Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

Research Training Group 2073 (Leibniz University Hanover / Bielefeld University, Germany),
Hannover / Bielefeld,
Post date: March 8, 2021
5 Doctoral Candidates in Ethics of Science and/or Philosophy of Science
Deadline: May 6, 2021

Leibniz University Hannover and Bielefeld University (Germany) invite applications for positions for
5 Doctoral Candidates (all genders; salary scale E13 TV-L, 65%) in Ethics of Science and/or Philosophy of Science
starting 1 October 2021, within the Graduiertenkolleg (research training group) GRK 2073 “Integrating Ethics and Epistemology of Scientific Research”. The positions are limited to 30 September 2024. At least two of the positions are expected to be located at Leibniz University Hannover and at least two at Bielefeld University. Application deadline: 6 May 2021. For further information and our Application Guide, please see

Technical University of Eindhoven,
Post date: January 22, 2021
2 Lecturers in Ethics (part-time)
Deadline: February 4, 2021
Warsaw University of Technology,
Post date: November 19, 2020
Two year postdoc position (2x), philosophy of science
Deadline: December 16, 2020

*** apologies for x-posting; please spread widely***

Two full-time postdoc positions (24 months)
Philosophy Department, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Topic: Theory Construction and the Empirical Social and Behavioral Sciences (TESBS)

Project description:

TESBS responds critically to the absence of sophisticated theoretical superstructures in the empirical social and behavioural sciences (ESBS). TESBS adopts a semantic view of theory structures. The central goal is to develop a toolbox for theory (re-)construction that enables ESBS scientists to formulate point-specific hypotheses, and to integrate or differentiate such hypotheses into theoretical frameworks.

Please see: and

Electronic applications should be sent to agnieszka [dot] kapczynska [__at__] pw [dot] edu [dot] pl.

For informal inquiries, please contact: Frank Zenker (fzenker [__at__] gmail [dot] com)

Dr. phil. habil. Frank Zenker

International Center for Formal Ontology (ICFO)
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences
Pl. Politechniki 1
00-661 Warsaw, Poland

University of Innsbruck,
Post date: November 4, 2020
Assistant Professor
Deadline: November 25, 2020

Didactics and Methodology of Philosophy and Ethics

Technical University of Eindhoven,
Post date: October 10, 2020
Assistant Professor in Ethics
Deadline: October 31, 2020

The Philosophy and Ethics department at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is seeking an assistant professor for a full-time, tenure-track position. In exceptional cases, the candidate could be hired directly at the tenured associate-professor level. Candidates will have earned a PhD in philosophy by the date of application and demonstrate evidence of excellence in both teaching and research. The candidate is expected to contribute to teaching engineering students (BSc and MSc levels), e.g. courses on ethics of data science, mobility and digital health care. Teaching and administration at TU/e takes place in English. The TU/e is an equal opportunity employer. We welcome candidates with a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives. As we aim to increase the diversity in our department and in the field of philosophy, we especially encourage candidates from underrepresented groups to apply.

Most research in the P&E group takes place at the interface between fundamental philosophical issues and real-world problems that arise from the design, implementation, use and regulation of innovative technologies. In terms of philosophical sub-disciplines, we focus on fundamental and applied issues in ethics, philosophy of science and technology, and epistemology. We work on a variety of application areas, such as artificial intelligence, behavior change, diffusion of scientific knowledge and methods, energy, engineering education, health, and models of cultural and technological change.

- Teaching courses at BSc and MSc levels, for up to 50% of contract time.
- Doing research in ethics, with a focus on ethical issues related to the design, implementation, use and/or regulation of innovative technology.
- Contributing actively to the daily business and research climate of the group and the department.


