Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

Institute for Logic, Language and Computation,
Post date: October 22, 2013
Postdoctoral researcher in logic and theoretical philosophy, University of Amsterdam
Deadline: November 15, 2013

This position is part of the larger LogiCIC project on 'The Logical Structure of Correlated Information Change', funded by the ERC Starting grant of Dr. S. Smets at the University of Amsterdam.

Applicants should have a PhD degree in any area connected to Logic, Philosophy, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence. Fluent English is a prerequisite.

We are looking for a candidate with a strong interest in Logic (especially in any of the areas such as Modal Logic, Epistemic Logic and Dynamic Logic) and at least one of the following areas of research: Belief Revision Theory, Learning Theory, Truth Approximation Theory (in Philosophy of Science).
Preference will be given to a candidate who has published original work in several of the above areas (or interdisciplinary work at the interface of these areas).

The postdoctoral position will be awarded for a period of 25 months. The preferred starting date is January 1st 2014.

All further details about the application procedure and about the LogiCIC project can be found on the website:

The National Research University Higher School of Economics,
Post date: October 16, 2013
Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Deadline: December 18, 2013

The Faculty of Philosophy of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia ( invites applications for full-time, tenure-track positions of Assistant Professor, or higher, with a proven ability to conduct high-level research and excellent academic backgrounds.

We welcome candidates in all sub-fields of Philosophy (with a special focus on epistemology, ontology, history of philosophy, logic, political and social philosophy, ethics), Cultural and visual studies (notably in visual art theory, theory and history of visual media, image science, sociology of culture, film studies, visual anthropology) and Asian studies (especially in economic development and socio-economic situation in Modern East Asia, mainly China and Japan, State and Law in Modern East Asia).

The HSE is a young, dynamic, fast-growing Russian research university which provides unique research opportunities (

Work Conditions:
- Internationally competitive compensation package, 13% flat income tax rate and other benefits
- Generous travel support and research grants provided by the university’s Centre for Advanced Studies (
- Low teaching load, minimal service required
- Heavy emphasis on high quality research

- Ph.D. in Philosophy, Cultural studies, Visual studies, Asian studies or a related field
- Fluent English (knowledge of Russian is not required)
- Ability and high motivation to conduct high-quality research publishable in reputable peer-reviewed journals and international university presses

Generally appointments will be made for an initial three-year period and upon successful completion of an interim review, contracts would normally be extended for a further three years until the tenure review.

Please provide a CV, at least 2 letters of reference forwarded directly, a statement of research interest and recent research paper. All materials should be addressed to Martin Gilman, Director, Centre for Advanced Studies at cas [__at__] hse [dot] ru no later than December 18, 2013.

University of Innsbruck,
Post date: October 8, 2013
UniversitätsassistentIn - Postdoc
Deadline: October 23, 2013

UniversitätsassistentIn - Postdoc
Chiffre PHIL-HIST-7698


ehest möglich
auf 2 Jahre


20 Stunden/Woche

Mitarbeit bei Projektanträgen und laufenden Forschungen sowie selbständige Forschung im Bereich Praktische Philosophie (bevorzugte Schwerpunkte: Informations- und Medienethik, Privatheit, Menschenrechte - Religionen - Geschlecht, Wiener Kreis, Feministische Ethik, Bioethik)
Abhaltung von eigenständiger Lehre
Mitwirkung an Organisations- und Verwaltungsaufgaben
Erforderliche Qualifikation:

Abgeschlossenes Doktoratsstudium der Philosophie (Dissertation im Bereich Praktische Philosophie), hervorragende philosophische Allgemeinkenntnisse; Erfahrung im Einwerben von Drittmitteln; ausgezeichnete Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse
Teamfähigkeit; Kommunikationskompetenz; Selbständigkeit; Organisationskompetenz; Belastbarkeit; Freude und Engagement bei der Betreuung von Studierenden

Für diese Position ist ein Entgelt von brutto € 1.706 / Monat (14 mal) vorgesehen. Darüber hinaus bietet die Universität zahlreiche attraktive Zusatzleistungen (

Bewerbung unter:

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Onlinebewerbung bis 23.10.2013.

