Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

Department of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck,
Post date: December 24, 2012
Professorship for Practical Philosophy
Deadline: January 16, 2013
Akademie für Philosophie und Sozialökologie,
Pommritz bei Bautzen/Dresden,
Post date: December 21, 2012
Assistent für Philosophische Bildung
Deadline: April 1, 2013

Angeschlossen an das Ambiente der in ihrer Art einzigartigen Interaktiven Lernwerkstatt für Philosophie und Ethik entsteht eine Philosophische Akademie, in der man auf modernste Weise wirklich Philosophie studieren kann - nicht als tote Buchstaben, sondern als lebendiges Wissen des Menschen und seiner Rolle im Kosmos. Also so, wie es die Begründer wirklicher Philosophie: Sokrates, Plato, Epikur und deren Freundinnen und Freunde vormachten und damit Freiheit, Liebe und Weisheit in die Welt brachten.
Gesucht wird ein Assistent mit philosophischer Bildung, der die Akademieleitung zum einen organisatorisch, und zum anderen bei der Einrichtung und Bereitstellung von entsprechenden Online-Tools unterstützt. Die Anstellung ist vorerst befristet auf 18 Monate.

University of Southampton,
United Kingdom
Post date: December 21, 2012
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Philosophy
Deadline: January 27, 2013

Lecturer in Philosophy
Full time, permanent post
AOS: Open

As a result of Professor Alex Neill's acceptance of the post of Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education, the University of Southampton seeks to appoint a Lecturer in Philosophy to join a lively, committed group of researchers and teachers. The successful candidate will show outstanding potential as a philosopher, will be enthusiastic and flexible in contributing to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, and will be keen to participate fully in the intellectual and academic activities of a department which prizes collegiality very highly. This post represents a further expansion of the Department of Philosophy and will be the fifth new appointment made in the last three years.

The successful candidate will have a PhD in a relevant subject area as well as proven teaching skills.

Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Denis McManus (mcmanus [__at__] soton [dot] ac [dot] uk).

It is hoped that the successful candidate will be able to take up the post on the 1st September 2013.

Salary: £27,578 to £33,884
Reference: 190012F4

The closing date for applications is 27 JANUARY 2013. Please apply through Please quote vacancy reference number 190012F4 on all correspondence. Interview dates are to be confirmed

University of Groningen,
Post date: December 14, 2012
Deadline: April 8, 2013

Postdoc Position in Philosophy (three years fulltime)

The Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Vacancy number 212285

Job description

The postdoc will conduct research on historical and/or systematic aspects of infinite regresses in philosophy. The position is situated within the research project on infinite regresses in epistemology, funded by the Dutch National Science Foundation NWO. The project is carried out in the Department of Theoretical Philosophy. Head of the project is Prof. Jeanne Peijnenburg.


Candidates for this postdoc position:
• have a Ph.D. in philosophy or in another field that is demonstrably relevant;
• have a background in, or familiarity with, the regress problem in epistemology or in the history of philosophy;
• have an excellent command of English and are prepared to present their research results in English;
• are willing and able to teach a small number of courses.

Conditions of employment

The University of Groningen offers a salary that is determined in accordance with the current scales as set out in the collective labor agreement for the Dutch universities (CAO) and has a range between € 3,195 and € 4,374 gross per month dependent on qualifications and experience. The position is temporary, with a maximum of three years (initial appointment of two years, with the possibility of renewal for a third year). A part-time appointment at 0.8 fte for four years is possible.


Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an international reputation as a dynamic and innovative centre of higher education. The Faculty of Philosophy is a rich and lively community of excellent lecturers and researchers.

How to apply

To apply for the postdoc position, please send an e-mail to Mrs Anita Willems-Veenstra (A [dot] Willems-Veenstra [__at__] rug [dot] nl) and attach:
• in one file: a letter of application with reference to the vacancy number (also including an explanation of why you are particularly qualified for this project) and a curriculum vitae (including a list of publications, a short summary of your dissertation, and the names and contact information of two academic references);
• a writing sample (such as a research paper or part of your dissertation).

The closing date for applications is April 8, 2013.
Interviews are planned in the the first half of May.

University of Birmingham,
United Kingdom
Post date: December 12, 2012
Open level posts in the School of Philosophy, Theology and Religion
Deadline: January 11, 2013

At Chair level we will offer highly competitive packages for outstanding candidates.
Salary for Senior Lecturer/Reader: £45,941 – £69,412 per year.
Salary for Lecturer £37,382 - £50,186

Birmingham Philosophy Department is in a period of marked expansion and the University of Birmingham is investing significantly in Philosophy. Birmingham is already well-established as a UK department and known as being internationally excellent in a number of areas. The current expansion aims to build upon current strengths and develop new ones. The aim is for Birmingham to become one of the foremost philosophy departments in the UK for research, graduate supervision and undergraduate teaching. In order to achieve this goal a number of staff have already been appointed or are in the process of being appointed at the levels of Professor, Lecturer and Birmingham Fellow. To these already strong appointments we also wish to appoint a lecturer in ethics and two further posts which are open rank and open-specialty.

