Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

University of Kent,
United Kingdom
Post date: March 21, 2012
Doctoral studentship: Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics
Deadline: April 30, 2012

University of Kent: Doctoral Studentship in Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics

In preparation for the University’s 50th anniversary in 2015, Kent has established an additional 100 doctoral scholarships to be awarded annually from 2012. Known as Kent’s 50th Anniversary Scholars, successful candidates will demonstrate academic excellence and outstanding research potential. Scholarships will be offered at the standard RCUK rate; applications are invited from UK/EU and international students.

Within the School of Arts, the 50th anniversary scholarships will be attached to the School’s five influential research groups and centres.
The Aesthetics Research Group brings together faculty and postgraduate students from History and Philosophy of Art, Film, and Philosophy. It has particular research expertise around visual art forms including painting, photography and film; depiction and representation; intersections between ethics and aesthetics; beauty, taste and the sublime in 18th century aesthetics; the aesthetics of popular music; the interrelations between art and science; and topics in the contemporary philosophy of art. Applications in any of these areas are encouraged.
For information on the Aesthetics Research Group, its members and activities see
For questions about research proposals please contact Dr Hans Maes (H [dot] Maes [__at__] kent [dot] ac [dot] uk).


The award is a Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) – a combined funding and teaching studentship. The candidate will need to undertake teaching while conducting research for his/her PhD. The amount of the GTA will cover tuition fees at the home/EU rate plus a combined salary and maintenance grant equivalent to the full UK Research Council rate (£13,590 in 2011/12). (Please note that this means that International students must pay the difference between the Overseas rate and the Home/EU rate of tuition fees). The Assistantship is offered on a full-time basis for three years, subject to satisfactory academic progress.


To apply for the GTA the candidate must have a good first degree and Master’s level degree. Shortlisted GTA applicants will be expected to attend an interview.
The applicant is expected to conduct doctoral research that falls broadly within the field of analytic aesthetics. For more information on the Aesthetics Research Group and the research areas of individual members, please visit:

How to apply

To be considered for this award, candidates must make a formal application, and have been offered a place, for postgraduate research study at the University of Kent. Applicants should thus aim to initiate their application for a place by 16 April 2012. Guidance on application procedures is available here:
In addition, please send a letter outlining your suitability for this award to the Arts PG Administrator at: arts-pgadmin [__at__] kent [dot] ac [dot] uk.

Deadline: 30 April 2012 (but please see the note above about the need to secure an offer of a place in the programme by this deadline)
Interviews will take place in the week of the deadline.

For questions about applications, please contact the Arts PG Administrator, Angela Whiffen, at arts-pgadmin [__at__] kent [dot] ac [dot] uk
Kent provides a dynamic and challenging academic environment and has an excellent reputation for collaborative research with universities around the world.

For more information about Kent’s research portfolio and how to apply see:

University of Kent,
United Kingdom
Post date: March 13, 2012
Professor of the History and Philosophy of Art
Deadline: April 9, 2012

Professor of the History and Philosophy of Art

Ref HUM0260
Location Canterbury
Job Type Academic
Contract Type Open Ended
Salary Type Per Annum
Salary (£) 58570

HUM0260, School of Arts, Closing date: 9 Apr 2012
Please note the salary scale starts from £58,570

The Role

The School of Arts is seeking to appoint a Professor of the History and Philosophy of Art to provide leadership within the History and Philosophy of Art Department and the wider School, to make an outstanding contribution to the research profile and environment of the Department and School, and to contribute to the teaching and examination of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

The Person

The successful candidate will have a PhD or equivalent in a field relevant to the history and philosophy of art, with a profile of research and teaching that complements the existing strengths, activities and profile of the History and Philosophy of Department. Possession of research outcomes of 3* or 4* quality for submission to REF 2014 and a sustained record of producing outstanding research outcomes of the highest international standards are essential. The successful candidate will also have a sustained and demonstrable record of excellence in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and supervision.

For further and full criteria please see:

The School of Arts

The School of Arts is one of the largest schools within the University of Kent, with 1250fte students, 46 academic staff, and 16 administrative and technical staff spread across two of the University’s campuses. Although the majority of these students and staff are based on the University’s Canterbury campus, the School is significantly expanding its programmes, students and staff on its Medway campus.