Utrecht University,
Post date: October 8, 2013
2 Post-doc positions (3-year duration) in Philosophy & Biology (Research Project: Evolutionary Ethics)
Deadline: November 1, 2013

The Netherlands Foundation for Scientific Research NWO finances the research
project “Evolutionary Ethics? The (Meta)-Ethical Implications of Evolutionary
Explanations of Morality” from January 1st, 2014, onwards. The programme will be
supervised by Prof. dr. Herman Philipse (Philosophy, main supervisor) and Prof. dr.
Johan J. Bolhuis (Cognitive Neurobiology, co-supervisor).

Post-doc positions:
We offer two full-time post-doc positions (1.0 fte) with an initial contract of one year.
After a positive evaluation this contract can be extended to a maximum of two more
years (a total of three years maximum). Salary ranges between € 3.037,- and € 3.259,-
gross per month on a fulltime basis depending on experience and qualifications (scale
10). Utrecht University offers a pension scheme, a holiday allowance of 8% per year, an
end-of-year bonus of 8.3% and flexible employment conditions. Conditions are based on
the Collective Employment Agreement of the Dutch Universities.

Job Description:
Candidates are asked to apply for one of the following four sub-projects:
Project 1: The Epistemological Limits of Evolutionary Explanations of Morality:
Modelling Genetic and Cultural Evolution (Post-doc).
Project 2: The Ethical Consequences of the Evolutionary History of Morals (PhD
Project 3: The Meta-Ethical Implications of Evolutionary Theory (PhD student).
Project 4: Models of Moral Justification in the Face of Evolution (Post-doc).

Planned Deliverables:
Each of the PhD projects will result in a dissertation and 2
research articles based on the dissertation. Each of the Post-doc projects will result in
5 articles in the best (blind-refereed) philosophy and/or interdisciplinary (philosophy,
phil. of psychology, phil. of biology) journals (mostly ranked as A). Furthermore, a
volume with a selection of the papers presented at an international conference (to be
organized by the team) will be prepared for publication by the post-docs and the

Eligibility/required qualifications:
Applicants for the Post-doc positions are expected to have obtained their doctorate
degree in one of the relevant disciplines at a good university with a very good result.
All of them should be ambitious and aim at a career in research.

Application procedure:
Please go to, look up the advertisement for the PhD’s or
Postdoc’s, and use the “apply” button in order to upload the following material before
1 November 2013 (you can use also a direct link, for Postdocs:, and for PhD’s:
1. A personal statement stating clearly why you wish to prepare your doctorate
or your post-doctoral publications at the Department of Philosophy, Utrecht
University, The Netherlands (in cooperation with the Departments of Biology
and Psychology)
2. Your curriculum vitae, including academic qualifications and a list of
3. An official university transcript of your grades
4. Two academic references
5. A brief personal elaboration (max. 800 words) of the research project (sub-
project 1, 2, 3, or 4) you are applying for. Please read the Project Information
(attached, or to be obtained by e-mail from Prof. Philipse) carefully.

Utrecht University,
Post date: October 8, 2013
2 Full time PhD scholarships (4-year duration) in Philosophy & Biology (Research Project: Evolutionary Ethics)
Deadline: November 1, 2013

The Netherlands Foundation for Scientific Research NWO finances the research
project “Evolutionary Ethics? The (Meta)-Ethical Implications of Evolutionary
Explanations of Morality” from January 1st, 2014, onwards. The programme will be
supervised by Prof. dr. Herman Philipse (Philosophy, main supervisor) and Prof. dr.
Johan J. Bolhuis (Cognitive Neurobiology, co-supervisor).

We offer two full-time PhD positions (1.0 fte), consisting of an initial period of 18
months which, after a satisfactory first year, will be extended by another 30 months (4
years in total), with a gross monthly salary starting at € 2,083,- in the first year, ending
at € 2,664,- in the fourth year (1,0 fte). Utrecht University offers a pension scheme, a
holiday allowance of 8% per year, an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% and flexible
employment conditions. Conditions are based on the Collective Employment
Agreement of the Dutch Universities.

