Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

University of Neuchâtel,
Post date: August 30, 2011
Associate Professor in Logic and Contemporary Philosophy
Deadline: October 22, 2011

The University of Neuchâtel has an opening for a position of

Associate Professor (“professeur extraordinaire”) in logic and contemporary philosophy (50%)

The area of specialization is open, and candidates having an outspoken interest for one or several of the following areas are particularly encouraged to apply: logic, contemporary philosophy of language, epistemology or metaphysics.
This is a part-time, tenurable position: 4 weekly hours of teaching, research and administrative tasks. Starting date is August 1st, 2012.
Requirements: Ph.D. and Habilitation if it is requested in the country of origin of the candidate; publication record; research and teaching experience in the areas concerned. The language of instruction is French.

The candidates are invited to send their application in written form as well as in electronic form (pdf-files only) by 22 October 2011 to the president of the hiring committee (prof. Daniel Schulthess, University of Neuchâtel, Institute of philosophy, espace Louis-Agassiz 1, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, daniel [dot] schulthess [__at__] unine [dot] ch.
The dossier, written in French, will include a cover letter defining the vision of teaching and research of the candidate, a curriculum vitae including a list of publications and of teaching record, an outline of the research and proposed teaching (3 pages max.), as well as copies of diplomas. The candidate will ask three referees to send a letter of recommendation to the president of the hiring committee, also by 22 October 2011. Please do not send any publications at this stage.
The University of Neuchâtel encourages applications from women.
More information may be obtained on the University website ( or from the president of the hiring committee.

College Of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Post date: August 25, 2011

Istanbul Sehir University, Turkey, invites applications for full-time positions in PHILOSOPHY. Positions are available for professors at all ranks beginning in 2012 September. The areas of particular interest are: Continental philosophy, epistemology, ethics, logic, medieval philosophy, metaphysics, modern philosophy, comparative philosophy, philosophy of science, and philosophy of religion. The successful candidates, once hired, are expected to fulfill their respective Department’s requirements with regard to teaching, research, record of publications, and service to the institution. Junior candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. at the time of appointment. All candidates should have excellent command of English and strong commitment to teaching and research.

Istanbul Sehir University is a newly founded, private institution founded by the Foundation for Sciences and Arts, which has been dedicated to research and teaching in social sciences and humanities for the last 25 years in Istanbul, Turkey. Building on a quarter-century of experience in education, The University aims to be an elite research university in the whole region. The medium of instruction is English. The main campus area will be located on the shores of the Marmara Sea, overlooking Princess Islands. To be constructed at the heart of Istanbul, it will be one of the most beautiful campuses in the region.

Salary is competitive and commensurate with rank, experience and qualifications. Several fringe benefits (housing and travel allowance, private health insurance, sabbatical leave, etc.) will apply.

Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2011, and continue until the positions are filled. Please submit an application file that includes information about your research and teaching interests, your curriculum vitae, two samples of written work and names of three references (for senior candidates) or three letters of recommendation (for junior candidates) via e-mail to: erdalyilmaz [__at__] sehir [dot] edu [dot] tr or selmaakin [__at__] sehir [dot] edu [dot] tr
Short-listed candidates will be individually informed of their selection for formal interviews and job talks/lectures.
E-mail: selmaakin [__at__] sehir [dot] edu [dot] tr

Ethics Institute, Dublin City University,
Post date: August 24, 2011
Funded PhD position in the Institute of Ethics at Dublin City University (Ireland)
Deadline: September 30, 2011

