Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

Medizinische Hochschule Hannover , Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover,
Post date: October 17, 2018
Wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterInnen (Postdocs und DoktorandIn)
Deadline: October 29, 2018

Das Institut für Geschichte, Ethik und Philosophie der Medizin an der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover (MHH) und die AG Angewandte Ethik in der Tiermedizin an der Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover (TiHo) suchen ab 01.01.2019

zwei Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen (Postdoc) TV-L 13/14, jeweils 50 %
eine/einen Doktorandin/Doktoranden TV-L 13/14, 65 %

für Forschung im Bereich „Ethik am Lebensende, Vergleich Humanmedizin und Veterinärmedizin“ für 3 Jahre

Die Besetzung erfolgt im Rahmen des von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten Projekts „Sterben wie ein Hund? Konvergenzen und Divergenzen im human- und veterinärmedizinischen Diskurs zum Lebensende von Menschen bzw. Heimtieren und Folgen für die Verhältnisbestimmung von Medizin- und Tierethik“. In Kooperation von MHH und TiHo sollen die unterschiedlichen Konzepte im Umgang mit sterbenden Menschen und Tieren in der Medizin- bzw. Tiermedizinethik analysiert und verglichen werden. Dabei soll insbesondere herausgearbeitet werden, in welcher Weise sich die Diskurse im Bereich der Sterbehilfe beeinflussen und was dies für das Verhältnis von Medizin- zu Tier(medizin)ethik bedeutet.

Ihr Aufgabenbereich als Postdoc mit einem ethischen Schwerpunkt entweder auf Human- oder Tiermedizin:
• Auswahl und Analyse relevanter human- bzw. tiermedizinischer Behandlungssituationen am Lebensende für einen Vergleich von Human- und Tiermedizin
• Erarbeitung eines ethischen Kategorienapparats zum Verständnis der Vorgehensweisen am Lebensende
• Vergleich der tier- und medizinethischen Kategorienapparate
• Anwendung der Kategorien auf konkrete Behandlungssituationen am Lebensende von Mensch bzw. Tier
• Erstellung wissenschaftlicher Publikationen und Präsentationen

Unsere Anforderungen:
• abgeschlossenes Studium und abgeschlossene Promotion (Postdoc) in Philosophie oder Theologie oder auch Humanmedizin, Tiermedizin, Gesundheits-, Lebens- oder Sozialwissenschaften
• einschlägige Forschungsarbeit (z.B. Promotion) im Bereich der Medizin- oder Tiermedizinethik
• wissenschaftliche Vorarbeiten und Erfahrungen im Bereich „Ethik am Lebensende“ sind wünschenswert
• selbstständiges Arbeiten und Eigeninitiative, Teamfähigkeit
• Flexibilität für die Durchführung von Interviews
• sehr gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
• sehr gute Kenntnisse in Microsoft Office
Die wöchentliche Arbeitszeit beträgt 50 %. Die beiden Stellen sind zeitlich befristet und projektbezogen. Sie können ggf. auch zu einer 100 %-Stelle vereinigt werden.

Ihr Aufgabenbereich als Doktorand/in:
• Analyse lebensweltlicher Bilder vom Sterben des Menschen und des Tieres u.a. in Literatur, Film und gesellschaftlichen Diskursen
• Auswertung von human- und tiermedizinischen Leitlinien zur Therapie am Lebensende von Menschen bzw. Tieren
• Vergleich der jeweils daraus gewonnenen moralischen Kategorien für die Therapieentscheidung am Lebensende von Menschen und Tieren
• Erstellung einer Dissertation

Unsere Anforderungen:
• abgeschlossenes Studium in Philosophie oder Theologie oder auch Humanmedizin, Tiermedizin, Gesundheits-, Lebens- oder Sozialwissenschaften
• einschlägige Vorkenntnisse im Bereich der Medizin- oder Tiermedizinethik
• selbstständiges Arbeiten und Eigeninitiative, Teamfähigkeit
• sehr gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
• sehr gute Kenntnisse in Microsoft Office

Die wöchentliche Arbeitszeit beträgt 65 %. Die Stelle ist zeitlich befristet und projektbezogen.
Die beiden Hochschulen setzen sich für die Förderung von Frauen im Berufsleben ein. Bewerbungen von Frauen sind deshalb besonders erwünscht. Bei gleichen Qualifikationen, Kompetenzen und spezifischen Leistungen werden Frauen im Rahmen der rechtlichen Möglichkeiten unter Vorzugsbedingungen berücksichtigt.

