Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

Edutainmentcenter für Philosophie und Ethik,
Pommritz bei Bautzen/Dresden,
Post date: December 3, 2011
Innovative Philosophische Dienstleistungen
Deadline: February 13, 2012

Gesucht werden vorerst 2 freie Mitarbeiter mit der Fähigkeit, eine ganzheitliche Weltsicht als inspirierende Erlebniswelten zu den Themen "Freiheit", "Bewusstsein" und "Glück" zu gestalten und anderen freudvoll zu vermitteln.
Die bisherige Pommritzer Interaktive Lernwerkstatt für Philosophie und Ethik wurde und wird erweitert zu einem ganzheitlichen Dienstleistungszentrum für Philosophie. Philosophie wird dabei nicht als entrücktes Spielfeld für Abstraktionen, sondern als denkend nachvollziehbare und begeisternde Ganzheitserlebnisse verstanden, ohne welche weder persönliche Freiheit, noch ganzheitliche Gesundheit und Glück möglich sind.
Im Sinne Heideggers: "Das Denken vollbringt den Bezug des Seins zum Wesen des Menschen"; und Will Durants:
"Verhalten und Glauben der Menschen durchlaufen gegenwärtig eine Transformation, die tiefer und verstörter ist als je zuvor. Die glückliche Einheit der Instinkte ist vorbei und wir zappeln in einem Meer von Zweifeln. Inmitten riesiger Bestände an Wissen und Macht sind wir unserer Ziele, Zwecke und Werte unsicherer denn je. Vorbei ist die Balance des Geistes, welche einst aus einer warmen Religion kam. Wissenschaft nahm uns die übernatürliche Basis unserer Moral und alle Welt scheint verbraucht durch ungeordneten Individualismus, welcher die chaotische Fragmentierung unseres Charakters ausdrückt. Unser Leben ist sinnlos und leer, selbst wenn es am vollsten scheint. Wir bewegen uns mit unvorhersehbarer Geschwindigkeit über die Erde, aber wir haben kein Wissen und keine Ahnung, wohin wir gehen und wie wir wirkliches Glück für unsere getriebenen Seelen finden können.
Lasst uns unsere Angst vor unvermeidlichen Fehlern beiseitelegen, all die Probleme unserer Gegenwart überschauen und versuchen, alle Teile dieses Puzzles im Licht des Ganzen zu sehen. Lasst uns Philosophie als „ganzheitliche, holistische, integrale Perspektive“ verstehen, als Geist, der das Leben durchfließt und das Chaos ins Ganze integriert. Vielleicht bringt uns so verstandene Philosophie Heilung und Einheit unserer Seele. Durch eine solche Ganzheit des Geistes können Zwecke und Charakter jene Integrität bekommen, welche Persönlichkeiten ausmachen; und Sinn, Ordnung und Würde in unsere Existenz bringen. Philosophie ist harmonisiertes Wissen welches ein harmonisches Leben ermöglicht. Es ist Selbstdisziplin die uns sowohl zu Sicherheit als auch zur Freiheit erhebt. Wissen ist Macht, aber nur Weisheit bringt ganzheitliches Gesundsein, Freiheit und Glück." (Will Durant: Was ist Philosophie)

Leibniz Universität Hannover,
Post date: November 24, 2011
Post-doctoral position (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)
Deadline: December 15, 2011

Leibniz Universität Hannover seeks to fill a post-doctoral position ("Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter") within the Institute of Philosophy.

AOS: Philosophy of Science, broadly conceived, AOC: open. Initial appointment will be for three years, after which the position will be renewable for up to two more years. The salary scale is TV-L 13, which amounts to a minimum salary of ca. 39.800 € p.a. (possibly more, depending on experience). The position is attached to the Chair for Philosophy and History of the Natural Sciences (Professor Torsten Wilholt).

The Institute of Philosophy at Leibniz Universität Hannover has recently been re-organized with the aim of establishing an emphasis on philosophy of science. For a list of current faculty and other information see

The primary obligations of the postholder will be to conduct research on her or his own responsibility and to fulfill a weekly teaching obligation of four hours during term period. (This will typically mean two classes, with each of them meeting once a week for 90 minutes. There are two term periods per year, each lasting 15 weeks.) Cooperation with the other members of the Institute with regard to administrative tasks will also be expected.

