Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

University of Bayreuth,
Post date: September 13, 2012
Professor of Philosophy (Chair, W-3)
Deadline: October 12, 2012

UNIVERSITY of BAYREUTH – W3 Professor of Philosophy – Deadline: 12.10.2012

The Faculty of Cultural Studies at the University of Bayreuth is seeking to appoint a W3 tenured Professor (Chair) in Philosophy. The appointment is to start as soon as possible.

The applicant should have a track record of international research at the intersection of philosophy and economics. The applicant will be expected to make significant contributions to the development of the University’s “Governance and Responsibility” profile in research and teaching and in particular to the development of its doctoral programme. The professorship is a key component of the decision-theory oriented BA- and MA Philosophy & Economics degree programmes. The ability of the applicant to provide competent and engaged teaching in logic and argumentation theory is a necessity. Teaching experience in decision theory is also desirable. It is also required that the applicant be able to teach in English.

The appointment will be made in accordance with the rules for civil servants in the State of Bavaria (Art. 7 and Art. 10 para. 3 BayHSchPG). Further information can be found under: The University of Bayreuth is an equal opportunity employer in compliance with German law. Applications of women and disabled applicants are particularly welcome. Applicants with disabilities and with equal qualifications to other applicants will be given priority. The University of Bayreuth has been certified by the Hertie Foundation as a Family Friendly University (2010).

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae including a list of publications and teaching record as well as a description of current and future research and other academic aims and objectives to the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth no later than 12 October 2012. Please also send your application by e-mail (preferably as a single PDF file) to: dekanat [dot] kuwi [__at__] uni-bayreuth [dot] de.


For further information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Matthew Braham: matthew [dot] braham [__at__] uni-bayreuth [dot] de

Institute for Logic, Language and Computation; University of Amsterdam,
Post date: September 6, 2012
PhD student position in logic and theoretical philosophy @ ILLC, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Deadline: October 8, 2012

The Institute for Logic, Language and Computation at the University of Amsterdam has a vacancy for a

PhD candidate in logic and theoretical philosophy
vacancy number W12-180

This position is connected to the LogiCIC project which is funded by the European Research Council, under the ERC Starting Grant awarded to Dr. Sonja Smets.

The PhD position is part of the larger LogiCIC project on "The Logical Structure of Correlated Information Change".  The overall project aims to develop a uniform logical system that centres around correlated information change and can be used to explain and model various interactive scenarios. The project is interdisciplinary in nature and will combine insights and techniques from a range of research domains, including logic, quantum mechanics, philosophy of science, belief revision theory, truth approximation and learning theory. In total two PhD students, one postdoctoral researcher and the principal investigator will participate in the LogiCIC project.

For the Detailed Job Description and Further information see:


Candidates should have a Master's degree in Logic, Theoretical Philosophy, Artificial Intelligence or related areas. Fluent English is a prerequisite.
Job Profile:

We are looking for a candidate with a strong outspoken interest in Logic (especially in any of the areas such as Modal Logic, Epistemic Logic, Dynamic Logic, Linear Logic, Logic for Multi-Agent Systems in AI, Quantum Logic) and at least one of the following areas of research: Philosophy of Science and/or Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics, Game Theory, Belief Revision Theory, Formal Epistemology, Learning Theory, Truth Approximation Theory.

Applications should include:

a curriculum vitae;
a letter of motivation (at most 1 page) explaining why you are interested in this position;
a Research Statement (at most 2 pages), explaining your research interests and how you think they can be related to the topic mentioned
in the given Job Description;
a list of all university courses taken, including a transcript of grades;
a short summary of your Master thesis in maximum 2 pages. names and contact details (including email address) of two referees who can provide details about your profile (one of which could be the main supervisor of your Master thesis).

Applications should be sent by email to the personnel department of the Faculty of Science at application-science [__at__] uva [dot] nl with subject line:"Vacancy number W12-180: PhD ERC Smets". Please send your information in a single PDF file.

The closing date for application is 8th October 2012.