Schwerbehinderte Bewerber/innen werden bei gleicher Eignung vorrangig berücksichtigt.
Vorstellungskosten können leider nicht erstattet werden.

Für weitere Informationen zur medizinethischen Postdoc-Stelle wenden Sie sich bitte an Herrn Dr. Gerald Neitzke, Tel.: 0511 532-4271, oder an Frau Britta Sander, Tel. 0511 532-4278.
Für weitere Informationen zur tiermedizinethischen Postdoc-Stelle sowie zur Doktoranden/-innen-Stelle wenden Sie sich bitte an Herrn Prof. Dr. Peter Kunzmann, Tel.: 0511 856-8956.

Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung mit den üblichen Unterlagen richten Sie bitte per E-Mail in einer Datei bis zum 29.10.2018 an:

sander [dot] britta [__at__] mh-hannover [dot] de, neitzke [dot] gerald [__at__] mh-hannover [dot] de und peter [dot] kunzmann [__at__] tiho-hannover [dot] de

Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Institut für Geschichte, Ethik und Philosophie der Medizin
Dr. med. Gerald Neitzke
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1, 30625 Hannover

Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover
Institut für Tierhygiene, Tierschutz und Nutztierethologie, AG Tierethik
Prof. Dr. Peter Kunzmann
Bischofsholer Damm 15, 30173 Hannover

Ihre personenbezogenen Daten werden vertraulich behandelt

TU Delft,
Post date: October 7, 2018
Three PhD positions Moral Value Change and Technology
Deadline: November 12, 2018

Delft University of Technology offers three positions for PhD students as part of the research project Design for changing values: a theory of value change in sociotechnical systems. The entire project consists of 3 PhD positions and 2 postdoc positions and will be supervised by Ibo van de Poel. A complete description of the project can be requested. The project aims at better understanding how moral values may change as a result of technological development and how we can better deal with such changing values in the design of new technology.

Each of the PhD positions focuses on one of the following more specific topics:
• Changing values and the design of energy systems
• Design for value change in robot systems and artificial intelligence
• Design strategies for value change in sociotechnical systems

Each of the projects involves empirical as well philosophical investigations into the phenomenon of value change and its implications for the design of sociotechnical systems. The first two projects focus on value change in a more specific domain (energy systems and artificial intelligence). The third project focuses on developing design strategies that better allow to deal with value change.

The candidate will carry out doctoral research which will lead to a dissertation, and will also produce relevant publications. The candidate will participate in the Graduate School of TU Delft and in PhD program of the 4TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology. When applying please indicate in which position(s) you are interested; you can indicate more than one position. The candidate will also be involved in the teaching activities of the department.


We are looking for applicants with the following qualifications:
• A master degree in philosophy, engineering or a relevant socio-scientific discipline, like STS (science and technology studies)
• A demonstrable interest in applied ethics and in technology
• It is recommended that the candidate has had experience in carrying out empirical research and has knowledge of the relevant technological domain studied in the PhD project
• Good analytical and reasoning skills, as demonstrated by, for example, a master thesis
• Willingness and ability to work in an interdisciplinary team
• Ability to present his or her ideas clearly also to people with another disciplinary background
• Openness to criticism
• Productive and dedicated
• Good command of both written and spoken English

Information and application

To apply, please e-mail a detailed letter of application, a curriculum vitae and the names and contact information of references to Vacature-TBM [__at__] tudelft [dot] nl . When applying for this position, please refer to vacancy number ATTBM 18.022

For more information about these positions, please contact Ibo van de Poel, i [dot] r [dot] vandepoel [__at__] tudelft [dot] nl. A more detailed description of the project is available on request.