The School is composed of five academic sections. The Departments of Drama and Theatre Studies, Film Studies, and History & Philosophy of Art are based in Canterbury, and the Departments of Music & Audio Arts and Fine Art are based on the Medway campus.

Full information about the School can be found at:

Closing date for applications: 9 April 2012

Interviews are to be held: 2 May 2012

The University is keen to ensure we meet our obligations under the Equality Act 2010. We encourage anyone who has the necessary skills, qualities and experience to apply. Currently women are under-represented in this area so we would welcome applications from women.

indurad GmbH,
Post date: March 9, 2012
Deadline: April 18, 2012

Die VDI Weltmeisterstudie bescheinigt uns Weltmarktführerschaft im Bereich Embedded
Radar Systems mit 3D Webanwendungen. Wir entwickeln innovative Soft- und
Hardwarelösungen für die global stark wachsende Rohstoffindustrie und steuern sowie
automatisieren riesige Maschinen. Weiteren klugen Köpfen mit viel Eigenverantwortung
und frischen Ideen stehen bei uns alle Türen offen.

Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams in Aachen suchen wir ab sofort
engagierte Geisteswissenschaftler/-innen!

Bei der Studienwahl hat Euch Euer Interesse an Geisteswissenschaften geleitet, nicht
ein Desinteresse an den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften.

Das Unternehmen
indurad entwickelt hardwarenahe Softwarelösungen und kombiniert diese mit weltweit
einzigartiger abbildender Radar Sensortechnik. Zu unseren Kunden zählen zahlreiche große
wie auch mittelständische Unternehmen. Wir verkaufen mehr als 50% unserer Lösungen im
nicht-europäischen Ausland.

Unser Team zählt 20 Mitarbeiter, jährlich werden es 30% mehr. Unsere Mitarbeiter kommen
aus den Bereichen Philosophie, Medizin, Fahrzeugtechnik, Angewandte Physik, Technische
Informatik, Nachrichtentechnik, Hochfrequenztechnik und Rohstoffingenieurwesen.
Eure Aufgabengebiete - je nach Spezialisierung

Die indurad GmbH sucht technologieaffine Geisteswissenschaftler für den beruflichen
Direkteinstieg (Vollzeit, unbefristet). Wir bieten Euch einen hervorragenden Einstieg in die
nicht-universitäre Arbeitswelt durch ein speziell auf Geisteswissenschaftler abgestimmtes
eineinhalbjähriges learning by doing Programm in drei Kompetenzfeldern:

1. Business. Durch Mitarbeit im Bereich Vertrieb, Marketing, Dokumentation und als
Assistent der Geschäftsleitung erhaltet Ihr umfassende Einblicke.

2. Technologie. Unsere Ingenieure werdet Ihr bei Feldeinsätzen in Deutschland und
weltweit unterstützen.

3. Interkulturelles Management. Innerhalb eines Jahres werdet ihr zwei
Auslandsstationen bei unseren internationalen Partnern für je zwei Monate
absolvieren, z.B. in Brasilien, Chile, Peru, Australien, USA, Südafrika, Indien

Wir profitieren von Euren nicht-technischen Kompetenzen für unser nachhaltiges Wachstum
für neue Anwendungen, Branchen und Länder. Nach Abschluss des learning by
doing Programms werdet Ihr in unserem Unternehmen gemäß Eurer Stärken eingesetzt.

Mentoring. Ihr erhaltet einen technischen (Dr. Ing.) und einen geisteswissenschaftlichen
Mentor (M.A.) innerhalb der indurad GmbH.

Eure Chancen
Ihr arbeitet in einem dynamischen und interdisziplinären Team mit vielen Ideen. Unser
rasches Wachstum ermöglicht Euch hervorragende Aufstiegschancen. Wir bieten
engagierten Berufseinsteigern eine überproportionale Gehaltsentwicklung und zügige
Projektverantwortung. Unsere Herausforderungen sind vielseitig – wir ermöglichen Euch,
vorhandene Talente gezielt einzubringen.