We offer:
- A challenging job in a dynamic, ambitious and well-organised university with the autonomy to develop your own research line and participate in the curriculum of the department.
- A Tenure Track of five years with the prospect of becoming associate professor. After a maximum of 4 years the tenure decision will be made. If you have a more senior profile, you will receive a tailor-made career proposal.
- Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (, scale 11: Currently a monthly gross salary of €3.746 - €5.127. Additionally, an annual holiday allowance of 8% of the yearly salary, plus a year-end allowance of 8.3% of the annual salary are paid [For applicants who come to NL from abroad, 30% of the salary may be tax-free.]
- A broad package of fringe benefits (including an excellent technical infrastructure, moving expenses, savings schemes).
- In order to empower you, we provide support such as training programs for academic leadership and the university teaching qualification and a dedicated mentoring program to help you get to know the university and the Dutch (research) environment
- Family-friendly initiatives are in place, such as the Dual Career Opportunity program to support accompanying partners, an international spouse program, and excellent on-campus children day care and sports facilities.

Contact: Chair of the P&E group, Prof. Wybo Houkes: w [dot] n [dot] houkes [__at__] tue [dot] nl

Reference number V39.4658

Libera Università Maria Ss Assunta - LUMSA,
Post date: August 28, 2020
PhD positions in Contemporary Humanism - LUMSA
Deadline: September 21, 2020

The International PhD Programme (double-degree) in Contemporary Humanism is instituted for the 36th Cycle at LUMSA University (Rome) in partnership with Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (PUC) - Santiago/Chile, Australian Catholic University (ACU) - Sydney/Australia and Institut Catholique de Paris (ICP) - Paris/France and Universidade Catolica Portuguesa (UCP) - Lisbon/Portugal.
The International PhD Programme is regulated by the Agreement between the Partner Universities signed on 30 March 2017.
The programme aims to develop knowledge and critical skills in reading and interpreting the historical, cultural, literary, philosophical and educational tradition in its making and in its effects on the present, from the point of view of the category of "humanism". This category is very present in current debates and very promising as a tool for a critical understanding of contemporary societies, even beyond the traditional perimeter of humanistic studies.
Benefits: 3 positions will be covered by full annual scholarships of € 15.343, 28 gross. 1 position will have no scholarship and the selected candidate will have to pay enrolment fees (€ 2.356 per year).
Eligibility criteria: The PhD programme is open to applicants who hold a second level degree (i.e. Master degree).
Selection process: The selection process consists of a comparative evaluation whose aim is to assess candidates’ aptitude for and interest in the PhD Programme. The selection process is articulated in two steps: 1) an evaluation of the submitted documents and papers and 2) an oral interview.
Date, time and venue where the interviews will take place will be published on Lumsa website ( ) at least 20 days earlier. This notification will be considered as official communication.
The application process is online only, through the Lumsa website. At the moment the online process is only available in Italian, but it is possible to ask for assistance (dottorati [__at__] lumsa [dot] it) and a Guide for applicants in english is available on the PhD Web page along with the public call for admission.
Applications must be submitted through the following procedure by 21 September 2020 at 12 pm. A payment of € 50,00 as administrative fees is required.
More details and information are available at the following link:

Warsaw University of Technology,
Post date: August 4, 2020
2 x PostDoc (24 months), philosophy of science, theory (re)construction in the social sciences
Deadline: August 12, 2020

The positions are financed under the research project 2019/35/B/HS1/03281 (NCN, Poland), Theory Construction and the Empirical Social and Behavioral Sciences (TESBS). PI: Dr. Frank Zenker. A detailed project description can be found here. Each position is scheduled for 24 months. Gross salary: 120 thousand PLN per year.

TESBS responds critically to the absence of sophisticated theoretical superstructures in the empirical social and behavioural sciences (ESBS). TESBS adopts a semantic view of theory structures. The central goal is to develop a toolbox for theory (re-)construction that enables ESBS scientists to formulate point-specific hypotheses, and to integrate or differentiate such hypotheses into theoretical frameworks. This toolbox must align with what is cognitively accessible in the ESBS today. TESBS therefore downplays formal logic and set theory as representational tools, instead foregrounding topology (aka conceptual spaces).