Ethics of Ambient Assisted Living

Applications are sought from suitably qualified candidates to work on ethical aspects
of Ambient Assisted Living Technologies to enhance the quality of life of people with
The Institute of Ethics participates in a European research project “Dementia Ambient
Care: Multi-Sensing Monitoring for Intelligent” (http://www.claritycentre.
org/claritywiki/images/e/e1/DEMACARE.pdf). The aim of this 4-year project
is the development of personal health systems, enabling people with dementia to
preserve independence and inclusion in society, while improving their quality of life
and the effectiveness of their caregivers. Multisensor data analysis, combined with
intelligent decision making mechanisms, will allow an accurate representation of the
person’s current status and will provide the appropriate feedback, both to the person
and the associated medical professionals. It provides clinicians a comprehensive
image of the person’s condition and its progression, without their being physically
present, allowing remote care of their condition.
The PhD will focus on the analysis of ethical issues around research on Ambient
Assisted Living Technologies for people with dementia. The successful candidate
would be expected to work in a multidisciplinary environment and have expertise in
ethics and an interest in information and communication technologies.. This position
will also involve attending research meetings within the European project.
The Institute of Ethics DCU (see: was established
in 2008. It focuses on applied ethics and does systematic research on ethical questions
and issues in government, business, and media as well as in science, technology and
health care. Professor Bert Gordijn ( is the
Director of the Institute of Ethics.
Graduates with an honours 1st or 2.1 degree in Philosophy, Ethics, Bioethics, Applied
Ethics or related areas and an interest/experience in Information and Communication
Technologies are invited to apply. Funding is available for a PhD student for 3 years,
to cover university fees and an annual tax free stipend of €16,000.
For further informal enquires, please contact Prof. Bert Gordijn. To apply please send
a cover letter, CV, a writing sample and contact details of two referees to: Professor
Bert Gordijn Institute of Ethics, Henry Grattan Building, Dublin City University,
Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland. Email: (bert [dot] gordijn [__at__] dcu [dot] ie).

University of Groningen,
Post date: August 24, 2011
Ph.D. position
Deadline: October 31, 2011

The Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, has an opening for a
Ph.D. position in Philosophy (1,0 fte)

Vacancy number 211143

Project funded by NWO, the Dutch National Science Foundation

University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 2012-2016

Research Project
The Ph.D. position is situated within the research project ‘Epistemology and the Regress Problem: A Probabilistic Approach’. This project focuses on the credentials of infinitism as a new approach to the old regress problem in epistemology, and its goal is to develop a viable probabilistic form of infinitistism. Results of this research are expected to be of interest not only for philosophy and the history of philosophy, but also for disciplines beyond philosophy itself, such as cognitive psychology and informatics. In addition to the Ph.D. position, a new postdoc vacancy will be filled in the general area of infinitistic epistemology.
The head of the project is Jeanne Peijnenburg, Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen.

Job Opening
Suitable candidates for this Ph.D. position:
- pursue an interest in theoretical philosophy, history of philosophy, or cognitive science;
- can play an active role in the research community of the Faculty of Philosophy;
- have, or will soon have completed, an M.A. or an M.Sc. in a field relevant to the project;
- are fluent in English.

The Ph.D. position is for a period of four years on a full time basis, starting on January 1, 2012. The University of Groningen offers a gross monthly salary that will range between € 2,042 per month in the first year to € 2,612 per month in the fourth year. The candidate will be working under the supervision of Jeanne Peijnenburg.

Research Environment
Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an international reputation as a dynamic and innovative centre of higher education. The Faculty of Philosophy is a rich and lively community of excellent lecturers and researchers. The project will be carried out in the Department of Theoretical Philosophy.

To apply for the Ph.D. position, please send an e-mail to Ms Fré Moorrees (f [dot] c [dot] moorrees [__at__] rug [dot] nl) and attach:
• a curriculum vitae, including academic qualifications, grades, a list of publications if applicable, and the names and contact details of two referees;
• a letter explaining your motivation, your interest in the project, and your competence in the research field;
• a writing sample of about 3,000 words as well as your M.A. of M.Sc. thesis.
The closing date for applications is October 31, 2011.
Interviews are planned in the week of November 7 until 12.

Philosophischen Seminar der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen ,
Post date: August 23, 2011
Professur (W 3) für Philosophie
Deadline: October 7, 2011

Die Stelleninhaberin/der Stelleninhaber soll einen ausgeprägten Arbeitsschwerpunkt im Bereich der antiken Philosophie und ggf. ihrer Wirkung besitzen. Von Vorteil ist darüber hinaus ein zweiter Arbeitsschwerpunkt in einem Bereich der systematischen Philosophie.

Einstellungsvoraussetzung sind Habilitation oder Nachweis gleichwertiger wissenschaftlicher Leistungen sowie didaktische Eignung.

Die Universität strebt eine Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen in Forschung und Lehre an und bittet deshalb entsprechend qualifizierte Wissenschaftlerinnen nachdrücklich um ihre Bewerbung.

Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen (Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse, Schriftenverzeichnis, Verzeichnis der abgehaltenen Lehrveranstaltungen) sowie 5 repräsentativen Publikationen möglichst in elektronischer Form sind bis zum 7. 10. 2011 zu richten an den Dekan der Philosophischen Fakultät, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Leonhardt, Wilhelmstraße 50, 72074 Tübingen (e-mail: dekanat [__at__] philosophie [dot] uni-tuebingen [dot] de).