University of Zurich,
Post date: September 26, 2018
Two 4 years Ph.D positions
Deadline: October 31, 2018

The Institute of Philosophy at the University of Zurich invites applications for two PhD positions as part of the Research project:

“Value-Based Non-Consequentialism”

The project is led by Dr. Jörg Löschke and funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF). The positions are to be filled from the 1st of March 2019 and will last for four years. More information about employment at the University of Zurich can be found under

The aim of the project is to explore the prospects of a value-based non-consequentialism. It is divided into two subprojects. Subproject A aims to develop the most plausible form of a value-first framework and to examine how such a view might accommodate agent-relative reasons. Subproject B examines the nature of moral requirements, how the practical reasons of agents generate requirements, and what role agent-relative reasons play in this process. The successful candidates will work within the broad research fields that are defined by the research questions; within these research fields, they will be free to choose their specific focus. Possible topics for subproject A are the relation between reasons and values, or previous attempts to reconcile consequentialist and deontological assumptions (rule consequentialism, indirect consequentialism, consequentializing, etc.). Possible topics for subproject B are the relation between reasons and requirements, or more applied questions pertaining to agent-relative elements of morality (relationships, personal projects, deontological restrictions). Applicants should indicate which subproject they apply for.

Successful applicants will write a doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Dr. Jörg Löschke. They are also expected to co-organize workshops and talks related to the project. For more information about the project, please contact Jörg Löschke (joerg [dot] loeschke [__at__] lrz [dot] uni-muenchen [dot] de).

We seek Ph.D. candidates with:
- an excellent Master’s degree in philosophy.
- strong promise of completing an outstanding Ph.D. dissertation in four years in the project area
- very good knowledge of English; very good knowledge of German is an advantage.

We offer:
- opportunity to complete a Ph.D. in philosophy in an internationally oriented research context
- opportunity to gain a variety of research related skills and experiences in helping to organize conferences
- attractive working conditions in a highly collaborative research group
The application material should contain a letter of motivation, a CV, a transcript of records, and a research plan (3-5 pages) and the contact details of one person that might be contacted for a letter of reference. The whole electronic application (a single PDF file) must be submitted by the 31st of October 2018 to Lisa Brun (lisa [dot] brun [__at__] philos [dot] uzh [dot] ch).

The University of Zurich seeks to increase the proportion of women in teaching and research, and hence explicitly encourages applications by qualified women.

Post date: September 6, 2018
University Assistant with doctorate / Universitätsassistent/in mit Doktorat
Deadline: October 17, 2018

With its 4,300 employees and 32,500 students, the University of Graz provides an exciting and varied work environment. Given our expertise in research and teaching, we are a central institution in Styria.

The Institute of Philosophy is looking for a University Assistant with doctorate
20 hours a week; fixed-term employment for the period of 6 years; position to be filled as of now

Your duties
• Active research in the area of Moral and Political Philosophy
• Independent Teaching
• Supervision of students
• Participation in existing research projects and developing new research projects
• Administrative responsibilities at the Institute of Philosophy and the University

Your profile
• Doctorate (or PhD) in Philosophy
• International experience
• Relevant teaching experience
• Fluency in English
• Commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration (e.g., on issues of climate justice, animal ethics, international justice and legitimacy)
• Communication, organizational and teamwork skills
• Enjoyment of teaching and student supervision

Our offer
• Classification: Salary scheme of the Universitäten-KV (University Collective Agreement): B1
• Minimum salary: The minimum salary as stated in the collective agreement and according to the classification scheme is EUR 1855.60 gross/month. This minimum salary may be higher due to previous employment periods eligible for inclusion and other earnings and remunerations.

We offer you a job with a lot of responsibility and variety. You can expect an enjoyable work climate, flexible work hours and numerous possibilities for further education and personal development. Take advantage of the chance to enter into a challenging work environment full of team spirit and enthusiasm for your job.