Job Description:
Candidates are asked to apply for one of the following four sub-projects:
Project 1: The Epistemological Limits of Evolutionary Explanations of Morality:
Modelling Genetic and Cultural Evolution (Post-doc).
Project 2: The Ethical Consequences of the Evolutionary History of Morals (PhD
Project 3: The Meta-Ethical Implications of Evolutionary Theory (PhD student).
Project 4: Models of Moral Justification in the Face of Evolution (Post-doc).Planned Deliverables: Each of the PhD projects will result in a dissertation and 2
research articles based on the dissertation. Each of the Post-doc projects will result in
5 articles in the best (blind-refereed) philosophy and/or interdisciplinary (philosophy,
phil. of psychology, phil. of biology) journals (mostly ranked as A). Furthermore, a
volume with a selection of the papers presented at an international conference (to be
organized by the team) will be prepared for publication by the post-docs and the

Eligibility/required qualifications:
Applicants for the PhD positions are expected to hold a good honours degree in a
relevant subject and to have obtained a good result (merit or distinction or equivalent)
in a postgraduate qualification (MA or equivalent) in Philosophy and, preferably, also
in another discipline relevant to their research project, such as Behavioral Biology.

Application procedure:
Please go to, look up the advertisement for the PhD’s or
Postdoc’s, and use the “apply” button in order to upload the following material before
1 November 2013 (you can use also a direct link, for Postdocs:, and for PhD’s:
1. A personal statement stating clearly why you wish to prepare your doctorate
or your post-doctoral publications at the Department of Philosophy, Utrecht
University, The Netherlands (in cooperation with the Departments of Biology
and Psychology)
2. Your curriculum vitae, including academic qualifications and a list of
3. An official university transcript of your grades
4. Two academic references
5. A brief personal elaboration (max. 800 words) of the research project (sub-
project 1, 2, 3, or 4) you are applying for. Please read the Project Information
(attached, or to be obtained by e-mail from Prof. Philipse) carefully.

Ruhr-University Bochum,
Post date: July 29, 2013
PhD Position in Thought Experiments / “Transfer of Knowledge at the School Lab” at Ruhr-University Bochum
Deadline: September 8, 2013

The Professional School of Education (PSE) at Ruhr-Universität is offering a full-time, three-year PhD position in history and philosophy of science as part of its main research on “Transfer of Knowledge at the School Lab” starting in November 2013. The subproject will deal with „Laboratories of the Mind at the School Lab: Authenticity or Orchestration? On the Significance of Thought Experiments in the Humanities and the Natural Sciences”.
Primary supervisor of a dissertation in this area will be Prof Dr Helmut Pulte.
The candidate’s task will be to conduct comparative analyses on the function of thought experiments in diverse sciences, like the humanities and mathematics, among others. Provided that this comprehensive approach is sufficiently taken into account, the candidate may autonomously develop a research focus. The PhD-project will also consist of conducting test series on thought experiments at the Alfried Krupp-School Lab. The aim of these test series is to ascertain attitudes of pupils towards method and content of different humanities and sciences. Successful candidates are free (and expected to) develop their research on their own responsibility within this outline.
Suitable candidates should have an expertise in history and/or philosophy of science. Additionally, they should be both able as well as disposed to conducting ‘teaching experiments’ in the School Lab. The admission requirements for a PhD in philosophy ought to be met (preferably by an M.Ed.-degree). See for particulars.
The successful candidate is expected to develop the topic of the main research in close cooperation with an interdisciplinary research group.
We offer a grant of 1.400 € per month for three years, the involvement in the department of teacher training and dissertation of PSE, all advantages which come with the formal enrolment as a PhD-student at Ruhr-University Bochum (, as well as the possibility to use the School Lab.
For any requests concerning this position, please contact Prof Dr Helmut Pulte (helmut [dot] pulte [__at__] rub [dot] de, 0049 234 32 22726).
Please submit your electronic application [consisting of a letter of motivation, CV, diplomas, a short summary of your previous research (1 page maximum)] as one PDF-document to Prof Dr Katrin Sommer: pse-stipendien [__at__] rub [dot] de, indicating for which discipline you apply.
Closing date for applications is September 8th, 2013.