Wir bieten ein angenehmes Arbeitsumfeld in Aachener City Lage (neben RWTH
Hauptbibliothek), eine gute Espressomaschine, Tischkicker und kostenlose Kaltgetränke.
Unter besonderen Voraussetzungen kann in Kooperation eine Promotion angestrebt werden.
Eure Qualifikation
- Abgeschlossenes Studium (Master, Magister, Promotion) in Geisteswissenschaften
- Während Eures Studiums habt Ihr Euch ein breites Fachwissen erarbeitet und seid
neugierig auf Neues.
- Begeisterungsfähigkeit für technische Innovationen (nicht nur im Einsatz, sondern
auch Funktionsweise von Technologie)
- Ihr habt Euch außeruniversitär engagiert oder als Hiwi eigene Projekte umgesetzt
- Bereitschaft für internationale Reisen (ca. 5-10 Reisen pro Jahr)

Sehr gute Kenntnisse:
- MS Office (Word, Powerpoint)
- Gutes Englisch in Wort und Schrift

- Auslandserfahrungen
- Kenntnisse weiterer Fremdsprachen, z.B. Spanisch
- Erfahrungen im Multimediabereich: Videoschnitt, Creative Suite, Typo3
- Google Sketchup

Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung
Bitte sendet Eure Bewerbungsunterlagen per eMail an Christian Augustin M.A. -
christian [dot] augustin [__at__] indurad [dot] com. Anschreiben bitte in den Emailtext (deutsch), Lebenslauf
(deutsch / englisch), Referenzen etc. als PDF.

Weiterhin erwarten wir ein maximal zweiseitiges Exposé, in dem Ihr auf die folgenden Punkte
- Was hat Euer Technikinteresse geweckt
- Wie stellt Ihr Euch Eure Tätigkeit bei uns vor
- Was nehmt Ihr aus dem Studium in den Job mit
- Was sind die Stärken von Geisteswissenschaftlern

Unter allen Bewerbern/-innen, die die formellen Voraussetzungen erfüllen (vollständige
Bewerbung), verlosen wir drei Amazon Kindle Ebook Reader.

Troyes University of Technology,
Eastern Paris Area,
Post date: March 7, 2012
Postdoctoral Fellowship in France

The Research Centre for Environmental Studies and Sustainability (ICD-CREIDD, UMR CNRS STMR) at the Troyes University of Technology (UTT) seeks a 1,0 to 1,5 years postdoctoral fellow, beginning between October 01, 2012 and January 01, 2013.
The successful candidate will be pursuing research in environmental history and political philosophy, centered on the relationships between global environmental change and democracy, including intersections with economics, anthropology, international studies and environmental system analysis.
The fellowship is part of the French National Research Agency (ANR) funded program “Democracy Facing Global Environmental Change” (DemoEnv) with University Paris 5 Sorbonne exploring among others things the prospect of authoritarian regimes under dire environmental pressures.
The fellow will have an office within UTT’s Centre for Environmental Studies and Sustainability, in Eastern Paris area between Burgundy and Champagne, a diverse intellectual community of a dozen core faculty members (including scholars specialized in environmental philosophy, sustainability foresight, industrial ecology, life-cycle impact assessment), hosting an international master program.
The fellowship includes competitive salary and research stipends.
Applicants must submit as soon as possible a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, a writing sample (a peer-reviewed article or a book chapter), and the names of three people who have agreed to write a letter of recommendation via email to bertrand [dot] guillaume [__at__] utt [dot] fr (please use subject heading PostDoc ANR DemoEnv).

Bielefeld University ,
Bielefeld ,
Post date: March 5, 2012
Temporary replacement professorship (W 3) for philosophy of science.
Deadline: March 31, 2012

The Department of Philosophy of Bielefeld University seeks to fill

a replacement professorship (W 3) for philosophy of science.

The period of employment is October 1, 2012 until February 28, 2015. The successful candidate should have an international research profile in the philosophy of science and should have demonstrated the ability of high-quality teaching. Proficiency in German is required.
According to German law, severely disabled persons with equal occupational aptitude will be given preferential consideration.
We particularly welcome applications from women. Given equal suitability, qualification and professional achievement, women will be given preference, unless particular circumstances pertaining to a male applicant predominate.
Contact: martin [dot] carrier [__at__] uni-bielefeld [dot] de
Applications (including CV, list of publications, courses taught, and copies of academic degree certificates) should be submitted electronically in one pdf-file by March 31, 2012, to

eike_inga [dot] schilling [__at__] uni-bielefeld [dot] de.