Application Deadline: October 17th 2018
Reference Number: MB/28-1/99 ex 2017/18

The University of Graz strives to increase the proportion of women in particular in management and faculty positions and therefore encourages qualified women to apply.
Especially with regard to academic staff, we welcome applications from persons with disabilities who meet the requirements of the advertised position.

If you are interested, please submit your application documents within the stated deadline. Make sure to indicate the reference number on your application and please send your CV and photo to: bewerbung [__at__] uni-graz [dot] at

University of Graz,
Post date: August 24, 2018
PhD student position in Philosophy (Theories of Justice and Ethics)
Deadline: September 26, 2018

With its 4,300 employees and 32,500 students, the University of Graz provides an exciting and varied
work environment. Given our expertise in research and teaching, we are a central institution in Styria.
The Institute of Philosophy is looking for a
PhD student position in Philosophy (Theories of Justice and Ethics) in the
interdisciplinary Doktoratskolleg “Climate Change – Uncertainties, Thresholds
and Coping Strategies”
(30 hours a week; fixed-term employment for the period of three years; position to be filled as of now)
The Doktoratskolleg Climate Change (DK, mainly funded by the Austrian Science Foundation) is an
interdisciplinary PhD programme and provides independent and cooperative research.
Research is undertaken in theories of justice and ethics, environmental law and economics of climate
change as well in the field of physical climate science, meteorology and hydrology, system and
sustainability sciences. Research undertaken within the DK is meant to contribute to and answer the
overarching research questions of the DK Climate Change: What are scientifically sound, efficient and
ethically defensible strategies for a transition towards a low-carbon and climate-robust economy and
society and how can the necessary qualitative transformation be politically and legally implemented and
legitimated? How should we deal with uncertainties and risks related to hydro-meteorological changes,
in particular extreme events, and their associated consequences?
More information on the DK and the DK faculty members is available at https://dk-climate-change.unigraz.
at/en/. Information on the proposed PhD thesis topic is available at: https://dk-climate-change.unigraz.
at/en/applications/. The PhD position falls within the 2nd phase of the DK.
The stimulating diversity of research areas covered by the faculty of the DK provides an outstanding
interdisciplinary environment where students of different disciplines may find exciting research topics
and excellent guidance for their doctoral studies. The DK offers disciplinary training in philosophy as
well as interdisciplinary seminars and colloquia, summer schools and workshops. The PhD programme
aims at training a selected group of outstanding PhD students for a professional career in universities,
public and private research organizations, international institutions, consultancy and business, and the
For the DK the Institute of Philosophy is offering a fully-funded PhD student position in philosophy, with
contract starting in autumn 2018 for three years (extendable by half a year in exceptional cases). The
position comes with social insurance. In addition, the DK provides funds for conference participation,
visits, and research stays abroad.
Your duties
• Pursuing a PhD project within the Doktoratskolleg "Climate Change – Uncertainties, Thresholds and
Coping Strategies"
• Participating in the training programme of the Doktoratskolleg
Your profile
• Master's degree (or equivalent) in Philosophy or Master’s degree that qualifies to pursue a doctorate
in philosophy
• Knowledge in English at level C1
• Ability to work in teams
The applications have to contain the following documents in one pdf:
1. a motivation letter including indication of the research topic you will want to pursue in the area of
“Climate Change and Transitional Justice”. The supervisor Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Meyer proposes a
dissertation on the topic "Legitimate expectations in stranding assets" (see: https://dk-climatechange.
2. an abstract in English of the master thesis including a web-link or a pdf copy of the thesis,
3. a Curriculum Vitae including information on previous work experience and publications and a
transcript of records,
4. evidence for knowledge in English at level C1 or higher (e.g., suitable IELTS, TOEFL, or Cambridge
certificate and/or brief justification letter summarizing the experience)
5. two letters of recommendation.
The selection procedure will commence immediately after the application deadline. All communication,
including interviews, will be conducted in English.
For further information, please contact Prof. Lukas Meyer: lukas [dot] meyer [__at__] uni-graz [dot] at
Information for international students about admission to doctoral studies, dates and deadlines is
available at: and
Salary scheme of the Universitäten-KV (University Collective Agreement): B1
Minimum salary
The minimum salary as stated in the collective agreement and according to the classification scheme is
EUR 2096.00 gross/month. This minimum salary may be higher due to previous employment periods
eligible for inclusion and other earnings and remunerations.
We offer you a job with a lot of responsibility and variety. You can expect an enjoyable work climate,
flexible work hours and numerous possibilities for further education and personal development. Take
advantage of the chance to enter into a challenging work environment full of team spirit and enthusiasm
for your job.
Application Deadline: September 26th 2018
Reference Number: MB/151/99 ex 2017/18
The University of Graz strives to increase the proportion of women in particular in management and
faculty positions and therefore encourages qualified women to apply.
Especially with regard to academic staff, we welcome applications from persons with disabilities who
meet the requirements of the advertised position.
If you are interested, please submit your application documents within the stated deadline. Make sure
to indicate the reference number on your application and please send your CV and photo to:
bewerbung [__at__] uni-graz [dot] at