University of Geneva,
Post date: July 12, 2013
Professeur-e ordinaire ou associé-e en Philosophie médiévale latine
Deadline: September 15, 2013

Poste à charge complète dont l'enseignement est réparti entre les programmes de BA (bachelor) et de MA (master) du Département de Philosophie, ainsi que, le cas échéant, des programmes interdisciplinaires postgrades. Développement au niveau national et international de recherches dans les domaines de spécialisation. Responsabilité de diriger des travaux de recherche des étudiants et d'obtenir des financements externes.
La préférence sera donnée à un-e candidat-e de renommée internationale, pouvant faire preuve d'une maîtrise de l'approche philologique ainsi que systématique de la philosophie et d'une excellente intégration dans les réseaux de recherche. Il est souhaitable que le-la candidat-e soit capable de collaboration avec d'autres champs de la philosophie ainsi qu'avec d'autres disciplines au sein de la Faculté.

University of Geneva,
Post date: July 12, 2013
Professeur-e associé-e en philosophie des sciences
Deadline: September 15, 2013

4 heures de cours et séminaires hebdomadaires dans les programmes de BA (Bachelor) et de MA (Master) en philosophie des sciences et dans des domaines voisins (tels que la logique ou l'épistémologie), avec un accent particulier, selon sa spécialité, sur le domaine de la philosophie de la physique contemporaine ou de la philosophie de la causalité ou de la philosophie de la logique.

Développer au niveau international les recherches dans ses domaines de spécialisation. Diriger les travaux de recherche des étudiants. Obtenir des financements externes.

Assumer des tâches de gestion et d'organisation au niveau du département de philosophie et de la Faculté.

Leiden University,
Post date: July 10, 2013
Full Professor in Practical Philosophy
Deadline: August 15, 2013

Call for Applications:

The Leiden University Faculty of Humanities invites applications for a full professorship in Practical Philosophy. Starting date: 1st January 2014.

Chair (full professor) in Practical Philosophy, 38 hours per week (1,0 fte)
Vacancy number: 13-214

The chair is part of the Leiden University Institute of Philosophy (IPh). IPh conducts research in theoretical and practical philosophy. Within practical philosophy the focus is on ethics as well as political philosophy. The professor will be responsible for, and perform, research, undergraduate and graduate teaching, and PhD supervision in both areas. The professor will actively seek cooperation with other partners in Leiden University, including the Campus The Hague.

Leiden University
Founded in 1575, Leiden University is the oldest university in the Netherlands. Leiden University aims for an internationally recognized position as a top-ranking university within the European Higher Education and Research Areas. Leiden University is a member of the League of European Research Universities (LERU). Currently, Leiden University has around 20,000 students and 4,000 staff.

Faculty of Humanities
The Faculty of Humanities consists of the Institutes for Area Studies, Creative & Performing Arts, History, Linguistics, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and the Centre for Arts and Science. It has about 4,500 students and 800 staff. Staff and students come from all over the world. The faculty offers numerous BA and MA programmes. The majority of the MA programmes are taught in English. The faculty has a Graduate School with an annual output of about 50 PhDs. Faculty researchers are involved in several of the University’s key research areas: Asian Modernities and Traditions; Global Interaction of People, Culture and Power through the Ages; Language Diversity in the World; Political Legitimacy: Institutions and Identities; and Brain Function and Dysfunction over the Lifespan.