Central European University,
Post date: February 15, 2012
Assistant Professor Position in the Central European University
Deadline: March 20, 2012

Starting date: 1 August 2012
Application deadline: 20 March 2012
Full Or Part Time: Full-Time

Central European University invites applications for a full-time junior position in the field of ethics. The position will be a joint appointment between the Department of Philosophy (2/3) and the newly founded School of Public Policy and International Affairs (1/3). Candidates must demonstrate excellence and strong commitment to research and teaching.

The candidates' research should be on some area in ethics. The successful applicant will be expected to teach graduate courses on central issues in ethics and metaethics, as well as courses on some field in applied ethics (for example bioethics, or environmental ethics, or the moral status of animals, etc.). The successful candidate should be able to develop and contribute to case studies at the School of Public Policy.

Central European University (CEU) is a graduate research-intensive university specializing primarily in the social sciences and humanities. It is located in Budapest, and accredited in the United States and Hungary. CEU’s mission is to promote academic excellence, state-of-the-art research, and civic engagement. CEU offers MA and PhD programs, and enrolls more than 1500 students from nearly 100 countries. The teaching staff consists of more than 140 resident faculty members from over 40 countries, and a large number of prominent visiting scholars from around the world. The language of instruction is English.
Duties and responsibilities:
Teaching graduate courses in ethics and applied ethics, and supervising MA and PhD theses in ethics, and normal administrative work at both departments and the University. The yearly teaching load is 12 credits (1 credit equals 12 classroom hours). The successful candidates will be expected to maintain an active research agenda and regularly publish in major professional journals.
PhD by the time of starting employment.
An internationally competitive salary is offered commensurate with experience.
How to Apply:
Applications should include a cover letter, a statement of research plans, a CV, a list of publications, a writing sample, and the names and contact details of at least three referees.
Please send your complete application to positions [__at__] ceu [dot] hu including jobcode in subject line: 2012/010.

CEU is an equal opportunity employer.

Institut für Philosophie, Universität Stuttgart,
Post date: February 9, 2012
Post-doctoral position (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterstelle)
Deadline: March 2, 2012

Akademische Mitarbeiterstelle (postdoc position) at the University of Stuttgart, Chair for the Philosophy of Science and Technology

The University of Stuttgart has the aim of integrating engineering, natural sciences, humanities, and the social sciences to form a common profile. The re-staffed Chair for the Philosophy of Science and Technology plays a key role in this endeavor. Besides, it has the task to create a productive cooperation with the economic, cultural and political institutions of the city and the region as well as internationally.

In accordance with German civil service pay scale TV-L E 13, starting at about EUR 39,000 per annum. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

The post will be attached to the new Chair for the Philosophy of Science and Technology, Professor Catrin Misselhorn. The successful candidate is expected to strengthen and/or complement the chair’s lines of research at the interface of philosophy with the sciences and humanities. The focus of the chair’s research in this area is going to be the relationship of philosophy, the sciences, and the humanities. The candidate will have a weekly teaching obligation at the Institute of Philosophy during term (2 classes a week à 90 mins each, there are two term periods per year, each lasting 15 weeks). Cooperation with the other members of the Institute with regard to administrative tasks will be expected. The candidate will have the opportunity to do independent research to acquire further academic qualifications, in particular a German "Habilitation" (second book) according to established rules.

The duration of the position will be for 3 years initially. It can be extended for a further 2 years, up to a total of 5 years. The planned start date of the position is April 15, 2012. Later start dates are negotiable.

Applicants should hold a PhD in philosophy. Applicants nearing completion of their PhD can also be considered.

Applications may be submitted in either English or German. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae (including a list of publications, talks, and teaching), a pdf file with 1 sample of their philosophical work, and a research proposal detailing a research project associated with the chair (not to exceed 3 pages without references). All documents should be submitted electronically (pdf) to Professor Misselhorn at: catrin [dot] misselhorn [__at__] philo [dot] uni-stuttgart [dot] de, subject: Mitarbeiter. Inquiries about the post should be directed via e-mail to Professor Misselhorn.

According to German law, severely disabled persons with equal occupational aptitude will be given preferential consideration.

The University of Stuttgart strives to promote equal opportunities in science. Qualified female candidates are thus strongly encouraged to apply.