Centre of Excellence in Philosophical Psychology, Morality and Politics, University of Helsinki,,
Post date: August 17, 2012
Postdoc position in the History of Political Philosophy
Deadline: October 31, 2012

The CoE in Philosophical Psychology, Morality and Politics in the University of Helsinki invites application for a Postdoc position in the History of Political Philosophy.
About the Coe in PMP:

The PMP is a Finnish research project o the history of the philosophical psychology of ethical and political discourse. It belongs to the Academy of Finland’s programme of Centre’s of Excellence in Research, and functions at the University of Helsinki and Jyväskylä.The unit explores psychological assumptions in moral and political philosophy from classical Antiquity to the Enlightenment.
More information of the PMP, see

Tasks of Postdoc research:
A Postdoc research will focuse on the theme Moral psychology and sociability in early modern politics.

Ph.D. in Philosophy or in History of Political Thought

Period of research:
The appointment will be for a period between January 1st to December 31st, 2013.

The salary will be in accordance with university regulations for academic personnel.

How to apply?
Candidates should send by e-mail their CV, list of publication and a brief letter in which they explain their interest in the position.

Deadline is October 31st, 2012.

For additional information please contact Prof. Virpi Mäkinen, virpi [dot] makinen [__at__] helsinki [dot] fi.

University of Marburg,
Post date: July 31, 2012
PhD and Postdoc Positions in Philosophy of Programming
Deadline: September 1, 2012

We have open positions on the PhD and Postdoc level. These positions are at the intersection of philosophy and computer science, more specifically they are concerned with philosophical and ontological issues of computer programming. We expect applicants to be competent in one or more of the following areas:

- Philosophy of Language
- Epistemology
- Ontology
- Philosophical Logic

These positions are in a computer science department, hence we also expect a willingness to learn a lot about programming.

Salaries are competitive.

Please send informal enquiries to:
Klaus Ostermann (email address can be found on our website)

VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Psychology and Education,
Post date: July 11, 2012
PhD position Philosophy of Education f/m
Deadline: August 5, 2012

The department of Research and Theory in Education offers a PhD position Philosophy of Education f/m, for 1.0 fte.

About the institution:
The Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences consists of 10 scientific departments for education and research. The faculty is characterized by high-quality scientific research and by scientific education with a special focus on academic training.The Department of Research and Theory in Education is a dynamic and multi-faceted department. It teaches a broad range of students, including Bachelors and Master in Pedagogy, and teacher trainees for primary, secondary and higher education. The research program of the department encompasses a theoretical research line that investigates conceptual and normative ethical questions about education for the good life in a diverse society.

Tasks of PhD researcher:
The PhD researcher will conduct a theoretical research on human flourishing as an ideal aim of education. A research proposal is available. In the first years of the appointment the candidate is expected to undertake courses of the William James Graduate School, while in the final years the candidate will teach in the bachelor and master courses offered by the department.

·Msc or Mphil in Education, MA or Mphil in Philosophy or Theology;
·good ability to write and read English.

Further particulars:
The initial appointment will be for a period of one year. After satisfactory evaluation of the initial appointment, it can be extended with another three years . You can find information about our excellent fringe benefits of employment at

The salary will be in accordance with university regulations for academic personnel, and amounts to€ 2.042,- gross per month in the first year up to € 2.612,- in the fourth year (salary scale 85) based on a full-time employment.

For additional information please contact: Dr. Anders Schinkel, phone number +31 (0)20 5983843, e-mail: a [dot] schinkel [__at__] vu [dot] nl. Or: Prof. Dr. Doret J. de Ruyter, phone number +31 (0)20 5988874, e-mail: d [dot] j [dot] de [dot] ruyter [__at__] vu [dot] nl.

How to apply?
Candidates should e-mail their CV, their MSc thesis, MPhil thesis or other research papers (ifavailable), and a letter in which they explain their interest in the position to: VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Psychology and Education, attn Prof. Dr. D.J. de Ruyter, Van der Boechorststraat 1, 1081 BT Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It is also possible to apply by e-mail to: d [dot] j [dot] de [dot] ruyter [__at__] vu [dot] nl The deadline for application is August 5th, 2012.Please mention the vacancy number (1.2012.00163) in the e-mail header or at the top of your letter and on the envelope.