University of Graz,
Post date: August 24, 2018
PhD student position in Philosophy (Theories of Justice and Ethics)
Deadline: September 26, 2018

With its 4,300 employees and 32,500 students, the University of Graz provides an exciting and varied
work environment. Given our expertise in research and teaching, we are a central institution in Styria.
The Institute of Philosophy is looking for a
PhD student position in Philosophy (Theories of Justice and Ethics) in the
interdisciplinary Doktoratskolleg “Climate Change – Uncertainties, Thresholds
and Coping Strategies”
(30 hours a week; fixed-term employment for the period of three years; position to be filled as of now)
The Doktoratskolleg Climate Change (DK, mainly funded by the Austrian Science Foundation) is an
interdisciplinary PhD programme and provides independent and cooperative research.
Research is undertaken in theories of justice and ethics, environmental law and economics of climate
change as well in the field of physical climate science, meteorology and hydrology, system and
sustainability sciences. Research undertaken within the DK is meant to contribute to and answer the
overarching research questions of the DK Climate Change: What are scientifically sound, efficient and
ethically defensible strategies for a transition towards a low-carbon and climate-robust economy and
society and how can the necessary qualitative transformation be politically and legally implemented and
legitimated? How should we deal with uncertainties and risks related to hydro-meteorological changes,
in particular extreme events, and their associated consequences?
More information on the DK and the DK faculty members is available at https://dk-climate-change.unigraz.
at/en/. Information on the proposed PhD thesis topic is available at: https://dk-climate-change.unigraz.
at/en/applications/. The PhD position falls within the 2nd phase of the DK.
The stimulating diversity of research areas covered by the faculty of the DK provides an outstanding
interdisciplinary environment where students of different disciplines may find exciting research topics
and excellent guidance for their doctoral studies. The DK offers disciplinary training in philosophy as
well as interdisciplinary seminars and colloquia, summer schools and workshops. The PhD programme
aims at training a selected group of outstanding PhD students for a professional career in universities,
public and private research organizations, international institutions, consultancy and business, and the
For the DK the Institute of Philosophy is offering a fully-funded PhD student position in philosophy, with
contract starting in autumn 2018 for three years (extendable by half a year in exceptional cases). The
position comes with social insurance. In addition, the DK provides funds for conference participation,
visits, and research stays abroad.
Your duties
• Pursuing a PhD project within the Doktoratskollegs "Climate Change – Uncertainties, Thresholds and
Coping Strategies"
• Participating in the training programme of the Doktoratskolleg
Your profile
• Master's degree (or equivalent) in Philosophy or Master’s degree that qualifies to pursue a doctorate
in philosophy
• Knowledge in English at level C1
• Ability to work in teams
The applications have to contain the following documents in one pdf:
1. a motivation letter including indication of the research topic you will want to pursue in the area of
“Climate Change and Distributive Justice”. The supervisor Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Meyer proposes a
dissertation on the topic "Emission-generating activities – their benefits and normative distributive
significance" (see:
2. an abstract in English of the master thesis including a web-link or a pdf copy of the thesis,
3. a Curriculum Vitae including information on previous work experience and publications and a
transcript of records,
4. evidence for knowledge in English at level C1 or higher (e.g., suitable IELTS, TOEFL, or Cambridge
certificate and/or brief justification letter summarizing the experience)
5. two letters of recommendation.
The selection procedure will commence immediately after the application deadline. All communication,
including interviews, will be conducted in English.
For further information, please contact Prof. Lukas Meyer: lukas [dot] meyer [__at__] uni-graz [dot] at
Information for international students about admission to doctoral studies, dates and deadlines is
available at: and
Salary scheme of the Universitäten-KV (University Collective Agreement): B1
Minimum salary
The minimum salary as stated in the collective agreement and according to the classification scheme is
EUR 2096.00 gross/month. This minimum salary may be higher due to previous employment periods
eligible for inclusion and other earnings and remunerations.
We offer you a job with a lot of responsibility and variety. You can expect an enjoyable work climate,
flexible work hours and numerous possibilities for further education and personal development. Take
advantage of the chance to enter into a challenging work environment full of team spirit and enthusiasm
for your job.
Application Deadline: September 26th 2018
Reference Number: MB/150/99 ex 2017/18
The University of Graz strives to increase the proportion of women in particular in management and
faculty positions and therefore encourages qualified women to apply.
Especially with regard to academic staff, we welcome applications from persons with disabilities who
meet the requirements of the advertised position.
If you are interested, please submit your application documents within the stated deadline. Make sure
to indicate the reference number on your application and please send your CV and photo to:
bewerbung [__at__] uni-graz [dot] at