Institut für Philosophie, Universität Stuttgart,
Post date: February 9, 2012
Post-doctoral Position (Akademische Ratsstelle)
Deadline: March 2, 2012

Akademische Ratsstelle (postdoc position) at the University of Stuttgart, Chair for the Philosophy of Science and Technology

The University of Stuttgart has the aim of integrating engineering, natural sciences, humanities, and the social sciences to form a common profile. The re-staffed Chair for the Philosophy of Science and Technology plays a key role in this endeavor. Besides, it has the task to create a productive cooperation with the economic, cultural and political institutions of the city and the region as well as internationally.

In accordance with German civil service pay scale A13, starting at about EUR 45,000 plus allowances. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

The post will be attached to the new Chair for the Philosophy of Science and Technology, Professor Catrin Misselhorn. The successful candidate is expected to strengthen and/or complement the chair’s lines of research at the interface of philosophy with sciences and engineering. The chair's new focus of research is going to be at the intersection of AI, robotics, the philosophy of mind and the neurosciences. The candidate will have a weekly teaching obligation at the Institute of Philosophy during term (2 classes a week à 90 mins each, there are two term periods per year, each lasting 15 weeks). Cooperation with the other members of the Institute with regard to administrative tasks will be expected. The candidate will have the opportunity to do independent research to acquire further academic qualifications, in particular a German "Habilitation" (second book) according to established rules.

The duration of the position will be for 3 years initially. It can be extended for a further 3 years, up to a total of 6 years. The planned start date of the position is April 15, 2012. Later start dates are negotiable.

Applicants should hold a PhD in philosophy. Candidates with a PhD in a related area (like Cognitive Science or STS) may apply if they have a strong philosophical background.

Applications may be submitted in either English or German. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae (including a list of publications, talks, and teaching), a pdf file with 1 sample of their philosophical work, and a research proposal detailing a research project associated with the chair (not to exceed 3 pages without references). All documents should be submitted electronically (pdf) to Professor Misselhorn at: catrin [dot] misselhorn [__at__] philo [dot] uni-stuttgart [dot] de, subject: Rat. Inquiries about the post should be directed via e-mail to Professor Misselhorn.

According to German law, severely disabled persons with equal occupational aptitude will be given preferential consideration.

The University of Stuttgart strives to promote equal opportunities in science. Qualified female candidates are thus strongly encouraged to apply.

Leibniz Universität Hannover,
Post date: February 9, 2012
University Professorship in Philosophy of the Social Sciences and Social Philosophy
Deadline: March 8, 2012

The Institute of Philosophy invites applications for a University Professorship in Philosophy of the Social Sciences and Social Philosophy, Salary Scale W2 BBesO, to be appointed as of the earliest possible date.

Within the newly formed Institute of Philosophy, which is focused on philosophy of science, the professor to be appointed will represent philosophy of the social sciences and social philosophy in a broad sense. This includes teaching obligations as part of the University’s teacher training programme for “Philosophie” and “Werte und Normen” (Gymnasium) and “Philosophy” as a minor subject. An additional focus on philosophy of the humanities is desirable. It is expected that the successful candidate will collaborate across the subject areas in research and teaching and contribute to the successful development and implementation of new degree programmes. As the successful candidate will be responsible for subject didactics, appropriate prior experience is requested. It is expected that the successful candidate will have a proven track record in securing external funding and an appropriate network of contacts internationally.

Part-time employment is possible.

The general tasks, responsibilities and required qualification for employment are specified in the Higher Education Act of Niedersachsen (NHG). Information on specific aspects will be supplied upon request.

As an equal opportunities employer, Leibniz Universität Hannover intends to promote women in the context of statutory requirements. For this reason suitably qualified women are specifically invited to apply.

Equally qualified applicants with disabilities will be given preferential treatment.

Applications from international candidates are highly encouraged.

Leibniz Universität Hannover places great value on an international orientation of teaching and research, with a special emphasis on the intensive supervision and support of students and involvement of the university in the Region Hannover and in Niedersachsen. In order to promote this, the faculty expects the successful candidate to centre his/her life in the Region Hannover.

Applicants 50 years old or older at the date of appointment and who do not hold a civil servant status qualify only for employee status.