University of Zurich,
Post date: July 9, 2012
Assistant to the Chair of Theoretical Philosophy II / History of Philosophy
Deadline: August 10, 2012

The Institute of Philosophy at the University of Zurich invites applications for two assistantships (Assistenzstellen) to be filled a soon as possible. One of the posts is at the Chair of Theoretical Philosophy II (Glock), the other at the Chair of the History of Philosophy (Saporiti). The posts are part-time (50%); they are for one year in the first instance, but can be extended for up to another five years.

Job Description:
Successful candidates are expected to engage in a research project in a core area of theoretical philosophy and/or the history of theoretical philosophy. This project can lead either to a Ph.D. or, in the case of post-docs, a Habilitation. They may also conduct up to 2 hours of teaching per semester and are expected to assist the respective chairholder in the preparation of teaching, research, and the running of websites.

MA or equivalent in Philosophy
Good knowledge of German or English.

Applicants should submit a CV, a list of publications (but without offprints or writing samples), a research proposal, and the names of two referees. Applications are to be sent by 10 August 2012 to the Secretary of the Institute of Philosophy (see below). The University of Zurich seeks to increase the proportion of women in teaching and research, and hence explicitly encourages applications from qualified women.

Carmen Dürsteler, Institute of Philosophy, Universität Zürich, Zürichbergstrasse 43, CH-8044 Zürich, Switzerland. Email:

Information about the two chairs can be found at:

Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Ghent University,
Post date: July 7, 2012
2 Post-Doctoral Researchers
Deadline: August 12, 2012

The Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science at Ghent University ( is looking for 2 post-doctoral researchers for a research project entitled /Contextual and formal-logical approach to scientific problem solving processes /supervised by //Prof. Dr. Erik Weber and Prof. Dr. Joke Meheus.

We offer 2-year post-doctoral positions (October/November 2012 tillSeptember/October 2014). The research areas are the following:
(1) Position 1: Methodological and epistemological analysis of scientific reasoning processes.
(2) Position 2: Logical analysis of scientific reasoning processes.

Researchers with a PhD in philosophy or a related discipline (e.g. science studies or philosophy of a specific scientific discipline) who are interested in these positions can apply by sending an e-mail to Prof. Dr. Erik Weber (Erik [dot] Weber [__at__] ugent [dot] be ) before *12 August 2012.*Applications must contain a CV with list of publications and a 1 page research proposal that fits into one of the areas outlined above.

We particularly welcome proposals which relate to one of the topics thatare the currently investigated at the CLSP, such as: abduction, analogical reasoning, causation, belief revision, conceptual change, explanation, induction, scientific discovery, adaptive logics, erotetic logics, paraconsistent logics, ...

Post date: June 14, 2012
5 Promotionsstipendien / 5 PhD-Scholarships
Deadline: July 5, 2012

Das Graduiertenkolleg Alter(n) als kulturelle Konzeption und Praxis an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf vergibt zum 1. Oktober 2012

5 Promotionsstipendien

an exzellente und hoch motivierte NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen aus den Bereichen Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Germanistik, Japanologie, Kunstgeschichte, Geschichte, Geschichte der Medizin, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Philosophie, (medizinische) Soziologie, Kulturwissenschaften, Psychologie, Rechtsmedizin und Betriebswirtschafts-lehre. Die Stipendien richten sich an DoktorandInnen, die in ihren Dissertationsvorhaben interdisziplinäre Fragestellungen der Alter(n)sforschung behandeln. Sie haben Präsenz- und Residenzpflicht. Das Graduiertenkolleg Alter(n) als kulturelle Konzeption und Praxis bietet eine ausgezeichnete wissenschaftliche Ausbildung, eine differenzierte individuelle Doppelbetreuung, inner- und transdisziplinäre Diskussionsforen sowie ein innovatives und weiterqualifizierendes Studienprogramm.

Die Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils an. Bewerbungen von Frauen werden bei gleicher Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher Leistung daher bevorzugt berücksichtigt, sofern nicht in der Person eines Mitbewerbers liegende Gründe überwiegen. Die Bewerbung geeigneter Schwerbehinderter ist erwünscht. Die Laufzeit der Stipendien beträgt maximal 30 Monate. Die Besoldung entspricht den üblichen Stipendiensätzen der DFG. Das Graduiertenkolleg erhebt eine Altersbeschränkung auf 28 Jahre für die Bewerbung als StipendiatIn. Eine Anpassung kann erfolgen bei: geleisteter Kinderbetreuung, längeren Auslandsaufenthalten oder anderen biographischen Gründen.