The University sees Birmingham Philosophy Department as central to its ambition to enhance its global profile over the next five years and it invites applications from world-leading scholars who share this ambition. The department currently has staff who are actively engaged across the philosophical spectrum and applications from all areas of the discipline are welcomed. The department seeks applications from academics at all levels, and will judge these according to academic merit. At junior levels research excellence, innovation and commitment to the ambitions of the department and University will be essential and at senior levels significant contributions to the discipline in terms of agenda-setting publications and an outstanding track record of scholarship, supervision and leadership will be important.

Informal enquiries: Dr Iain Law T: +44 (0)121 414 8336. To download
further details and to submit an electronic application online visit
Alternatively, information can be obtained from our HR Shared Services Centre
T: +44 (0)121 415 9000. Closing date: 11 January 2013 Job reference: 51008

University of Oxford,
United Kingdom
Post date: December 7, 2012
University Lecturer in Philosophical Theology
Deadline: January 25, 2013

Oriel College, University of Oxford, UK: Tutorial Fellowship (CUF) in Philosophical Theology £42,883-£57,581.

Graduate School of Ancient Philosophy / Humboldt Universität zu Berlin,
Post date: November 22, 2012
Doctoral fellowships and stipends for pre-doctoral studies
Deadline: January 15, 2013

Apply by 15 January 2013 for the

- Three-Year Doctoral Program in Ancient Philosophy,
- Or for pre-doctoral studies of one year.

The Graduate School of Ancient Philosophy ( at the Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin ( is pleased to offer up to four fellowships for doctoral studies in Ancient Philosophy and Science. Two of these fellowships are reserved for non-German applicants because they are funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

The fellowships cover the living costs at Berlin and are for full-time study only. There are no tuition fees, but there are low administrative fees amounting to ca. 250-300 Euros per semester (and cover free public transportation in Berlin).

Students may also apply for a funded pre-doctorial year of studies at the Graduate School. Typical candidates for this option are students who hold a BA in philosophy or classics (but not an MA) and want to take a PhD without first taking an MA (which is the typical path within the German system of higher education).

The Graduate School of Ancient Philosophy
The GSAP provides a structured doctoral program in ancient philosophy and science (in English and German). The three-year program leads to the doctoral degree in Philosophy or Classics. It includes colloquia, dissertation seminars, reading groups, international workshops, and intensive short courses. The program culminates in the writing of a doctoral dissertation (in English or German).

The School’s core faculty:
- Prof. Jonathan Beere
- Prof. Stephen Menn
- Prof. Philip van der Eijk
- Dr. Jacob Rosen
- Tim Wagner

The School is embedded in a lively community of scholars and institutions (like the Excellence Cluster Topoi) all devoted to ancient studies.

The international Ancient Philosophy & Science Network (APSN)
Students of the program are automatically part of the international Ancient Philosophy & Science Network (APSN) initiated by the Graduate School. The APSN involves collaboration with five international partner institutions in the field of ancient philosophy and science:

- University of Chicago (Philosophy and Classics)
- University of Leuven (Philosophy, De Wulf-Mansioncentre)
- Princeton University (Philosophy and Classics)
- University of Toronto (Philosophy and Classics)
- University of Cambridge (History and Philosophy of Science)

The closing date for applications for the fellowships is 15 January. The doctoral fellowships advertised here have no thematic restrictions. Interviews will be held at Berlin (presumably during the second last week of March 2013). Candidates from overseas will not need to travel to Berlin for an interview.

University of Graz, Department of Philosophy,
Post date: November 19, 2012
Postdoctoral Research Assistant (36 Months)
Deadline: December 14, 2012

Postdoctoral Research Assistant

for an Austrian Science Fund (FWF) project (Project No: P 25284-G15)

The Enlightened Subject. Sameness and Self from Condillac to Reinhold.

Job specification:
- Provide research assistance
- Discuss relevant material und cooperate with the project leader
- Prepare publications on topics related to the project
- Organize workshops und symposia relating to the project
- Provide administrative support

Professional Qualifications:
- PhD in Philosophy with a thesis in eighteenth-century philosophy of mind.
- Current research project(s) in eighteenth-century philosophy of mind.
- Broad knowledge of eighteenth-century philosophy (English, French and German language sources).
- Fluent at English and German. Working knowledge of French and Latin.
- Familiarity with the philological and interdisciplinary aspects of historical work in philosophy.