Institute of Philosophy
The members of IPh study philosophy in all its aspects and in relation to all subjects that are taught in the university. Research in IPh emphasizes the interaction between systematic and historical approaches to philosophy, and thrives on intensive national and international collaboration. IPh has defined two main research profiles: “Normativity and its sources: agency, interaction and conflict”, and “Philosophy of knowledge: the universal, the global, and the local”.
The new professor will lead a practical philosophy section that currently holds 3 permanent fulltime staff members working on political philosophy and ethics, with a growing number of postdocs and PhD candidates already acquired by this staff. The new professor will find ample opportunities of collaboration with partners in the Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University, and the Campus The Hague, which in a number of cases has already been developed to the point of realization. Contracts with UDP Santiago di Chile and Beijing Normal University have opened up staff and student exchange, as well as PhD trajectories, with two countries that are of growing international significance, also academically, not least for issues in practical philosophy. The chair thus has a great potential for growth.

- Leadership of the Practical Philosophy section.
- Teaching and curriculum development at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, in lecture and seminar formats, primarily in ethics and political philosophy.
- Original research in practical philosophy.
- Initiation and supervision of postgraduate research.
- Acquisition of project funding.
- Co-directorship of the Centre for Political Philosophy.
- Development of activities that aim at cooperation with national and international partners of IPh.
- Contribution to running IPh projects, e.g., the development of teaching and research in comparative philosophy, and/or the exploration of philosophical aspects of the work of the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC).
- Administrative and management duties within IPh and the Faculty of Humanities, as well as in research programmes and networks.
- Representation of the field to external audiences and media.
- Contribution to the university’s societal mission.

Your profile
- Excellent research qualities, apparent from a PhD degree and a high-quality, internationally acknowledged research and publication record.
- Disciplinary expertise in practical philosophy with competence in political philosophy.
- Ample experience and proven excellence in teaching in various forms of university education, as well as thesis supervision.
- Candidates who will be invited for an interview with the committee, will be asked to document their teaching qualities by means of evaluation reports, as well as syllabi and course outlines. Candidates should meet the requirements of the ‘BasisKwalificatie Onderwijs’ (BKO) (for detailed information, please see
- Openness to interdisciplinary cooperation.
- Proven ability to acquire funding for and manage international research projects.
- Demonstrated administrative, management and leadership abilities and readiness to participate actively in the administrative and management duties within IPh and the Faculty of Humanities, as well as in research programmes and networks.
- An excellent command of English (at the C1 level of the CEFR).

If the successful candidate does not speak Dutch, he/she is expected to acquire a good command of Dutch within two years from taking up duty (to the level of Staatsexamen NT2, Programma 2). Language acquisition facilities are available.

Leiden University requires staff to obtain the Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO). In case the successful applicant does not possess this qualification or its equivalent, the Institute will offer support in obtaining it.

We offer
The successful candidate is eligible for a permanent, fulltime appointment, provided his or her suitability is determined on the basis of previous experience as a full professor, and provided he or she has successfully completed a tenure track, or can demonstrate other broadly recognized achievements in teaching and research over a period of at least five years as a senior university lecturer (or comparable position). In other cases an appointment is initially for a period of five years, convertible into a permanent position pending satisfactory performance.

The gross monthly salary is set on € 5.003,- to € 7.285,- per month (scale H2), depending on qualifications. This is based upon a fulltime employment and in conformity with current salary scales under the collective employment agreement (cao) for Dutch Universities.

Candidates from outside the Netherlands may be eligible for a substantial tax break.

The candidate will be asked to give a lecture as part of the application procedure, and may be required to participate in a management assessment.

Prof. dr. H.W. van den Doel, Dean of the faculty of Humanities, P.O. Box 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands, phone: +31 71 527 1628, leerstoelen [__at__] hum [dot] leidenuniv [dot] nl.

The Dean may also be contacted for inquiries and for recommending potential candidates.

The electronically submitted application should include a motivation letter, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and courses taught, an outline of planned research (individual and/or team projects, 2 to 3 pages), and the names and contact details of three referees.

Please submit your application (with the vacancy number) before August 15, 2013, to Prof. dr. H.W. van den Doel, Dean of the faculty of Humanities, P.O. Box 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands, phone: +31 71 527 1628, leerstoelen [__at__] hum [dot] leidenuniv [dot] nl.