Universität Paderborn,
Post date: July 24, 2018
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in
Deadline: August 17, 2018

In der Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften der Universität Paderborn ist im Fach Philosophie, im Bereich Praktische Philosophie zum 01.10.2018 bzw. zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine Stelle als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin/ wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L) im Umfang von 100 % der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit zu besetzen. Sowohl Promovendinnen/Promovenden als auch PostDocs sind willkommen.
Für Promovendinnen/Promovenden handelt es sich um eine Qualifizierungsstelle im Sinne des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes (WissZeitVG), die zur Förderung eines Promotionsverfahrens im Bereich Philosophie dient. Die Stelle ist befristet für die Dauer des Promotionsverfahrens, abhängig von der bisher erreichten Qualifizierung, jedoch für einen Zeitraum von i. d. R. 3 Jahren zu besetzen. Für PostDocs handelt sich um eine Qualifizierungsstelle im Sinne des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes (WissZeitVG), die zur Qualifizierung in Hinblick auf eine wissenschaftliche Karriere beitragen soll.

Bewerber und Bewerberinnen sollten in der Praktischen Philosophie / Sozialphilosophie ausgewiesen sein. Ein Schwerpunkt im Bereich Wirtschaftsphilosophie und/oder Hobbes/Locke/Smith sowie in der aktuellen Literatur (Rawls, Nussbaum) und gute Eng-lischkenntnisse sind erwünscht.

4 SWS Lehrdeputat mit Lehraufgaben in allen Studiengängen der Philosophie. Unterstützung von Administration und Forschung des Faches, insbesondere im Bereich der Wirtschaftsphilosophie.

Überdurchschnittlicher Abschluss eines Hochschulstudiums der Philosophie (Master oder vergleichbarer Abschluss) bzw. überdurchschnittliche Promotion; Vertrautheit mit Themen aus Wirtschaft (und Informatik) sind willkommen.