Universität Siegen,
Post date: August 4, 2011
wiss. Mitarbeiter
Deadline: October 31, 2011

In der Fakultät I (Philosophische Fakultät) der Universität Siegen ist am Lehrstuhl für Praktische Philosophie zum 1. März 2012 die Stelle

einer wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin/eines wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters
(Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L)

mit der Hälfte der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit für die Dauer von zunächst 2 Jahren mit der Möglichkeit der Verlängerung zu besetzen.

Die Beschäftigungsdauer richtet sich nach den Vorschriften des Wissenschaftszeitvertrags-gesetzes.

Ihre Aufgaben:

- Mitarbeit in der Lehre auf dem Gebiet der praktischen Philosophie (die Lehrverpflichtung beträgt 2 Semesterwochenstunden)
- Mitarbeit am Zentrum für Kommentarische Interpretation zu Kant (
- Mitarbeit bei der Organisation von Tagungen und Forschungsprojekten

Die Stelle dient der wissenschaftlichen Weiterqualifikation (Promotion oder Habilitation im Bereich der Praktischen Philosophie, Erkenntnistheorie, Religionsphilosophie, Texthermeneutik oder Kant-Forschung). Hierzu wird im Rahmen der Dienstaufgaben Gelegenheit gegeben.

Ihr Profil:

- Sehr guter wissenschaftlicher Hochschulabschluß/sehr gute Promotion
- Schnelles und selbständiges Arbeiten
- Grundkenntnisse in Kants Philosophie
- Vertrautheit mit sog. analytischer Philosophie

Auskunft erteilt Herr Universitätsprofessor Dr. Dieter Schönecker, Tel. 0271/740-4477 oder per Mail dieter [dot] schoenecker [__at__] uni-siegen [dot] de

Die Universität Siegen strebt eine Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen in Forschung und Lehre an. Entsprechend qualifizierte Frauen werden um ihre Bewerbung ge¬beten. Die Universität Siegen bietet gute Möglichkeiten, Beruf und Familie zu vereinbaren.

Bewerbungen geeigneter Schwerbehinderter sind erwünscht.

Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen (Lebenslauf, Zeugniskopien, ggfs. kurze Skizze des angestrebten Forschungsprojekts) richten Sie bitte bis 31. Oktober 2011 an Herrn Universitätsprofessor Dr. Dieter Schönecker, Fakultät I (Philosophische Fakultät), Universität Siegen, 57068 Siegen.

Informationen über die Universität Siegen finden Sie auf unserer Homepage

Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science,
Post date: August 3, 2011
2 fully funded PhD positions in Logic and Language at TiLPS
Deadline: October 15, 2011

The Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS)
invites applications for two fully funded four-year PhD positions.

1 PhD student in Natural Logic and Linguistic Semantics
1 PhD student in Computational Logic and Natural Reasoning

Individuals are encouraged to apply who have an interest in logical
and computational theories of ordinary reasoning, natural logic,
and/or linguistic semantics and who want to investigate these topics
in an interdisciplinary setting where linguistic investigation is
combined with tableau theorem proving and model checking. The
positions are part of the program "Towards Logics that Model Natural
Reasoning", funded by a Free Competition grant from the Netherlands
Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and led by Reinhard
Muskens. More information about this program and about the projects
can be found at

These positions are open to candidates with a master's degree or
equivalent and successful candidates are required to complete a PhD
thesis within maximally four years.

We expect the willingness to work in an international
interdisciplinary research environment. The PhD candidates will
receive a starting salary of 2042 Euro gross per month in the first
year. The salary in the last year is 2612 Euro.

Applications (in English) should include a cover letter, a
curriculum vitae, a two-page research proposal, and the names of two
references. Candidates are also invited to include a sample of their
writing, if one is available in English, French, German or Dutch.
Only applications made with the help of our Application Wizard will
be taken into consideration:

- Go to
- Click on the relevant vacancy
- Click "apply directly".