An official job ad was published in German and can be found under Applications may be submitted in either English or German, with no preference given to either. The "usual application materials" mentioned in the official job ad include a cover letter highlighting your individual qualification for the position and explaining your future plans for research, a detailed CV (also including information on publications and courses taught) and photocopies of relevant certificates. Applicants should hold a PhD in philosophy or HPS (or similar program). Applicants nearing completion of their PhD can also be considered.

For informal enquiries please contact Professor Torsten Wilholt (torsten [dot] wilholt [__at__] philos [dot] uni-hannover [dot] de).

Applications must be received by December 15, 2011 and should be sent to

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Institut für Philosophie
Prof. Dr. Torsten Wilholt
Im Moore 21

30167 Hannover

Electronic applications in pdf format are equally welcome and should be sent to Professor Wilholt's email address, given above.

Leibniz Universität Hannover aims to promote women within the scope of the statutory provisions and, hence, emphatically invites qualified women to apply for this position. Severely disabled applicants will be given preferential consideration in the event of equal qualification. The University expressly welcomes applications by scholars and researchers from abroad.

Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict (ELAC),
United Kingdom
Post date: October 19, 2011
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Moral Philosophy or Law: Military Enhancement: Design for Responsibility and Combat Systems.
Deadline: November 10, 2011

Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Moral Philosophy or Law at the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict (ELAC)

Closes: 10/11/2011

Grade and salary: Grade 7: £ 29,099- £ 35,788 per annum

Applications are invited for a three-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict (ELAC) as part of a new collaborative research project with the 3TU. Centre for Ethics and Technology, Delft: ‘Military Enhancement: Design for Responsibility and Combat Systems’.

The post will specifically focus on the research theme ‘The Changing Context of the Ethics and Laws of War: Technology, Norms and Strategy’, working in close collaboration with one other Post-Doctoral Research Fellow based at 3TU and a Senior Research Network.

The project is funded by the Dutch Research Council NWO, and the Post-Doctoral Research Fellow will be employed by the Delft University of Technology, but seconded to and based at the Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR) at the University of Oxford.

Applicants must have completed (or have evidence of imminent completion of) a doctorate in a relevant area, specifically Moral Philosophy or Law. The duties and skills required are described in more detail in the further particulars available from the DPIR website at:

Further information about ELAC is available on our website:

Please send a CV, covering letter and the personal details and equal opportunities forms available on the DPIR website to: vacancies [__at__] politics [dot] ox [dot] ac [dot] uk

We expect to hold interviews in the week commencing 14 November 2011.

University of Fribourg,
Post date: October 12, 2011
Assistant/e-docteur à 50% dans la chaire intitulée "Philosophie de l'homme et des sciences humaines"
Deadline: November 15, 2011

Les domaines de recherche principaux autour de cette chaire: Les problèmes philosophiques de la conscience ; l’intentionnalité et la phénoménologie ; la phénoménologie de la perception, de l’action et de la pensée ; l’identité et l’individualité d’un être doté de conscience ; les débats sur le naturalisme et le dualisme ; les rôles des intuitions dans la philosophie.

Vous trouverez de plus amples informations au sujet des recherches sous le lien suivant :

• Doctorat en philosophie au moment de l'engagement
• Projet d'habilitation
• Expérience d'enseignement
• Intérêt particulier pour un des domaines de recherche mentionnés ou pour des domaines en étroite relation systématique avec ceux-ci
• Très bonne connaissance de l’anglais (actif et passif, écrit et oral)
• Une excellente connaissance d'une des deux langues (français ou allemand) est exigée et une bonne connaissance de l'autre langue est souhaitée
• la disponibilité d'enseigner en français au plus tard à partir du printemps 2013 est fortement souhaitée

• Un enseignement hebdomadaire de 2 heures durant 1 semestre par année académique
• Participation au travail administratif relié à la chaire concernée
• Recherche personnelle en vue d'une habilitation
• Participation active aux colloques et aux autres activités de recherches au sein de la chaire et du département.

En cas d’engagement, une activité de recherche supplémentaire dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche à soumettre au FN peut être envisagée. Le succès d’une telle démarche dépend de la décision du FN et ne peut donc pas être garanti.

Les lettres de candidature avec curriculum vitae, liste de publications et un projet de recherche (en vue d'une thèse d'habilitation ou équivalent) sont à envoyer jusqu'au 15.11.2011 au Prof. Martine Nida-Rümelin, Département de Philosophie, Université, Miséricorde, Avenue de l’Europe 20, CH-1700 Fribourg. Pour des informations supplémentaires (par ex. salaire, etc.), veuillez contacter le secrétariat de philosophie : Tél. +41 (026) 300 75 24, Fax +41 (026) 300 97 86, e-mail: philosophie [__at__] unifr [dot] ch.

University of Groningen, Faculty of Philosophy,
Post date: October 10, 2011
Two Fully Funded PhD positions
Deadline: November 16, 2011

Applications are open for research in any of the four principal research areas of the Faculty of Philosophy: History of Philosophy, Ethics, Theoretical Philosophy, and Practical Philosophy.

Deadline for applications: November 16.

The University of Groningen offers a salary that will range between € 2,042 gross per month in the first year up to a maximum of € 2,612 gross per month in the fourth year. The PhD position is for a period of four years, starting on January 1, 2012 and conditional on a positive evaluation after one year.

Applications for should consist of:

- An application letter with motivation
- Curriculum vitae, including academic qualifications, grades, a list of publications if applicable, and the name and contact details of a referee
- A research proposal (maximum 1500 words) that includes research questions, methodology and research plan.

Suitable candidates have, or will soon have completed, an M.A. or an M.Sc. in philosophy, can play an active role in the research community of the Faculty of Philosophy and are fluent in English.

Information about how to apply can be found at (Ref Nr 211165-66):
(click on job title, then on APPLY button in job description)

Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an international reputation as a dynamic and innovative center of higher education. The Faculty of Philosophy is a rich and lively community of excellent lecturers and researchers. The faculty has an excellent reputation, both in research and in teaching, and has a strong international orientation. For more information about the faculty see:

For information you can contact: Prof. M.V.B.P.M. van Hees, Director of Research,
Martin [dot] van [dot] Hees [__at__] rug [dot] nl

Department of Philosophy, University of Tartu,
Post date: September 20, 2011
Postdoc in analytic philosophy of language at the University of Tartu - Call for expression of interest
Deadline: October 1, 2011

The Estonian Ministry of Education and the Estonian Science Foundation will offer new research positions commencing in 2012 through its "Mobilitas" scheme. The purpose of the scheme is to develop and diversify Estonian research potential through scientific mobility and exchange of experience, and thereby to activate international exchange of knowledge, and support the development of careers of young researchers. Positions will be awarded on a competitive basis and will be full time for two or three years.

The Department of Philosophy of the University of Tartu welcomes expressions of interest from early career researchers (PhD awarded not earlier than 2006) interested in applying through our research project "Communication in Context". The project covers a wide variety of topics related to theories of reference, meaning and communication, and is part of an international EUROCORES project.

For more details contact Prof. Dr. Daniel Cohnitz (cohnitz [at] Promising candidates for a Mobilitas grant will receive assistance from our department in applying for the grant and in developing a detailed research proposal.

Remuneration in the postdoctoral research grant
For remuneration and taxes payable thereon postdoctoral researchers will be paid 25.600 EUR per year. To cover research costs, a budget of 3.200 EUR will be paid per year in non-experimental science disciplines. The postdoctoral researchers whose employment entails relocation from one country to another will receive a one-time relocation allowance in the sum of 6.500 EUR. The relocation allowance will be paid to the postdoctoral researchers who have not resided or worked (incl. studied) in Estonia during the period 1 May 2011 – 27 October 2011.

The assessment criteria for the scheme includes a consideration of the research environment of the host department. If your research falls within the area characterized above and you are interested in applying for a fellowship, we invite you to contact Prof. Dr. Daniel Cohnitz (cohnitz [at] outlining the proposed research area. Please also send a short CV.

Details on the Department of Philosophy can be found at: and

Details on the scheme can be found at:

Closing dates:

Expression of interest of the candidate - 1 October 2011.

Full application (by invitation only) - 21 October 2011.

Tu Delft,
Post date: September 19, 2011
3 PhD students New technologies as social experiments
Deadline: October 15, 2011

Delft University of Technology has four job openings as part of the research project New Technologies as Social Experiments: Conditions for Morally Responsible Experimentation. A complete description of the project can be requested, or is available on the website

2. Phd Student (vacancy number: ATTBM11-010): Nuclear energy technology as social experiment
3. Phd Student (vacancy number: ATTBM11-010): Biotechnology as social experiment
4. Phd Student (vacancy number: ATTBM11-010): Nanotechnology as social experiment

Each of the PhD projects focuses on a specific engineering domain. It specifies and tests the conditions for responsible experimentation for that technological domain. Each project will consist of two more specific case studies and a further theoretical development of the notion of social experimentation adapted to that domain. The candidate will participate in the PhD program of the 3TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology (
Possibly, one of the positions may be converted into a 3-year postdoc project. So, also people with a PhD can apply for these positions.

The candidate must have graduated in philosophy, engineering or a relevant socio-scientific discipline, like STS (science and technology studies). He or she will have demonstrable interest in applied ethics and in technology. It is recommended that the candidate has had experience in carrying out empirical research and has knowledge of the relevant technological domain studied in the PhD project.

Conditions of employment
The extent of this position is a maximum of 38 hours per week (1 FTE). The position has a temporary employment basis of four years. In the first year the salary will be € 2,042 gross per month, rising to € 2,612 gross per month in the fourth year.

Information and application
For more information about this position or to apply, please contact Dr. ir. Ibo van de Poel, phone: +31 (0)15-2784716, email: i [dot] r [dot] vandepoel [__at__] tudelft [dot] nl. To apply, please e-mail a detailed CV along with a letter of application by 15 October 2011 to vacature-tbm [__at__] tudelft [dot] nl.

When applying for one of these jobs always mention the vacancy number.

Tu Delft,
Post date: September 19, 2011
Postdoc New technologies as social experiments
Deadline: October 15, 2011

Delft University of Technology has four job openings as part of the research project New Technologies as Social Experiments: Conditions for Morally Responsible Experimentation. A complete description of the project can be requested, or is available on the website

1. Postdoc (vacancy number: ATTBM11-011): Regulation and governance of technological hazards

The key objective of this research project is to investigate the implications of adopting a conceptualization of technological development as a social experiment for the regulation and governance of technological hazards.

Applicants must have a PhD in philosophy, law or STS. They must have a demonstrable interest in applied ethics and the regulation and governance of technology. It must be obvious from earlier publications that candidates possess good analytical and philosophical skills. Finally we are seeking a postdoc who would like to work in a team.

Conditions of employment
The extent of this position is a maximum of 38 hours per week (1.0 FTE). The position has a temporary employment basis of three years. The estimated starting salary is between €2,379 to €3,755 per month gross (based on a full-time appointment and depending on experience).

Information and application
For more information about this position or to apply, please contact Dr. ir. Ibo van de Poel, phone: +31 (0)15-2784716, email: i [dot] r [dot] vandepoel [__at__] tudelft [dot] nl. To apply, please e-mail a detailed CV along with a letter of application by 15 October 2011 to vacature-tbm [__at__] tudelft [dot] nl.

When applying for one of these jobs always mention the vacancy number.

Universitaet Klagenfurt,
Post date: September 16, 2011
Postdoc Assitentin / Postdoc Assistent
Deadline: October 3, 2011

Die Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt schreibt gemäß § 107 Abs. 1 Universitätsgesetz 2002 folgende auf 6 Jahre befristete Laufbahnstelle zu Besetzung aus:

Postdoc-Assistentin / Postdoc-Assistent
am Institut für Philosophie, Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften im Beschäftigungsausmaß von 100% (Basis Uni-KV: B1 Postdoc). Voraussichtlicher Beginn des Anstellungsverhältnisses ist der 1. Februar 2012.

- Selbständige Forschung, spätestens ab Qualifizierungsvereinbarung entsprechend der darin festgehaltenen Aufgaben (insbesondere Habilitation oder gleichwertige wissenschaftliche Leistungen)
- Die Durchführung von eigenen Lehrveranstaltungen
- Die Konzipierung und Organisation von Tagungen (selbständig oder mitwirkend)
- Antragstellung für Drittmittelprojekte
- Mitwirkung an der Entwicklung des Instituts für Philosophie und der Fakultät für Kulturwissen-schaften
- Die Mitwirkung an Aufgaben im Rahmen der Akademischen Selbstverwaltung

Voraussetzung für die Einstellung:
- Ein abgeschlossenes Doktorat in Philosophie sowie Diplom bzw. Master in Philosophie
- Internationale einschlägige Publikations- und Vortragstätigkeit
- Erfahrung in der Einwerbung und Durchführung von Drittmittelprojekten
- Interdisziplinäre Forschungstätigkeit
- Didaktische Kompetenz
- Forschung bzw. Lehre auf wenigstens drei der folgenden Gebiete:
Hermeneutik/Phänomenologie, Philosophie der Technik, Politische Philosophie, Ethik, Religi-onsphilosophie, Französische und/oder Italienische Philosophie

Erwünscht sind:
- Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch, Englisch und einer romanischen Sprache
- Erfahrung im Rahmen der akademischen Selbstverwaltung
- Teamfähigkeit und Führungsqualitäten

Mitteilungsblatt der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt – Studienjahr 2010/2011 – ausgegeben am 03.08.2011 – 23. Stück Seite 6

Mit der Inhaberin/dem Inhaber einer Laufbahnstelle kann eine Qualifizierungsvereinbarung gem. § 27 Uni-KV für die Bereiche Forschung, selbständige Lehre, Leitungs- und Verwaltungsaufgaben, externe Erfahrungen abgeschlossen werden. Bei Abschluss der genannten Qualifizierungsvereinbarung erfolgt eine Einstufung als Assistenzprofessorin/Assistenzprofessor (Basis Uni-KV: A 2 Ass. Prof.). Erreicht die Stelleninhaberin/der Stelleninhaber die Qualifikation entsprechend der Vereinbarung, wird die betreffende Person als „Assoziierte Professorin“ / „Assoziierter Professor“ (Basis Uni-KV: A 2 Assoz. Prof.) in ein unbefristetes Anstellungsverhältnis übernommen.

Die Universität strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils beim wissenschaftlichen Personal insbesondere in Leitungsfunktionen an und fordert daher qualifizierte Frauen zur Bewerbung auf. Frauen werden bei gleicher Qualifikation vorrangig aufgenommen.
Menschen mit Behinderung oder chronischen Erkrankungen, die die geforderten Qualifikationskriterien erfüllen, werden ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung aufgefordert.
Bewerbungen sind mit den üblichen Unterlagen sowie einem Wissenschaftlichen Aufsatz oder Beitrag bis spätestens 03. Oktober 2011 unter der Kennung 639/11 an die Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Fachabteilung Personalentwicklung, Universitätsstr. 65-67, A-9020 Klagenfurt oder an pe [__at__] uni-klu [dot] ac [dot] at zu richten.

Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Abgeltung von Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten, die aus Anlass des Aufnahmeverfahrens entstehen.

University of Bayreuth,
Post date: September 9, 2011
Junior Professor for the Methodology of Economics
Deadline: September 30, 2011

The Philosophy & Economics Programme invites applications for a full-time position of

Junior Professor (W1) for the Methodology of Economics.

The position is offered for an initial period of three years and will be extended by a further three years following a positive evaluation.

The successful candidate will have completed a PhD and will have an aptitude for international level research and high quality teaching and supervision. The academic responsibilities include teaching (seven hours per week per semester) in our highly successful Philosophy & Economics BA and MA programmes and undertaking innovative research. The successful candidate is expected to play an instrumental role in the development of a doctoral programme and will be especially engaged in cooperation with the Department of Economics.

As we are seeking to recruit internationally no prior knowledge of German is required. Teaching and administrative duties can be carried out in English, although it is expected that a working knowledge of German will be gained within two-years.

The University of Bayreuth is an equal opportunity employer and aims to increase the number of female faculty members. Applications from female candidates are, therefore, explicitly encouraged. The University of Bayreuth was accredited as a Family Friendly University by the Hertie Foundation in 2010. Persons with disabilities will be given priority if equally qualified.

For further information about the post and the P&E programmes, please contact Professor Matthew Braham by e-mail (matthew [dot] braham [__at__] uni-bayreuth [dot] de). Please also visit our website at

Please submit your application electronically comprising a letter of application and a CV (including a list of publications, a record of teaching experience, and the names and contact details of three academic referees). Your application should be sent to the Secretariat for Political Philosophy (claudia [dot] ficht [__at__] uni-bayreuth [dot] de)