Weiterführende Informationen zum Bewerbungsverfahren sowie alle relevanten Formulare finden Sie hier. Bitte verwenden Sie ausschließlich die dort hinterlegten Bewerbungsformulare.

Bewerbungen sind bis zum 5. Juli 2012 zu richten:

An die Sprecherin des
Graduiertenkollegs Alter(n) als kulturelle Konzeption und Praxis
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrea von Hülsen-Esch
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Institut für Kunstgeschichte
Universitätsstr. 1, Geb. 23.32.
D-40225 Düsseldorf


The Research Training Group ageing: cultural concepts and practical realisations (Alter(n) als kulturelle Konzeption und Praxis) at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität offers, beginning 1st October

5 PhD-Scholarships

for excellent and highly motivated doctoral candidates. Fields of research: Anglistics, German Studies, Japanese Studies, Art History, History, History of Medicine, History of Science, Philosophy, (Medical) Sociology, Cultural Sciences, Psychology, Forensic Medicine and Business Economics. The scholarships are for PhDs whose dissertation proposals regard interdisciplinary problems touching the scientific fields of age and ageing. The PhD has an obligation of attendance and residence. The Research Training Program ageing: cultural concepts and practical realisations (Alter(n) als kulturelle Konzeption und Praxis) offers an excellently structured PhD education, sophisticated and individual mentoring, inner- and transdisciplinary panels and also a systematic curriculum in transferable skills.

The scholarship will last for 30 months. The payment follows the general PhD funding of the DFG. The applicants should not be older than 28 years. We do make exceptions, for example: when you rise a child, when you stayed abroad for a longer period or when you can prove other biographical reasons.

For further informations and the download area please visit

Please send your application until 5th July 2012 to:

An die Sprecherin des
Graduiertenkollegs Alter(n) als kulturelle Konzeption und Praxis
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrea von Hülsen-Esch
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Institut für Kunstgeschichte
Universitätsstr. 1, Geb. 23.32.
D-40225 Düsseldorf

University of Salzburg,
Post date: June 11, 2012
Full Professorship in Theoretical Philosophy (with a focus on Analytic Philosophy) and its History
Deadline: September 17, 2012

Areas of Competence: main disciplines of Theoretical Philosophy, such as Epistemology, Ontology and Metaphysics, within the Analytic tradition. The candidate should excel at applying the methods of Analytic philosophy to the problems of these disciplines, thereby matching the profile of the department where research and teaching in philosophy is traditionally seen as akin to working in the exact sciences. Research in the history of Theoretical philosophy, in particular in its Analytic tradition, is regarded as an additional asset. Further formal requirement: habilitation or equivalent in philosophy.

The complete German text of the advertisement as well as the application form can be downloaded from If you would like to apply for the position please send all necessary documents to the Rector of the University of Salzburg, Prof. Heinrich Schmidinger (Kapitelgasse 4, 5020 Salzburg, Austria), by 17 September 2012.

University of Salzburg,
Post date: June 11, 2012
Full Professorship in Logic and Philosophy of Science
Deadline: September 17, 2012

Areas of Competence: Logic and Philosophy of Science. The candidate should excel at applying formal philosophical methods to various fields of the sciences and humanities, thereby matching the profile of the department where research and teaching in philosophy is traditionally seen as akin to working in the exact sciences. Due to the relevance of Logic and Philosophy of Science for all kinds of academic disciplines, it is very important that the candidate is prepared to engage in interdisciplinary cooperation with various kinds of institutions at the University of Salzburg. Further formal requirement: habilitation or equivalent in philosophy.

The complete German text of the advertisement as well as the application form can be downloaded from If you would like to apply for the position please send all necessary documents to the Rector of the University of Salzburg, Prof. Heinrich Schmidinger (Kapitelgasse 4, 5020 Salzburg, Austria), by 17 September 2012.