Please send your application with the usual documents and papers by 08.03.2012 to the
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Dekan der Philosophischen Fakultät
Schloßwender Straße 1
D - 30159 Hannover

For further information, please contact Herr Prof. Dr. Paul Hoyningen-Huene , Tel. +49 511 762 -5151 , E-mail hoyningen [__at__] ww [dot] uni-hannover [dot] de who will be pleased to assist.

Lund University,
Post date: February 7, 2012
Doctoral studentship
Deadline: March 1, 2012

Doctoral studentship in practical philosophy at the Philosophy Department, Lund University - Reg. No PA 2012/44

Lund University invites applications for a doctoral studentship in practical philosophy (four years proper employment), at the Department of Philosophy, with a starting date of 1 September 2012.

The department consists of three units: Practical Philosophy, Theoretical Philosophy and Cognitive Science. The units are to a large extent autonomous when it comes to research and teaching profiles. A common ambition for the department’s researchers is to contribute to the international development of their fields, by publishing articles in peer-reviewed international journals of high quality, by publishing books with international publishers, and by co-operating with researchers at other departments in Sweden and abroad.

Research profile in Practical Philosophy: Main areas in which the unit conducts research are value theory, including formal axiology, reasons and normativity, practical rationality, decision theory, quality of life, concepts of desert, rights, and equality, social ontology, group action and shared responsibility, neo-Kantian ethics and virtue ethics. See the department's website for more detailed information about research, external evaluation reports and self-evaluations.

For information about the announced position, please contact Professor Wlodek Rabinowicz.
E-mail wlodek [dot] rabinowicz [__at__] fil [dot] lu [dot] se tel. 046-2227595

For the official text of the announcement at the website of the Faculty of Humanities and Theology, see

For information on general terms of employment, regulations etc., please contact Senior Administrative Officer Jesper Olsson, Office of the Faculties of Humanities and Theology,
jesper [dot] olsson [__at__] kansliht [dot] lu [dot] se tel. 046-222 83 15.

The regulations for research studies at the Faculties are available (in Swedish) at

Telephone numbers and email addresses are available on the University’s website,

A person has basic eligibility for research (third-cycle) studies if he or she either
1. has taken a second-cycle qualification
2. has completed course requirements of at least 240 higher education credits, including at least 60 higher education credits at second cycle,
3. has acquired essentially corresponding knowledge in Sweden or abroad.

Special eligibility for research studies in practical philosophy has a person who has completed course requirements in practical philosophy, or a corresponding subject, of 120 higher education credits, including a paper in practical philosophy corresponding to at least 15 higher education credits at second cycle.
The requirement of special eligibility is also satisfied by an applicant who has acquired essentially corresponding knowledge in Sweden or abroad.

Transitional provision: A person who fulfils the requirements for basic and special eligibility for admission to research studies before 1 July 2007 will also be considered to have basic and special eligibility for admission to research studies after that date.

The selection process will primarily take into account the applicants’ ability to benefit from research studies. Before submitting an application, all candidates should discuss a potential research project with the subject representative or equivalent in the relevant subject.

The application must be submitted on the form that is available at

The application must include:
- records of first- and second-cycle studies (transcripts of courses and grades)
- first- and second-cycle theses/degree projects
- a list of other relevant administrative and educational qualifications
- scholarly journal articles, reports or papers of relevance for the subject
- where applicable, documented skills in a language of relevance for the research studies
- project proposal (1500 words max. excluding references)

Applicants who have already been admitted to doctoral studies in practical philosophy must also submit an up-to-date individual study plan.

Only the application form in the original, and no other documents, is to be sent to Registrator, Kansli HT, Box 117, 221 00 Lund, Sweden.
A copy of the application form and all documents referred to in the application are to be sent to the Department of Philosophy, Lund University, Kungshuset, Lundagård, 222 22 Lund, Sweden.

The application, including attachments, must arrive by Thursday, 1 March 2012.
The subject and relevant registration number (Ref No 2012/44) must be clearly indicated in the appropriate places. Applications are filed for two years, in accordance with the Swedish National Archives regulations.

Wlodek Rabinowicz
Professor of Practical Philosophy
Department of Philosophy, Lund University
Kungshuset, Lundagård, 222 22 Lund, Sweden
tel: +46-46-2227595 fax: +46-462224424