The position is financed under the research project number 2019/35/B/HS1/03281, which received funding from the National Science Centre under the call "OPUS-18". In the project it is a post-doc position. Project title: Theory Construction and the Empirical Social and Behavioral Sciences (TESBS). PI: Dr. Frank Zenker. A detailed project description can be found here. The position is scheduled for 24 months. Gross salary: 120 thousand PLN per year.

TESBS provides infrastructure, meeting funds, and support in securing short-term training, conference, and follow-up funding.

TESBS responds critically to the absence of sophisticated theoretical superstructures in the empirical social and behavioural sciences (ESBS). TESBS adopts a semantic view of theory structures. The central goal is to develop a toolbox for theory (re-)construction that enables ESBS scientists to formulate point-specific hypotheses, and to integrate or differentiate such hypotheses into theoretical frameworks. This toolbox must align with what is cognitively accessible in the ESBS today. TESBS therefore downplays formal logic and set theory as representational tools, instead foregrounding topology (aka conceptual spaces).

Candidates requirements:

1. Hold a PhD in philosophy or a doctorate in a discipline related to the subject of the project.

2. Background knowledge of one or more of the following issues: conceptual analysis, theory reconstruction, specifically the semantic view, topology/conceptual spaces, statistical inference (including meta-analysis), philosophy of science.

3. Command of the English language to a degree that allows free academic exchange.

The following would be an asset:

3. Publications in the field of the project subject matter.

4. Additional education or competence in the area of social and behavioural sciences.

5. Additional education or competence in the formal sciences.

6. Organisational/administrative/media skills.

Additional conditions:

1. The doctoral degree was not awarded to the candidate by the Warsaw University of Technology.

2. A post-doc type post is a full-time post for a person who has obtained their PhD degree within 7 years before joining the project (planned employment from 1 October 2020). This period may be extended by a time of long-term (in excess of 90 days) documented sick leaves or rehabilitation leaves granted on account of being unfit to work. In addition, the period may be extended by the number of months of a child care leave granted pursuant to the Labour Code and in the case of women, by 18 months for every child born or adopted, whichever manner of accounting for career breaks is preferable.

3. During the period of receiving the remuneration, the candidate will not receive any other remuneration from the funds granted under direct costs from research projects financed in NCN competitions;

4. During the period of receiving the remuneration, the candidate will not receive remuneration from another employer on the basis of an employment contract, including an employer based outside Poland.

The person applying for the abovementioned post should satisfy the requirements set out in the Law on Higher Education (Journal of Laws of 2018, section 1668, as amended) and in

§ 118-121 Statutes of Warsaw University of Technology.

The applicants should submit the following documents:

1) application form;

2) CV;

3) personal questionnaire for a an applicant for employment;

4) copy of the PhD diploma;

5) list of research and teaching achievements;

6) other documents confirming additional qualifications

7) statement about Warsaw University of Technology being the main place of work in accordance with the Law on Higher Education;

8) authorization to be included in the number of employees conducting scientific activity

9) statement authorising Warsaw University of Technology to demonstrate employee achievements;

10) statement on the field of science and the scientific discipline philosophy (publications resulting from the project should be submitted to philosophical journals)

11) statement of:

• having full legal capacity;

• enjoying full public rights;

• having not been punished with a valid sentence for an intentional offense or intentional fiscal offence;

• having not being punished with the disciplinary penalty mentioned in article 276 section 1, point 7 and 8 of the Act of 20th July 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Acts of 2020, item 85, as amended).