Leiden University aims at employing more women in areas where they are underrepresented. Women are therefore especially invited to apply.

KU Leuven (University of Leuven),
Post date: June 11, 2013
Full-time academic vacancy in contemporary continental philosophy and phenomenology
Deadline: September 30, 2013

There is a full-time academic vacancy in the Institute of Philosophy at KU Leuven in the area of contemporary continental philosophy and phenomenology. We are looking for internationally oriented candidates with an excellent research record and with educational competence within the field of contemporary continental philosophy and phenomenology.

The Institute of Philosophy offers academic education in English and Dutch, both to graduate and undergraduate students, and has about one hundred doctoral students. The faculty has an extensive national and international network in the academic world and can build upon an excellent library.

Candidates are expected to:
- develop a research programme at an international level in the area of contemporary continental philosophy and phenomenology. They are thoroughly familiar with the work of the major authors and the different currents in phenomenology. They are also familiar with issues and debates in contemporary continental philosophy, and willing to relate these questions and issues to a broadly phenomenological perspective.
- set up collaborations within and outside of the department. They support national and international collaborations of the research group and help promote and further develop these. They also actively assist in the development of the group's future research projects.
- acquire competitive funding and supervise PhDs at an international level.

Candidates are expected to:
- deliver high-quality education within the area of contemporary continental philosophy and phenomenology, with a clear commitment for the quality of the programme as a whole. They are prepared to teach courses and seminars in Dutch and English, to graduate and undergraduate students both at the Institute of Philosophy and other KU Leuven faculties. They also contribute to the pedagogic project of the faculty through the supervision of master theses and as a promoter of PhD students.
- develop their teachings in accordance with KU Leuven's vision on activating and researched-based education and make use of the possibilities for the educationalist professionalisation offered by the faculty and the university.

- Candidates are expected to provide scientific, social and internal services.

Candidates are expected to:
- possess a PhD in Philosophy.
- have a strong research profile in the field of contemporary continental philosophy and phenomenology. The quality of their research is proven by publications in leading journals and books and through international research experience.
- have demonstrable qualities related to academic education. Teaching experience is an advantage.
- possess organizational skills and have a cooperative attitude. They also possess leadership capacities within a university context.
- A good command of English is required. KU Leuven provides courses in academic English.
- The administrative and educational language at KU Leuven is Dutch. If, at your appointment, you do not speak Dutch at all or do not speak it well, KU Leuven will provide a training offer that must equip you to be able to teach in Dutch within three years. If your teaching assignment is completely in a language other than Dutch, then it is expected that you have mastered the Dutch language to a level that will allow you to participate in the administrative meetings.

- We are offering full-time employment in an intellectually challenging environment. KU Leuven is a research-intensive, internationally oriented university that carries out both fundamental and applied scientific research. It is highly inter- and multidisciplinarily focused and strives for international excellence. In this regard, it actively works together with research partners in Belgium and abroad. It provides its students with an academic education that is based on high-quality scientific research.
- You will work in Leuven, a historic, dynamic and lively city located in the heart of Belgium, within 20 minutes from Brussels, the capital of the European Union, and less than two hours from Paris, London and Amsterdam.
- Depending on your record and qualifications, you will be appointed to or tenured in one of the grades of the senior academic staff: assistant professor, associate professor, professor or full professor. In principle, junior researchers are appointed as assistant professor on the tenure track for a period of 5 years; after this period and a positive evaluation, they are permanently appointed (or tenured) as an associate professor.


Candidates are kindly requested to contact Prof. G. Van Riel, chair of the Appointment Committee of the Institute of Philosophy, Kard. Mercierplein, 2, B-3000 Leuven, e-mail: gerd [dot] vanriel [__at__] hiw [dot] kuleuven [dot] be or Prof. Bart Raymaekers, dean (elect) of the Institute of Philosophy, Kard. Mercierplein, 2, B-3000 Leuven, e-mail: bart [dot] raymaekers [__at__] hiw [dot] kuleuven [dot] be.