Personal Profile:
- Strong communication and organizational skills
- Ability to work effectively both independently and in a team
- Reliability

Job Starting Date: 01 February 2013

Applications (CV, list of publications, brief account of PhD thesis and of current research projects, two letters of recommendation) should reach the address below by

14 December 2012 (by email or post):

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Udo Thiel, Karl-Franzens- Universität Graz, Institut für Philosophie, Heinrichstr. 33/P, A-8010 Graz, Austria. Email: udo [dot] thiel [__at__] uni-graz [dot] at

Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Post date: November 19, 2012
Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: Briefwechsel
Deadline: December 15, 2012


Bei der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig sind im Akademievorhaben „Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: Briefwechsel. Text – Kommentar – Wörterbuch Online“ ab dem 1. Januar 2013 zum frü¬hestmöglichen Zeitpunkt zwei Mitarbeiterstellen zu besetzen. Gesucht werden

eine/ein wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiterin/Mitarbeiter zur Leitung der Arbeitsstelle
eine wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiterin/Mitarbeiter.

Die Einstellung erfolgt zunächst für zwei Jahre, eine Weiterbeschäftigung wird in Aussicht gestellt.

Entgeltgruppe: TV-L 13.
Stellenumfang: Vollzeit. Die Stellen sind nicht teilzeitgeeignet.
Arbeitsort: Dresden.

Dem Briefwechsel des Philosophen, Dichters, Schriftstellers und Wirtschaftsreformers Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi (1743-1819) kommt eine einzigartige Bedeutung für das Verständ¬nis der Epoche der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie zu – sowohl wegen seiner philoso¬phischen Aus¬richtung, die die Diskurslage der Epoche in seiner ganzen Breite und Vielfalt spiegelt, als auch wegen des Kreises der an ihm Beteiligten, der nahezu alle Repräsentanten des geistig-kulturellen Lebens um 1800 umfasst. Auf der Grundlage dieses Briefwechsels, von dem die späteren Jahre Jacobis (Oktober 1794 bis März 1819) noch zu edieren und zu kommentieren sind, wird zudem ein „Wörterbuch der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie“ erarbeitet. Die Text¬grundlage des Wörterbuchs besteht aus dem Komplex sowohl der philo¬sophischen und lite¬rarischen Schriften als auch aus der gesamten Korrespondenz. Die Edi¬tion erscheint im Verlag frommann-holzboog, Stuttgart. Das Projekt steht unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Walter Jaeschke und Prof. Dr. Birgit Sandkaulen.

- Textedition und Kommentierung des Briefwechsels Jacobis vom Herbst 1794 bis zum Frühjahr 1819.

- Promotion im Fach Philosophie oder verwandten Fächern;
- mehrjährige Erfahrung im Umgang mit Handschriften aus der Zeit um 1800;
- sehr gute Kenntnisse der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie und ihres literarischen und politischen Umfelds.

Die Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften strebt eine Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen in der Forschung an und fordert deshalb besonders Frauen auf, sich zu bewerben. Schwer¬behin¬derte werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt eingestellt.

Aussagekräftige Bewerbungen (nur postalisch) mit Lebenslauf, Zeugnissen und Qualifikati¬onsnachweisen bitten wir bis zum 15.12.2012 zu richten an:
Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig,
c/o Generalsekretärin Frau Dr. Ute Ecker, Karl-Tauchnitz-Str. 1, 04107 Leipzig.

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Post date: November 19, 2012
Assistant Professor (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)
Deadline: December 30, 2012

Responsibilities: Research and teaching (2 classes per semester, each meeting 1.5 hours per week); also work in the Graduate School of Ancient Philosophy and Excellence Cluster Topoi; for candidates not finished with the doctorate, completion of the dissertation.
The position is like an Assistant Professorship, except that there is no tenure track. For additional information, candidates are encouraged to consult The salary will be approximately €36,000 per year. There are salary supplements for candidates who are married and/or have children.
Diploma or master's degree in Philosophy or Classics, preferably a completed doctorate in ancient philosophy; good general knowledge of philosophy, especially Kant, Wittgenstein and history and philosophy of mathematics and logic; excellent English (written and spoken), Latin and Greek; fluency in German desirable but not necessary.
Applicants should submit a CV including transcripts, a writing sample (maximum 30 pages), a short description of the candidate's planned research over the next few years (about 1 page), 2-4 letters of recommendation by teachers or supervisors who can provide details about their profile and, in case the dissertation hasn’t been finished, a detailed work plan and schedule.
Applications stating the reference number AN/158/12 are to be sent within six weeks to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Prof. Jonathan Beere, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin.
Prof. Beere expects to interview candidates at the Atlanta meeting of the APA. Candidates who plan to attend are requested to submit their applications as soon as possible, at the latest by December 10th, to katrin [dot] meinke [__at__] hu-berlin [dot] de.
The Humboldt-Universität aims at increasing the proportion of women in research and teaching, and specifically encourages qualified female researchers to apply. Applications from abroad are most welcome. Applicants from minority groups are also most welcome. Preference will be given to disabled persons with equal qualifications.