/required qualifications:
Applicants for the PhD position are expected to hold a good honours degree in a relevant subject and to have obtained a good result (merit or distinction or equivalent) in a postgraduate qualification (MA or equivalent) in Philosophy and, preferably, also in another discipline relevant to the research project, such as Behavioral Biology. They should be ambitious and aim at a career in research.

Additional information:
For an outline of the research project, go to the application page:

Application procedure:
Please use the ‘apply’ button on the application page and upload the following material before 15 April 2014:
1. A personal statement stating clearly why you wish to prepare your doctorate at the Department of Philosophy, Utrecht University, The Netherlands (in cooperation with the Departments of Biology and Psychology);
2. Your curriculum vitae, including academic qualifications and a list of publications;
3. An official university transcript of your grades;
4. The names and e-mail addresses of two academic referents;
5. A brief personal elaboration (max. 800 words) of sub-project 3.

KU Leuven / University of Leuven,
Post date: February 24, 2014
Academic position in philosophical anthropology
Deadline: September 30, 2014

The Institute of Philosophy of the KU Leuven is pleased to announce a full-time academic position in the domain of philosophical anthropology. We are looking for internationally oriented candidates with an excellent research record and educational competence.

Academic vacancy

The Institute of Philosophy offers academic education in English and Dutch, to both graduate and undergraduate students; it has about one hundred doctoral students. The faculty has an extensive national and international academic network and has an excellent library.


Candidates are expected to

- develop a research programme at an international level in the area of philosophical anthropology. Ideally, their research perspective on philosophical anthropology can be situated within one, or more, of the following areas: existential phenomenology, psychoanalysis or philosophy of psychiatry.
- set up collaborations inside and outside of the department, to support and extend the research group’s national and international collaborations, and to set up new forms of collaboration.
- acquire competitive funding and supervise PhDs.
- teach high-quality courses within the area of philosophical anthropology, with a clear commitment to the quality of the programme as a whole. They are prepared to teach courses and seminars in Dutch and English, to graduate and undergraduate students both at the Institute of Philosophy and other KU Leuven faculties.


Candidates are expected to

- possess a PhD in Philosophy.
- have a strong research profile in the field of philosophical anthropology. The quality of their research is proven by publications in leading journals and books and through international research experience.
- have demonstrable qualities related to academic education. Teaching experience is an advantage.
- have a cooperative attitude and possess organizational and leadership capacities.
- A good command of English is required.

The administrative and educational language at KU Leuven is Dutch. If, at your appointment, you do not speak Dutch at all or do not speak it well, you will be expected to learn the language to a sufficient level within three years; KU Leuven will provide a training offer to that end. If your teaching assignment is exclusively in a language other than Dutch, then it is expected that after three years you will have mastered Dutch sufficiently to allow you to participate in administrative meetings.


We are offering full-time employment in an intellectually challenging environment. KU Leuven is a research-intensive, internationally oriented university that carries out both fundamental and applied scientific research. It focuses on inter- and multidisciplinarity and strives for international excellence. In this regard, it actively works together with research partners in Belgium and abroad. It provides its students with an academic education that is based on high-quality scientific research.

You will work in Leuven, a historic, dynamic and lively city located in the heart of Belgium, about 20 minutes from Brussels, the capital of the European Union, and less than two hours from Paris, London and Amsterdam.

Depending on your record and qualifications, you will be appointed to or tenured in one of the grades of the senior academic staff: assistant professor, associate professor, professor or full professor. In principle, junior researchers are appointed as assistant professor on the tenure track for a period of 5 years; after this period and a positive evaluation, they are permanently appointed (or tenured) as an associate professor.


For more information, please contact Prof. G. Van Riel, chair of the Appointment Committee of the Institute of Philosophy, Kard. Mercierplein, 2, B-3000 Leuven, e-mail: gerd [dot] vanriel [__at__] hiw [dot] kuleuven [dot] be or Prof. Bart Raymaekers, dean of the Institute of Philosophy, Kard. Mercierplein, 2, B-3000 Leuven, e-mail: bart [dot] raymaekers [__at__] hiw [dot] kuleuven [dot] be
If you have problems submitting your application online, please contact Valerie Vander Borght, e-mail: valerie [dot] vanderborght [__at__] kuleuven [dot] be, tel. +32 16 328325.

KU Leuven is committed to creating a diverse environment and is therefore an equal opportunity employer. It explicitly encourages candidates from groups that are currently underrepresented at the university to submit their applications.

You can apply for this job no later than September 30, 2014 via the online application tool

Central European University,
Post date: February 7, 2014
Assistant/Associate Professor position, Department of Philosophy
Deadline: March 20, 2014

Starting date: August 01, 2014
Application deadline: March 20, 2014
Full Or Part Time: Full-Time

The Department of Philosophy at Central European University in Budapest invites applications for two full-time faculty positions. The initial contract is for four years, after which, in the case of a positive review, the term of the contract becomes indefinite.

CEU is an English-speaking research-intensive postgraduate university, with a highly international faculty and student-body and a low student-faculty ratio. The university is accredited in both the United States and Hungary. The Department of Philosophy offers masters and doctoral programs which combine historical and analytical approaches to philosophy, while remaining open to other traditions. The Department has strong academic connections with the Departments of Cognitive Science and Political Science. For more information, see and

We invite applications in any central area of philosophy, including epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language and philosophy of science, as well as any period of the history of philosophy. We are particularly interested in candidates who combine research in contemporary issues with an interest in history, or historical research with an awareness of contemporary issues.

We welcome applications from junior candidates for an Assistant Professor position, but there is potential for an appointment at the Associate Professor level for suitable candidates.

Duties and responsibilities:
Teaching postgraduate courses and supervising MA and PhD theses, and normal administrative work at the department and the University. The yearly teaching load is 12 credits (1 credit equals 12 classroom hours). Successful candidates will be expected to maintain an active research agenda and regularly publish in internationally acknowledged venues.

Candidates must hold a PhD by the time of starting employment.

We offer a competitive salary commensurate with experience.

How to apply:
Applicants need to submit: CV; list of publications; a writing sample; cover letter including statement about teaching interests and research plans; and the names and addresses of at least three referees.

Please send your complete application to positions [__at__] ceu [dot] hu including job code in subject line: 2014/008.
CEU is an equal opportunity employer.