Web site for additional job details:

Digital healthcare ethics laboratory (Digit-HeaL), Catholic University of Croatia,
Post date: July 29, 2020
Postdoctoral researcher
Deadline: September 28, 2020

We are looking for a self-motivated postdoc with a strong interest in the ethics of digital technologies in healthcare. The job placement is temporarily for two years and is situated in newly established Digital healthcare ethics laboratory (Digit-HeaL) at the Catholic University of Croatia in Zagreb. The successful applicant will become a member of the new research group and will have the chance to work within the installation research project „ (New) Ethical and Social Challenges of Digital Technologies in the Healthcare Domain (Digit-HeaL)“ funded by the Croatian Science Foundation under contract number UIP-2019-04-3212. The newly established international team will focus on ethical, legal and social issues of the use of different digital technologies in healthcare e.g. artificial intelligence, big data and digital phenotyping using mixed methods approach and involving stakeholders views.

Therefore as a postdoc, you will be involved in a theoretical analysis of the ethical and social issues and empirical work using qualitative and quantitative methods. It is strongly desired to have previous experience of interdisciplinary collaboration. You will work independently but in close collaboration with the research group leader of the Digit-HeaL Lab and other members of the research group.


The selected candidate will conduct research in the ethics of digital technologies in healthcare. We are looking for applicants with the following qualifications:

PhD degree in Humanities (Philosophy or Theology) with a specialisation in Ethics, Ethics of Technology, Bioethics
PhD degree in Social Sciences with a specialisation in Science technology studies (STS), Sociology or Law
PhD degree in Biomedicine with a specialisation in Biomedical ethics or Public health

Strong commitment and interest in doing research in the Ethics of Medical Technologies
Experience in quantitative and qualitative methods
Excellent command of written and spoken English (minimum CEF C1)
Flexibility and readiness to work in interdisciplinary teams

Specific Requirements
From the postdoc applicant is expected to have an interest in ethical and social issues of digital technologies. The postdoc will work closely with the principal investigator and other collaborating investigators of the project to deliver high calibre research results. Salary will be commensurate with qualification and experience.

We offer:

a temporary work contract for two years
a full time gross monthly salary ranging from € 1.607- € 1671
diverse opportunities for professional development
a dynamic and stimulating work environment

How to apply:
Applications should be sent electronically until the closing date 28 Semptember 2020, as a single PDF file containing all required documents indicated with a subject “Application for Postdoc at Digit-HeaL” at the e-mail: lana.jurilj@unicath. hr,and by post at the address: “ZA NATJEČAJ” Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište, Ilica 242, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia.

Required documents:
Application letter
Curriculum vitae
Copy of certificate of citizenship
Copy of academic degree certificates
Detailed presentation of research, teaching and other activities with supporting copies of documents
Publication list
Cover letter
Police clearance certificate (not older than six months)
Application documents (please submit all documents in English or Croatian)

TU Eindhoven,
Post date: June 10, 2020
Postdoc Position: "Socially Disruptive Technologies and Conceptual Change"
Deadline: June 21, 2020

This Postdoc position will be part of the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies research program, a new 10 year long international program (2020-29) of seven academic institutions in the Netherlands. This programme has a combined budget of € 27 million, and is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) in the Gravitation funding scheme for excellent research, and by matching funds from the participating institutions.
The programme has the aim of achieving breakthrough research at the intersection of ethics, philosophy, technology / engineering and social sciences, and to position its consortium at the top of its field internationally. A key objective is to investigate how new technologies challenge moral values and ontological concepts (like “nature”, “human being” and “community”), and how these challenges necessitate a revision of these concepts. The program includes four research lines, “Nature, life and human intervention”, “The future of a free and fair society”, “The human condition” and “Synthesis: Ethics of Technology, Practical Philosophy, and Modern Technology-Driven Societies”. The Postdoc project we advertise will be part of the Synthesis research line.