The deadline for applications is October 15, 2011. For more
information about TiLPS, visit

Technische Universität Braunschweig,
Post date: July 23, 2011
Associate Professor Philosophy
Deadline: September 14, 2011

Technische Universität Braunschweig / Braunschweig Institute of Technology

The Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences
The Department of Philosophy seeks to appoint at the earliest an

Associate Professor (W2) of Philosophy: Philosophy of Cultural Practice
Area of Specialization: Ethics (systematic/applied) and the Concepts of
Technology and Culture in a History of Ideas Perspective

According to §§25 and 26 NHG (Higher Education Law of the Federal State of Lower Saxony)
At the Braunschweig Institute of Technology Germany (founded in 1745), with its 13,000
students, the core disciplines engineering and natural sciences are closely linked to business
and social sciences, as well as the humanities and educational sciences. The Braunschweig
Institute of Technology is a member of both the Lower Saxony Alliance of Technical
Universities (NTH), and the TU9 German Institutes of Technology. Considered Europe’s
number 1 research region, Brunswick/Braunschweig is attractive for scientists and their
The successful candidate will be qualified in central fields of Practical Philosophy (such as
ethics and political philosophy), encompassing a wide ranging expertise in the History of
Philosophy. A research focus on ethics (systematic and applied) and political philosophy or
intercultural philosophy is expected. The successful candidate will teach courses on ethics
(e.g., business ethics) and history of philosophy in the Philosophy Program, in the
interdisciplinary M.A. program „Culture of the Techno-scientific World“, and in the Post-
Graduate Studies‘ program.
Applicants need to demonstrate experience in academic teaching and need to be prepared to
commit themselves to interdisciplinary research with other Faculties of the University. The
application should provide evidence of pedagogical skills. A very good command of
languages in classical antiquity is expected.
During the first two years, courses can be taught in English. By the beginning of the third
year, the successful candidate is expected to have acquired German language proficiency in
order to teach in German and to participate in academic administration and interfacultary
We welcome applications from people with disabilities. The Technische Universität
Braunschweig seeks to increase its female faculty and thus particularly encourages women to
apply. Given equal suitability, qualification and professional achievement, women will be
given preference. The position is permanent according to § 25 NHG and suitable for working
Applications (including CV, list of publications and teaching experience, and copies of
academic degree certificates) should be sent in hard copy by 15 September 2011 to the Dean of the Faculty of
Humanities and Educational Sciences (Fakultät 6), Technische Universität Braunschweig,
Bienroder Weg 97, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany.

International Baccalaureate,
United Kingdom
Post date: July 18, 2011
IB Examiner for Philosophy
Deadline: December 31, 2011

Philosophy Examiner positions now available

The emphasis of the IB philosophy course is very much on “doing” philosophy. It invites the development of perspectives that encompass cultural pluralism and an awareness of the international context within which it unfolds.

IB Examiners assess the work of students from 138 countries. They play an important role in maintaining the quality of assessment for which the International Baccalaureate is known worldwide.

For more information and to apply, please visit our website:

Dept of Philosophy, University of Geneva,
Post date: June 16, 2011
Assistant, Ancient Philosophy
Deadline: June 29, 2011

met au concours :
1 poste d’assistant-e de philosophie ancienne

Conditions :
Etre en possession d’une maîtrise de philosophie ou d’une licence ès lettres. Avoir un projet de recherche en cours et s’engager à inscrire une thèse dans le domaine de la philosophie antique au Département.

Cahier des charges :
Il s’agit d’un poste à 7/10 e qui passera à 10/10e dès la troisième année.
L’assistant-e participera aux enseignements (en français) de Bachelor en assumant en particulier un séminaire de Travaux Pratiques.
- 2 h de séminaire hebdomadaires,
- correction de travaux, encadrement des étudiant-e-s,
- contacts suivis avec les enseignant-e-s de philosophie,
-tâches administratives

Traitement :
Fr 46’247.-- par an en 1ère année pour un(e) assistant(e) au bénéfice d’une maîtrise. Le maximum du traitement est atteint après 4 annuités (Fr 78'528.-- par an).

Entrée en fonction : 1er septembre 2011.

Durée du mandat :
Les assistant-e-s sont nommé-e-s pour une première période de 2 ans; la nomination est renouvelable pour deux périodes successives, respectivement de 2 ans et de 1 an.

Documents requis et délai pour le dépôt des candidatures :
- lettre de candidature,
- curriculum vitae accompagné de la photocopie du procès-verbal de maîtrise ou de licence,
- descriptif du projet de recherche.

à envoyer au
Professeur Kevin Mulligan
Département de philosophie
Faculté des lettres
5, rue de Candolle
1211 GENEVE 4
Kevin [dot] Mulligan [__at__] unige [dot] ch
avant le 29 juin 2011

Dans une perspective de parité, l’Université encourage les candidatures féminines.