Bei fachlichen Rückfragen wenden Sie sich an Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber, Fachleitung Philosophie: ruth [dot] hagengruber [__at__] uni-paderborn [dot] de

Bitte beachten Sie, dass nur elektronisch eingereichte Bewerbungen angenommen werden. Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen (CV, Publikationen, Lehrerfahrung, Leseprobe) unter der Kennziffer 3436 bis zum 17.08.2018 erbeten an:
Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber
z. H. Dr. Henning Peucker
Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften
Universität Paderborn
henning [dot] peucker [__at__] upb [dot] de

University of Duisburg-Essen,
Post date: July 20, 2018
Postodoctoral or doctoral position ("Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin/Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter")
Deadline: August 19, 2018

The Philosophy Department of the University of Duisburg-Essen, in conjunction with the interdisciplinary Competence Centre Personal Analytics, invites applications for a 1-year postdoctoral or doctoral position.

Job Description: The successful candidate will cooperate with colleagues from health science, cognitive science, computer science and engineering in the context of the research project “Personal Analytics: Technical and user-oriented methods for the improvement of personal quality of life through health-monitoring”. She or he will engage in research on philosophical or specifically ethical dimensions of health, for instance on health monitoring in smart environments. As the interdisciplinary project is entering its final year, she will on the one hand be helping tie up loose ends across the interdisciplinary boundaries and on the other be expected to conduct autonomous philosophical research related to the project’s general area.

Requirements: To qualify for the position, you must have a Master's degree (or equivalent) in philosophy, be proficient in both German and English, be prepared to interact regularly with interdisciplinary colleagues in the Centre’s Duisburg offices and to apply for further project funding.

Ideal starting date: 01.09.2018.

Salary level: 13 TV-L, 100%. The net salary depends on age, tax level (family situation), and years of academic experience.

Diversity & Inclusiveness: The University of Duisburg-Essen supports diversity and equal opportunities. The University aims to increase the proportion of women in academic positions and strongly encourages applications from women. Preferential treatment is given to women if their professional qualifications and abilities are equivalent to those of other applicants. The University also particularly encourages applications from disabled persons.

Applications (ref. no. 583-18) should be sent in electronic form by 19.08.1018 to Prof. Neil Roughley. Email: neil [dot] roughley [__at__] uni-due [dot] de. Queries on further details of the job’s responsibilities can be addressed to Dr. Nils-Frederik Wagner. Email: nils-frederic [dot] wagner [__at__] uni-due [dot] de. For further information on our research group, see

University of Leeds,
United Kingdom
Post date: July 9, 2018
Five new posts - applied ethics
Deadline: July 14, 2018

We are offering five new posts for staff at the IDEA Centre, to join our team in making a major impact through innovation in ethics learning, teaching, research and consultancy.

We are looking for academics with a strong grounding in ethics, with a commitment to fostering the development of ethical understanding and reasoning skills inside and outside academia.

Four of the positions can be found below:

Lecturer (Teaching and Scholarship) in Applied and Interdisciplinary Ethics (3 posts) - Fixed term positions [LINK]

Lecturer (Teaching and Scholarship) and Digital Education Specialist in Applied and Interdisciplinary Ethics - Permanent position [LINK]

The IDEA Centre also now has a vacancy for a Lecturer (T&S) and Consultant in Applied Ethics, a role for a philosopher with interests in applied ethics, and skills both in student education and in external consultancy - i.e. in delivering philosophically-informed ethics advisory services and ethics training to businesses, professional bodies and other organisations. Given the late timing with which the vacancy has arisen, the term for this role is initially 1 year.* Candidates for the roles of "Lecturer (T&S) in Applied Ethics" and "Lecturer (T&S) in Applied Ethics and Digital Learning Specialist" may, if they are willing, be considered for the role of Lecturer and Consultant. Applicants are invited simply to indicate on their application whether they wish to be considered for this role, as well as for those for which they are formally applying.

Universität Freiburg - Departement für Philosophie / Université de Fribourg - Département de Philosophie,
Freiburg - Fribourg,
Post date: June 29, 2018
ordentliche Professur für Ethik und politische Philosophie - Professeur-e ordinaire en Ethique et philosophie politique
Deadline: September 30, 2018

Auf diesem Link sind alle Angaben ersichtlich:

Link zum Departement für Philosophie:

Sur ce lien vous trouvez toutes les informations:

Lien du Département de philosophie: