Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

Hochschule für Philosophie München/ Munich School of Philosophy,
Post date: June 5, 2012
wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Entgeltgruppe 13 TVöD)
Deadline: July 15, 2012

Für das Forschungs- und Studienprojekt „Globale Solidarität – Schritte zu einer neuen Weltkultur“ der Rottendorf-Stiftung an der Hochschule für Philosophie der Jesuiten in München ist
zum 1. Oktober 2012 eine halbe Stelle für eine/n wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
zu besetzen.
Das Rottendorf-Projekt an der Hochschule für Philosophie will in interdisziplinärer wissenschaftlicher Reflexion zu einer weltweiten Gemeinschaft der Völker, Kulturen und Religionen beitragen. In wissenschaftlichen Symposien und Kolloquien, der eigenen Veranstaltungsreihe „Fremde Kulturen und Religionen“ im Rahmen des Lehrangebots der Hochschule für Philosophie, sowie der Buchreihe „Globale Solidarität – Schritte zu einer neuen Weltkultur“ setzt es sich mit den Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten einer „neuen Weltkultur“ im Kontext einer globalisierten Welt auseinander.
Die Arbeitsschwerpunkte des/der Projektassistenten /-in liegen in der konzeptionellen Ausarbeitung von Forschungsprojekten und Antragstellung sowie Durchführung, der Themenfindung für und Organisation des jährlichen wissenschaftlichen Symposions an der Hochschule und des jährlich stattfindenden Kolloquiums, der Mitwirkung an der vom Projekt veröffentlichten Buchreihe „Globale Solidarität – Schritte zu einer neuen Weltkultur“ sowie der Lehrplanung im Rahmen des Gastdozentenzyklus des Projekts.
Eine wissenschaftliche Weiterqualifikation (z.B. Promotion) an der Hochschule für Philosophie neben der Tätigkeit im Rahmen der Projektassistenz ist erwünscht.
• Qualifizierter Studienabschluss im Bereich der Philosophie (bevorzugt) und/oder der Sozialwissenschaften, regionalspezifische Kenntnisse sind von Vorteil;
• Erfahrungen in eigenständiger wissenschaftlicher Projektarbeit und dem Verfassen von gut lesbaren und öffentlichkeitswirksamen wissenschaftlichen Texten;
• Gute Kenntnisse in Englisch und wenn möglich in einer weiteren Fremdsprache;
• Erfahrungen im Veranstaltungsmanagement;
• Bereitschaft, den Wohnsitz in das Umfeld von München zu verlegen.
Besetzungszeitpunkt: Die Stelle ist zum 1. Oktober 2012 neu zu besetzen
Vertragsdauer: 3 Jahre mit der Option auf Verlängerung
Arbeitszeit: Teilzeit (50%)
Bewerbungsfrist: 15. Juli 2012
Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen (Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse, Verzeichnis von Publikationen) richten Sie bitte an:
Prof. Dr. Michael Reder
Hochschule für Philosophie
Kaulbachstr. 31a, D-80539 München
michael [dot] reder [__at__] hfph [dot] de

Department of Philosophy at the University of Tübingen,
Post date: June 4, 2012
Assistant Professorship in Philosophy at the University of Tübingen
Deadline: June 30, 2012

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Tübingen is seeking applications for an "Assistant Professorship in Philosophy” (Akademische Ratsstelle auf Zeit, pay grade A 13). The position will start on October 1st, 2012, and is for a period of three years with the possibility of extension.

The successful candidate will be expected
to do philosophical research in one or more of the following areas of analytic philosophy: metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of language,
to teach four hours a week (two courses),
and to assist in the planning and organization of workshops and conferences.

The requirements for this position are a PhD in philosophy and a research focus as well as teaching experience in the mentioned areas.

Given equal qualification, severely physically challenged individuals will be given preference. The University of Tübingen aims to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching, and therefore particularly welcomes applications from qualified female candidates.

Depending on individual circumstances, the appointment could be made at the alternative pay grade TV-L 13.

Applications (including CV, certificates, list of publications, and a writing sample) should be sent to Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Philosophie
Prof. Dr. Thomas Sattig
Bursagasse 1
72070 Tübingen

E-Mail: uschi [dot] wiedmaier [__at__] uni-tuebingen [dot] de

Deadline: 30th June, 2012

Post date: May 31, 2012
PhD position
Deadline: August 1, 2012

The Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) is seeking a highly talented and motivated PhD student interested in working in an interdisciplinary environment that explores uncharted scientific and policy-related territory.

The mission of MCC is to create and advance theory as well as policy for sustainable governance of global and local commons and climate change. Research is driven by policy relevance and is regularly interdisciplinary in nature. MCC is a joint initiative of the Stiftung Mercator and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

MCC is unique in organizing its research efforts around the production of assessment reports. Based on excellent research, these reports will analyze alternative future pathways for the governance of global commons and the associated critical tradeoffs faced by society.

Research Tasks

The MCC Working Group “Assessments and Scientific Policy Advice” (ASP) seeks one PhD student to advance research on one of the following two areas:

1) Towards a science of assessment-making: Meta-study of assessment reports at the science-policy interface
Scientific assessment processes and reports enable structuring scientific knowledge and science-policy interactions. At the same time, assessments face serious challenges in providing reliable, well-communicated, and policy-neutral but policy-relevant aggregation of scientific knowledge. The task for the PhD student is to develop a theoretical and normative framework for assessment-making and its evaluation. This will particularly involve analyzing and evaluating previous assessment reports, but also reflecting existing or developing novel models of the science-policy interface. Results of this research shall inform and improve future MCC assessments processes.
The successful candidate has a strong interest in interdisciplinary research and features a background in political sciences, sociology or philosophy. Ideally, this is combined with a basic understanding of natural sciences, engineering or economics. Experience in science-policy interaction and related research is an asset.

2) Political philosophy of commons
The concept of commons is inextricably linked to normative and ethical questions pertaining legitimate ownership, access and control of natural and social resources and infrastructures. The task for the PhD student is to contribute to the development of a theoretical and normative framework for the governance and regulation of global and local commons. Important issues in this area include political philosophy and democratic theory, sustainability and stewardship concepts, and multi-level governance across different regions.
The successful candidate has a strong interest in interdisciplinary research and ideally combines a background in political philosophy with a basic understanding of economics (esp. game theory), political sciences or sociology.

Suitable candidates will hold an excellent Master's Degree (or equivalent) in one of the disciplines mentioned above. The successful candidate is able to demonstrate the potential for excellence in research in the above-mentioned research areas. She or he has a good command of written and spoken English, is highly motivated, open-minded and willing to work as a team player in an interdisciplinary context.

Salary for the PhD position is according to E13 TV-L (50 % position, 3 years). MCC is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to achieving workforce diversity.
The desired starting date is September 2012. Early applications are strongly encouraged as applications will be evaluated on an ongoing basis until the position is filled.
The application should include a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, copies of university certificates (indicating all taken courses and grades), relevant publications, and one academic letter of recommendation.
Please send applications via email
More information on MCC and the Working Group “Assessments and Scientific Policy Advice” is available on our website (

Eindhoven University of Technology,
Post date: May 30, 2012
Lecturer in Philosophy (fixed-term)
Deadline: June 11, 2012

Lecturer in Philosophy
for a period of one year, 1,0 fte (less fte with a minimum of 0,5 fte is negotiable)

The Lecturer will be expected to teach courses in one or several of the following areas: the ethics of biomedical technology, philosophy of science and technology, research ethics.
The Lecturer will spend most of his or her time on teaching, but he or she will also be given the opportunity to carry out research.

We offer full-time (or part-time, with a minimum of 0.5 fte) employment for a fixed period of 1 year, starting the 15th of August 2012. The salary will be in the range of € 2.379,00 and € 3.755,00 gross per month (pro rata). This excludes the standard yearly holiday allowance of 8% of the yearly salary and end year allowance of 8.3% of the yearly salary. The Lecturer is expected to reside in the Eindhoven region while working here.

For informal inquiries about the position please contact Martin Peterson (m [dot] peterson [__at__] tue [dot] nl or +31-40-2475941). Further information concerning employment conditions can be obtained from Caren van Overdijk, personnel officer IE&IS, (+31-40-2475204).

Deadline: 11 June, 2012. Please upload your letter of interest, a curriculum vitae and at least one letter of recommendation on our website. (We kindly but strongly request you not to send us your documents by email.) To apply, please follow this link:

Interviews, via Skype if appropriate, will be held in the week beginning June the 18th.

The official job ad is here:

And here:

Northern Institute of Philosophy, University of Aberdeen,
United Kingdom
Post date: May 20, 2012
Lecturer/ Researcher
Deadline: June 22, 2012

The School of Divinity, History and Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen seeks to appoint a Lecturer in Philosophy. The postholder will be expected to dedicate 50% of her/his time to undertaking research within the Northern Institute of Philosophy. (To clarify, the teaching load will be held to 50% of the standard teaching load in the department and will include probationary relief.)

The Northern Institute of Philosophy—directed by Professor Crispin Wright—is dedicated to collaborative research on fundamental philosophical issues and to the provision of a dedicated training environment for early career (postdoctoral and postgraduate) philosophical researchers. It also runs a programme of wider outreach and societal impact activities co-ordinated to its researches. The work of the Institute centres upon a number of projects in the core areas of analytic philosophy: metaphysics, epistemology and the philosophies of logic, language, mathematics and mind. We currently host the AHRC-funded project, Basic Knowledge, and the Leverhulme Trust-funded project, Relativism and Rational Tolerance. The Institute is home to a number of associated postdoctoral fellows and PhD students.

This post will involve a balanced commitment to both departmental and Institute activities aimed to enhance the quality and effectiveness of philosophical research and teaching at the University of Aberdeen at all levels. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the collaborative research activities of the Institute, both through supporting Institute activities and through his or her own research and research initiatives. The candidate will be encouraged to establish and lead an Institute research group dedicated to his or her own research project and will be appropriately supported in efforts to seek external funding for research projects.

Salary will be at the appropriate point on the Grade 7 salary scale for Lecturer (£37,012 - £44,166 per annum) with placement according to qualifications and experience.

The closing date for the receipt of applications is 22 June 2012.

For more information and to apply please go to

University of Amsterdam, ILLC,
Post date: May 14, 2012
Open Post-Doc Position in Logics for Quantum Interaction
Deadline: June 6, 2012

The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation currently has a 2.5 year Post-Doc position available in Dr Sonja Smets' Vidi project on 'Reasoning about quantum interaction: Logical modelling and verification of multi-agent quantum protocols'.

VIDI Project: ‘Reasoning about quantum interaction: Logical modelling and verification of multi-agent quantum protocols’:

As for classical computing, logic is expected to play an essential role in the understanding of quantum computation and quantum information, and especially in the formal verification of quantum communication protocols. Such multi-agent applications involve quantum information flow and classical knowledge transfer (by classical communication) between the agents. So one of our aims in the Vidi research project is to develop the logical tools for modelling complex situations where different types of informational dynamics (classical and quantum) are combined. Our goal is to develop and use a combined classical-quantum logic for the full specification and formal verification of agent-based quantum protocols for secure communication. Towards this goal, we propose to use formalisms based on modal logic, especially combinations of dynamic (or temporal) logics and epistemic (or “spatial") logics. But other logical formalisms, such as probabilistic logic, linear logic and coalgebraic logic (or categorical logic, in general), are also useful in this context.

The task of the post-doctoral researcher is to join the Vidi team working on the development of the above mentioned logical tools for 1) the verification of quantum protocols where probabilities play an essential role (such as in Quantum Key Distribution) and 2) the study of the (classical and quantum) information flow in protocols dealing with the anonymity of an agent’s identity such as in the Quantum Dining Cryptographers and Quantum Electronic Voting.

We are looking for candidates with a strong interest in Quantum Information Theory and Logic (especially in any of the areas such as Modal Logic, Epistemic Logic, Dynamic Logic, Linear Logic, Categorical Logic or Quantum Logic).

Candidates should have (or obtain before 1st June 2012) a PhD degree in any area connected to Logic, Physics, Computer Science, Philosophy or Mathematics. Fluent English is a prerequisite.

Application instructions and further information can be found at:

Deadline for applications : 6 June 2012

University of Twente,
Post date: May 9, 2012
Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in Applied Ethics and/or Political Philosophy
Deadline: September 24, 2012

This is an abbreviated text; for full advertisement, see (Will be posted around 10-5-2012.)

The Department of Philosophy of the University of Twente in the Netherlands is looking for an Assistant Professor (full-time, tenure-track) in Applied Ethics and/or Political Philosophy with a (future) emphasis on technology

The Challenge

You teach ethics and political philosophy in the master program in Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society (PSTS) and teach professional and applied ethics and other areas of philosophy for bachelor and master programs in engineering and social science. You are involved in the supervision of master’s theses in the PSTS program and will at some point supervise PhD students in our PhD program in Ethics and Technology. You perform research in the area of political philosophy and/or ethics, with a focus on the role of technology in society.


You are appointed as assistant professor (full-time). A Tenure Track contract enables you to direct your own career based on fixed performance agreements, in relation to which promotion from UD (assistant professor) to UHD (associate professor) and subsequently to full professor is possible. A definitive assessment will take place no later than five years after commencement of the employment, following which employment for an indefinite period and promotion to associate professor may be agreed upon.
Salary is competitive: initial assistant professor salary is € 44,590 – € 69,360 per year, depending on experience. Starting date is January 2013 (negotiable). The University of Twente has excellent terms of employment.

Your profile

You hold a Ph.D. in philosophy, preferably with a specialization in ethics or political philosophy. You have either had a focus on technology in your past research or you have a demonstrable interest in focusing on technology for your future research. You already have an excellent list of publications in peer-refereed journals, and have relevant international experience.
You also have experience in teaching at the university level, preferably including students in science & engineering, social science, or other nonphilosophical fields, and preferably including professional and/or applied ethics. You are able and willing to teach in areas of philosophy outside your philosophical specialization and are willing and able to collaborate with researchers and teachers from nonphilosophical disciplines. You have an excellent command of the English language.

The department of philosophy is internationally leading in the philosophy and ethics of technology. It participates in the interuniversity 3TU.Center for Ethics and Technology (, and will house the directorship of the Center starting 2013. Both the department and the Center have a strong international orientation and include members from many different nationalities.

Information and application

For more information, please contact Prof. dr. Philip Brey, full professor and chair (email: p [dot] a [dot] e [dot] brey [__at__] utwente [dot] nl; phone: +31-53-4894426).
Your application should reach us by September 24th, 2012, and should include a CV, a letter of application (including a summary of your teaching evaluations), a summary and table of contents of your dissertation (or your full dissertation), a recent paper, and contact information for 3 or more references. Applications should be uploaded via

Institute for Logic, Language and Computation; University of Amsterdam,
Post date: April 14, 2012
PhD Fellowship at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation
Deadline: May 20, 2012

The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation at the University of Amsterdam has a vacancy for a

PhD Fellowship

for 38 hours per week
vacancy number W12-066

- Complete and defend a PhD thesis within the official appointment duration (see text below);
- regularly present intermediate research results at international workshops and conferences, and publish them in proceedings and journals;
- collaborate with the researchers in other relevant parts of ILLC;
- participate in the organization of research activities and events at ILLC, such as conferences, workshops and joint publications;
- assist in teaching activities of ILLC.

A Master's degree with excellent grades in a relevant field, such as logic, computer science, mathematics, artificial intelligence, linguistics, philosophy, musicology or cognitive science;
good academic writing and presentation skills;
good social and organizational skills.

The PhD candidate at the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam will be appointed for 4 years for 1.0 FTE under de terms of the employment currently valid for the Faculty. In the first instance, a contract will be given for 18 months, with an extension for the following 30 months on the basis of a positive evaluation

The salary for the position (on a full-time base) will be € 2042 during the first year (gross per month) and will reach € 2612 during the fourth year, in accordance with the CAO for Dutch universities.

Job application:
Applications for the PhD position should include a Letter of Motivation, a CV, a Research Statement, a writing sample, a list of grades obtained for your Bachelor and Master (or equivalent) programmes, as well as the names and contact details of two academic referees. Please supply each document separately in pdf format (not zipped), giving the files self-explanatory names (e.g. CV NAME.pdf).

Any additional relevant documents are most welcome. In particular, a writing sample (such as your MSc thesis, a published or submitted paper, or a term paper) can be sent either as a pdf or also (preferably) as a link to an online version.

The Research Statement (about 1 page long) should describe your research interests in general, as well as the specific research topics you wish to focus in your PhD work.

In the Letter of Motivation you can comment on why you believe ILLC would provide the right environment for your PhD studies: how and why your research interests fit the ILLC, which of the three groups (Logic and Computation, Language and Computation, Logic and Language) would fit you best, who (among the ILLC scientific staff) are the people that you see as potential collaborators, supervisors etc.

You are welcome to contact an appropriate member of the senior scientific staff at ILLC to discuss your plans ahead of applying formally.

Completed applications should be submitted by 23.59 hours (CET) on 20 May, 2012 to application-science [__at__] uva [dot] nl. Please quote the vacancy number in the subject line. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Further information:
For general information, you may also contact the Chair of the Selection Committee, Dr. Alexandru Baltag, at A [dot] Baltag [__at__] uva [dot] nl

University of Aberdeen,
United Kingdom
Post date: April 4, 2012
Senior Lecturer / Reader / Chair in Philosophy
Deadline: May 4, 2012

Senior Lecturer / Reader / Chair in Philosophy University of Aberdeen - School of Divinity, History and Philosophy Ref No: DHP001A

The School of Divinity, History and Philosophy continues to flourish as a centre of excellence in teaching and research in Philosophy and the School now looks to build further upon these achievements by recruiting an outstanding scholar into the post of Senior Lecturer / Reader / Chair in Philosophy.

Candidates with specialist research and teaching interests in the history of early modern and modern European philosophy, the philosophy of science broadly construed, and/or the traditions of moral philosophy are particularly encouraged to apply. The post-holder will contribute to research and teaching leadership within the discipline, and will cultivate research links with other disciplines within the University. S/he will expand and strengthen the development of the School's provision of courses at both undergraduate and taught postgraduate levels in Philosophy, as well as providing supervision of research students as appropriate.

Salary will be at the appropriate point on the Grade 8 salary scale for Senior Lecturer/Reader (£46,846 - £52,706 per annum) with placement according to qualifications and experience. A highly competitive remuneration package will be available for exceptional candidates considered for appointment at the Professorial level. Exceptional candidates may be considered for nomination to the Regius Chair of Moral Philosophy.

Informal enquiries are welcome and should be made to the Head of School, Dr. Philip G. Ziegler (Telephone: +44(0)1224 272 378, Email: p [dot] ziegler [__at__] abdn [dot] ac [dot] uk.

To apply for this position please send your CV and a covering letter in support of your application to: shapethefuture [__at__] abdn [dot] ac [dot] uk quoting reference number DHP001A

The closing date for the receipt of applications is 4 May 2012.

Radboud University ,
Post date: March 25, 2012
Two Ph.D. Positions and One Postdoc Position in Philosophy and Theology (1,0 fte)
Deadline: May 15, 2012

Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies
Vacancy number: 21.01.12
Closing date: 15 May 2012


This project examines the impact and the meaning of the present-day, mostly secular philosophical readings of the Letters of Saint Paul for the conception of faith and reason. It is divided into three subprojects.

Project 1, PhD position: Why Present-Day Philosophers Turn to Paul: Event, Comportment and Time.
This subproject examines why present-day philosophers such as Alain Badiou and Giorgio Agamben turn to Paul and what they find in his letters.

Project 2, PhD position: Paul among the Ancient Philosophers: Pistis as Reasonable Trust.
This subproject places Paul among his philosophic contemporaries and examines Paul’s use of pistis and pisteuein by comparing his use of these terms with the way in which ancient philosophers such as Plutarch and Epictetus use them.

Project 3, Postdoctoral position: The Truth of Conviction: Attestation, Testimony and Declaration.
This subproject examines how the reading of Paul’s letters influences and guides the development of the themes of attestation, testimony and declaration in present-day philosophy.

The project is a cooperation between Radboud University Nijmegen and the University of Groningen. Projects 1 and 3 will be carried out at Radboud University Nijmegen under the supervision of Dr G.J. van der Heiden and Prof. B. Vedder. Project 2 will be carried out at the University of Groningen under the supervision of Prof G. van Kooten.

Work environment
The Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies is one of the two pillars of the humanities domain and the smallest faculty at Radboud University Nijmegen. With its disciplines of philosophy, theology and religious studies, the faculty occupies a special place within RUN, which has a strong Catholic background. At this faculty, students learn to reflect on philosophical and ideological issues. The focus is on disciplinary education: philosophy, theology and religious studies, with opportunities for the expansion of knowledge on a multidisciplinary basis. The multidisciplinary research conducted at the Institute for Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies is of a high standard and forms the basis for the education offered. The faculty’s aim is to provide the best possible academic learning and working environment for its 700 students and 140 employees.

The Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies is one of the four oldest faculties of the University of Groningen. The university was founded in 1614 and ranks among the top 10% of best universities in the world. It has a wide variety of disciplines and is internationally oriented. This small faculty has a conducive academic ambience and is nationally and internationally renowned for its high quality of teaching and research. Its Centre for Religious Studies carries out multi- and interdisciplinary research into ancient and living religions, focusing on their literature, iconography, history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology and theology.

What we expect from you
Project 1, PhD position:
You should have an interest in continental philosophy and philosophy of religion. You are fluent in English and have, or will soon have, completed an M.A. in a field relevant to the project. You should also have the following competences: conceptual ability, presentation, planning and organization, and progress monitoring.

Project 2, PhD position:
You should have an interest in New Testament and Ancient Philosophy. You are fluent in English and have, or will soon have, completed an M.A. in a field relevant to the project. You should also have the following competences: conceptual ability, presentation, planning and organization, and progress monitoring.

Project 3, Postdoctoral position:
You should have an interest in continental philosophy and philosophy of religion. You are fluent in English and have, or will soon have, completed a Ph.D. in a field relevant to the project. You have published at least one article. Furthermore, you should have the following competences: conceptual ability, presentation, situational awareness and results orientation.

What we have to offer
We offer you:
- employment: 1,0 fte;
- in addition to the salary: an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3% end-of-year bonus;
- commencement date of the contract: August 15, 2012.

PhD positions:
- the gross starting salary amounts to €2,042 per month based on full-time employment, and will increase to €2,612 per month in the fourth year, based on a 38-hour working week;
- 4 years fulltime;
- you will be classified as a PhD student (promovendus) in the Dutch university job-ranking system (UFO).

Postdoctoral position:
- a maximum gross monthly salary of €4,374 based on a 38-hour working week (salary scale 11);
- the starting salary will depend on qualifications and experience;
- 3 years fulltime;
- you will be classified as a Researcher, Level 3, in the Dutch university job-ranking system (UFO).
Are you interested in our excellent employment conditions? Look at:

Would you like to know more?
Further information on the project, cf.

Prof. dr. Ben Vedder
Telephone: + 31 24 3612606, + 31 73 6442498
E-mail: b [dot] vedder [__at__] ftr [dot] ru [dot] nl

Prof. dr. George van Kooten
Telephone: + 31 50 3635584, +31 50 5890882
E-mail: g [dot] h [dot] van [dot] kooten [__at__] rug [dot] nl

Are you interested?
Interviews are planned for June 13 and 14, 2012.

Please include with your application:
- a curriculum vitae, including academic qualifications, grades, a list of publications (if applicable), and the names and contact details of two referees;
- a letter explaining your motivation, your interest in the project, and your competence in the research field;
- a proposal of 2 to 3 pages describing how you intend to conduct the project you are applying for;
- your M.A. thesis (Project 1 and 2) or Ph.D. thesis and a published article (Project 3).

Please indicate clearly for which position (project 1, 2 or 3) you are applying.
It is Radboud University Nijmegen's policy to only accept applications by e-mail. Please send your application, stating vacancy number 21.01.12, to vacatures [__at__] dpo [dot] ru [dot] nl, for the attention of Prof. Vedder (project 1 and 3) and for the attention of Prof.dr.G. van Kooten (project 2), before 15 May 2012.
For more information on the application procedure: +31 24 3611173