The project
One of the central ideas of the gravitation program is that the new generation of socially disruptive technologies will challenge and even change key concepts with which we understand and evaluate ourselves, our social world and natural environment. These concepts include agency, responsibility, autonomy, democracy, and nature. It is, however, not evident what this conceptual change amounts to. The main aim of this project is to understand what conceptual change in the context of socially disruptive technologies actually can mean. Concepts may change over time in several relevant respects. These include the meaning or intension, the scope or extension, and the preciseness or fuzziness. Conceptual change may be driven by internal developments in a scientific discipline, but also by external developments in society, such as technological developments or by normative developments.
We are looking for a candidate who will be able to theorize how conceptual change takes place in relation to moral and ontological concepts, what kinds of changes occur, and how they are induced, both in general and in relation to technological change. This will involve the development and deployment of theories of concepts, and case studies of conceptual change, particularly of moral and ontological concepts. For example, of the concept of privacy: how has it changed over time and in what relevant respects?

You hold a Ph.D degree (by the time of appointment), and have a background in philosophy of language, logic, philosophy of science, or conceptual history of philosophy, and should have affinity with cognitive science and ethics. The TU/e is an equal opportunity employer. We welcome candidates with a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives. As we aim to increase the diversity in our Section Philosophy & Ethics and in the field of philosophy, we especially encourage candidates from underrepresented groups to apply.

Conditions of employment
We offer you a 3 year Post-Doc, starting September 1, 2020 (or later in 2020). The gross salary is €3255-€4274 per month, paid 14 times per year (more precisely a holiday allowance (8% of the annual salary), plus an end-of-year bonus (amounting to 8.3%)), with full social security benefits and a number of additional benefits. Eindhoven University of Technology provides excellent facilities for professional and personal development. Please note that there are other vacancies in the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies program at different participating universities. In case several are of interest to you, we want to encourage you to apply to them as well.

Philosophy and Ethics Department at TU/e:
Gravitation Project:
4TU Ethics:

For further information, please contact Prof. Vincent C. Müller: v.c.muller[at]

Université de Fribourg - Universität Freiburg,
Post date: June 9, 2020
Postdoc Position (45%) 11.11.2020 - 31.08.2022 - Esthétique et Philosophie de l’art / Ästhetik und Kunstphilosophie / Aesthetics and Philosophy of art
Deadline: July 15, 2020

Compétences exigées / Anforderungen / Requirements

- Doctorat en philosophie / Promotion in Philosophie / PhD in Philosophy
- Compétences dans le domaine de l’esthétique/philosophie de l’art / Expertise im Bereich der Ästhetik/Kunstphilosophie / Competence in the Field of Aesthetics / Philosophy of Art
- Dossier scientifique (publications, organisation de la recherche etc.) / Wissenschaftlicher Track Record (Veröffentlichungen, Forschungskoordination usw.) / Scientific Track Record (publications, organization of research etc.)
- Connaissances solides du français, de l’anglais, et de l’allemand / Solide Sprachkenntnisse (dt., frz., engl.) / Multilingual Proficiency (English, French, German)

Tâches / Aufgaben / Tasks

- Participation et soutien aux activités de recherche (notamment sur l’art comme phénoménotechnique) / Mitwirkung an den Forschungsprojekten (u.a. zu Kunst als Phänomenotechnik) / Support to the ongoing research projects (e.g. on art as ‘phenomenotechnique’)
- Enseignement (un séminaire/an) / Lehre (1 Seminar/Jahr) / Teaching (1 seminar/year)
- Développement d’un projet personnel (p.ex. en vue d’une habilitation) / Ausarbeitung eines eigenen Forschungsvorhabens (z.B. Habilitation) / Own research (e.g. habilitation)

Dossier de candidature / Bewerbungsverfahren / Application:

Lettre de motivation avec CV et un échantillon de texte à envoyer en format électronique à
Bewerbungsbrief mit Lebenslauf und einer Schriftprobe, elektronisch einzureichen an
Application Letter with CV and one Writing Sample to be submitted electronically to

Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Alloa
E-mail: emmanuel [dot] alloa [__at__] unifr [dot] ch